Community > Posts By > WhiteSox0507
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Mon 12/03/07 02:03 PM
However all things being equal... taking into account my 26+ years on this earth above your 18 year old existence, lets just say we are on common ground. But.. getting back to the quotes. ...then number closed The best friends test worked... a kiss close... I used the adoption opener... All of them are calculated ways to get someone to do things they otherwise would not do. In my case, sign a business agreement and write a sizable check. They work too. Provided I am not looking down the road and could care less about repeat business. In my younger years I used them, pretty effectively. Now that I am a little more mature and own my own business. I like to be able to sleep at night, look at myself in the mirror, have trusting long term relationships in my business, so I don't use them in either business or personal life. I respond to my clients as people and business owners with issues and needs particular to them. I do that because I really do care. Using some boiler plate scheme would not convey that care in the slightest. The second quote indicates that there are common rating systems that enables an individual to establish their target or targets, purely based on visuals and observation from a distance. Which is pretty dehumanising. That was pretty long so I'm going to reply to it in certain sections. 1) A number close just means you got the girls phone number. Really, it's not a big accomplishment because most phone numbers are flakes. You don't need to be a PUA to get a fake number. Adoption opener is just a way to initiate a conversation. Kiss close is getting a kiss. If a girl doesn't want to kiss you, she isn't going to. A kiss close isn't a way of manipulating her into it. And people find it fascinating when someone who has never met them before can tell something about them. The best friend test demonstrates this. 2) Maybe we have more in common than you think. I'm currently attempting to open my own business with a friend (not a PUA business, it's for medical billing). "I respond to my clients as people and business owners with issues and needs particular to them." Women of beauty are approached and hit on all the time. What they need is somebody fun and interesting. A lot of PUA routines are just to get your foot in the door. Once you've reached the social hook point and have been accepted into the group, then you can be yourself. Openers and routines demonsrate value to create the intial attraction. The comfort phase is when you can sit down with a woman and discuss whatever you want. At this point, you can find out she doesn't posess the qualities you're looking for, and at the very worst you've made a new friend. 3) As for the rating system, sadly, men are visual thinkers. A woman's looks are one of the first things we notice. It's amazing though that most beautiful women don't have the personality you're looking for in a partner. But looking around a room, whether you want to admit it or not, you use a woman's looks to judge what you want. If there is no physical attraction, you'll probably have little interest in meeting her. In all fairness though, PUA's have a code to follow with the rating system. No woman is ever rated below a 6..ever. I'm not trying to call you ignorant. We are a few decades apart in age and the times we grew up in were different. I was always told be nice to women, buy her dinner, etc. But the reality is women today aren't looking for a push over. The basic theory behind it is called the Cat String Theory. If you put a string in front of a cat and pull it away, the cat will chase it. If you drop the string on the floor, the cat will get bored and walk away. Women just want a challenge. It doesn't mean a guy has to be an asshole or manipulate her. Men can be challenging in a fun, playful way. I think it really is the generation gap here. There's different beliefs about relationships and the "rules" for dating have changed over the years. |
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Mon 12/03/07 11:29 AM
I took the time to wander around a blog or two on the subject. I was not impressed. The guys sounded pretty juvenile... The point of this quote from one of them was wasted on me. It all seems so very pedantic and without any real purpose other then some self-aggrandizement that eludes me. _______________________________________ The Spanish Chicks I could have just stayed in the conversation. I could have found out more about them, and then number closed them. Honestly, I don’t think it would have been too hard of a number close. The best friends test worked with them, but I am not going to use it anymore. I don’t need it. The Redhead After I pulled her away, I was in. I could have just told her to come sit down with me and tell me about herself. From there, I could have gone for a kiss close. The 3 hotties. I used the adoption opener. I could have just followed up on that by accusing the hot girl of grabbing my ass. We will have to see what happens next. ___________________________________________ Huh? Then there was this: ___________________________________________ If you peruse the archives, you’ll find that I haven’t ranked women in quite some time. Ok, I whipped out the “FUPA, GUPA, and CHALUPA” definitions, but that was more for self-amusement. I mean you’ll never see me describe a girl as “HB 9.574.” On one hand, that number may give you an idea of her level of beauty. If you follow a seduction method that emphasizes assessing a woman’s value to assist in calibration or “negging,” then this number may be helpful. However, there is a cost. ___________________________________________ All I see is a guy that really likes to both, hear his own voice and read his own writing. So.. Whitesox. I have no real idea if this is the sort of thing you are talking about.. If it is, best of luck. Personally I think that all this will get you is a well lubricated, tired hand, an empty box of tissue and maybe a limited following of guys that don't really know any better. One would think, that is easy enough to achieve without having to be coached and study for it. The first guy you quoted just initiated a chat with different women, could've gone farther with them, but decided not to. What's wrong with that? He had a good time, met some new friends, but based on his own feelings he felt they weren't relationship type. The second guy you quoted said he was no longer going to use the HB rating system. I respect him for that. When he also says "However, there is a cost" he is absolutely right. Some people will take advantage of the method and solely use it to get with women. However, the majority of men that discover PUA's use the method to find that special someone. They become more social, meet more people, and eventually do find that person. Style and Mystery are the 2 top pick-up artists in the world. Style found that someone he was looking for and left the PUA community. But if he hadn't learned it, he never would've met her. But really, after reading what those 2 men put, how can you criticize them? What did they do wrong? If anything, they were respectful towards women like you claim men should be. |
