Community > Posts By > MindfreakMandy

MindfreakMandy's photo
Sun 03/20/16 11:38 AM
Some of you may have heard of this dating website. Of course, there is some controversy about it. People think it is a racist website (even though there is a Where Black People Meet dating site and other site for such things). People are of course saying the site is racists because white people should be open to dating all non-whites. Whether it is racist or not is irrelevant. Why does anybody have the right to tell people who they should be attracted to and date? This bothers me because the people who have a problem with this are not applying gender to their logic. They are not saying "Everyone should be bisexual. It's wrong not to only want to date people of one sex." Guess what? Being straight means you are excluding half the population. Having ethnic preferences excludes less people.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Mon 08/10/15 12:33 PM
It's for a possible member of Parliament which is Federal. The politician is a woman.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Mon 08/10/15 11:49 AM
I just saw a job posting for UNPAID work. The job is for someone to film and edit a video piece for a politician who is running for a nomination in a riding. Take that in. A politician is not paying for this. It is SO disgusting!!!

MindfreakMandy's photo
Mon 08/10/15 09:54 AM
So if they thought there were ugly, they would not even try to have careers in the entertainment industry.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Sun 08/09/15 12:57 PM
This annoys me. None of them are particularly ugly. They have no business talking about something like this. Especially the ones who have nude pictures.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 08/07/15 11:18 AM
But what's the point of clogging the forums up with things people aren't interested in?

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 08/07/15 11:16 AM
I believe that people should make their dreams/visions a reality, but not if they're going to ask strangers to help them for free. That's just selfish. I would feel like a total ******* doing that. Plus, there are so many options for funding these days. I don't go out asking random people to improve my life. Nobody else should, either.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 08/07/15 11:09 AM
Well, I created a couple of threads a long time ago that have no replies. There is no point having my posts there.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 08/07/15 11:07 AM
This happened to me a few years ago and it also happened to my co-worker recently, so I'm going to share it.

We sell food where I work including pizza. A customer ordered a cheese slice. For some reason, stupid me thought she meant an actual slice of cheese like Kraft Singles. I had such a puzzled look on my face when she ordered it. I said to my co-worker "Do we have any cheese slices?" and he brought me over a slice of cheese pizza. I finally understood. For some reason, things didn't register properly in my brain.

The same thing happened to a co-worker last week. I wasn't working in that stand, but somebody told me about it. In this case, she actually brought the cheese slices (which we have for burgers) out and the customer saw and was laughing!!!

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 08/07/15 10:58 AM
Why is there no delete button?!

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 08/07/15 10:56 AM
ujGearhead School internships are good and different that unpaid work not related to school. I really don't understand your last statement. How does what I want make the rich get richer? I want people (most of whom are nowhere near well off) to get paid so they can actually afford the bare necessities.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 08/07/15 10:27 AM
I'm opening the discussion on unpaid internships and such. In terms of actual internships, I don't mind that they are not paid. At least you're not stuck in a classroom essentially doing what you've been doing for the past almost 20 years. You're out there doing something and learning through hands-on experience. However, I have a real problem with JOB POSTINGS for jobs that pay little to no money. In the field I am going into (media) this is quite common. If people can't afford to pay their crew and cast a decent wage, they should not create the project.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Sat 07/25/15 11:44 AM
When people are at the TTC collector booth. I just want to quickly show my metropass and walk properly through. I don't want to wiggle past people or waste time swiping my pass at another entrance. This annoys me to no end because most of the time there is somebody at the booth buying something.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Tue 02/24/15 10:53 AM
Yes, and it's happened at other awards in previous years. It's not right. Oprah does not represent all black people.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Tue 02/24/15 10:30 AM
Whenever Oprah is in a room such as at an awards ceremony and racism is brought up, the camera shot always cuts to her. It is so annoying! Oprah is NOT he only black person in the room or in the world!!! What is so special about her? Show someone else - perhaps a light-skinned black person!!!

MindfreakMandy's photo
Sat 02/14/15 01:02 PM
It's annoying when stores in a mall relocate. The Sephora at the Eaton Centre moved right across to the other side of where it originally was a couple of years ago. The new store may be bigger, but it sure isn't better.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 01/09/15 06:29 AM
It's annoying when an item at the store has no price underneath it or no price printed on it. Why should I have to pay for an item that has no price? It should be free!

MindfreakMandy's photo
Sat 01/03/15 12:59 PM
It annoys me when I am on a bus or streetcar that is just about to pull off and it stops to pick up someone who is running to catch it when it's nice out or there will be another vehicle shortly. If it is not cold out, WAIT like other people did!!!

It also EXTREMELY annoys me when people who are waiting for the streetcar of bus do not have their fares out!!! They are delaying the trip!!!

MindfreakMandy's photo
Thu 01/01/15 09:26 AM
I hate when I'm walking and a couple walking towards me is holding hands and they refuse to let go so I can walk through between them and so I end up brushing against them. Idiots!!!

MindfreakMandy's photo
Thu 01/01/15 09:12 AM
I am not.

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