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Mon 12/03/07 10:52 AM
The methods of a PUA are dishonest and it is a game... I think it's ludicrous PUA methods involve going to date sites and using numerous ids and screw with females till you get comfortable talking to a female....and comfortable with your game. So much talk about the player's manual.... a player's manual is commonly associated with sports and games. Negative self talk is an example of how we limit ourselves and stop any hope of a positive outcome by convincing ourselves that the negative view is appropriate. It almost certainly is not and serves no purpose other than confirming your fears and preventing you from daring to step out into the unknown, where success lives and you also can find yourself Eph. ![]() Who says any of us are running "game" on women here? Negative talk? Don't you think you are being negative by criticizing this without even giving it a chance? Look into it. Really learn and understand what being a PUA is about. Then, if you still don't agree with it, that's your personal choice. What if, instead of calling it the pick-up arts, we referred to it as the venusian arts (translated: the art of love). You would probably have a different view of it. You're judging us based on the stereotype that the term pick-up artist is just a "player" out to sleep with as many women as possible. |
Is it that you believe that any _method_ for engaging women is inherently dishonest or that the methods used by pickup artists in particular are dishonest? I ask because the fact of the matter is, I'm going to use need _some sort_ of a method. I'm here at this web site in the first place because I have severe problems even getting off my barstool and saying hello. You say to trust my heart and my gut, but that, unfortunately, is a "death sentence" to me. My heart and my gut tell me that talking to people I don't know is pointless. Other people, after all, have better things to do than engage in conversation with strangers at bars. I feel nothing but fear and dread at the thought of interrupting somebody and imposing upon them with the assumption that they'd like to talk to me. (You can TELL me that this isn't the case, and I KNOW that this isn't the case, but I'm just letting you know how things stand when I let myself be ruled by my heart and my gut.) Every guy gets approach anxiety and psyches themself out. Mystery's method teaches what he calls the cold approach. You simply act as you're going to walk past the group, then over the shoulder turn and ask a question like it just came into your mind. Then you stack forward into more material and it becomes a situation where they find you interesting and don't mind talking to you. At the end of the night, they'll be glad they met you. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
When I saw the name "Mike Long," I did some quick Googling. Holy crap, if it's not the same Mike Long who plays (played?) Magic: The Gathering and got caught cheating during a high-profile event. What a crazy, small world. What does that Mike Long look like? The one Mystery teamed with is a balding guy with glasses and is an internet marketer. |
lol in David D's Mastery program, he invited both Mystery and Tyler as guest speakers and they ended up having an AMOGing duel on stage ![]() I've only heard about this in reviews - I haven't actually seen it, but I would like to. Hahaha, I'd love to see that. Did they say who won? I know Tyler spent a lot of time learning how to beat AMOGs, but I think Mystery would be better at it. He's got better frame control |
It is my understanding that part of the PUA playbook includes techniques for approaching a woman and making conversation. Even assuming that the PUA's motivation is dishonest or ungentlemanly (and I don't believe that it always is), I don't understand why I couldn't benefit from learning how pickup artists engage women in conversation and keep their interest. If you say one interesting thing, people will say "That was interesting". If you say 10 interesting things in a row, people will say "You're interesting". PUA techniques teach you different things that you can use to start a conversation and have the woman maintain interest in you. This is part of the attraction phase. Once you build attraction you can move onto comfort. This is when you can find out the real her and you can talk about things such as literature and board games. The problem is most guys try to start in the Comfort phase before building attraction. |
It is my understanding that part of the PUA playbook includes techniques for approaching a woman and making conversation. Even assuming that the PUA's motivation is dishonest or ungentlemanly (and I don't believe that it always is), I don't understand why I couldn't benefit from learning how pickup artists engage women in conversation and keep their interest. If you say one interesting thing, people will say "That was interesting". If you say 10 interesting things in a row, people will say "You're interesting". PUA techniques teach you different things that you can use to start a conversation and have the woman maintain interest in you. This is part of the attraction phase. Once you build attraction you can move onto comfort. This is when you can find out the real her and you can talk about things such as literature and board games. The problem is most guys try to start in the Comfort phase before building attraction. |
Yup Tyler's got a pretty bad rep. Personally I'm not too big of a fan and I don't highly of him, either...he's even kinda annoying to listen to haha (I have one of his audio programs). I guess I'm just too used to David D's low, comforting voice as opposed to Tyler's high-pitched, fast voice. He's prolly not as bad as Savoy, though. He actually took over Mystery's company with financial prowess and it still bears the name The Mystery Method Co. and forced Mystery to branch off to a new company which he now calls The Venusian Arts. Both of them are horrible. They took what Mystery took 10 years developing by himself and used him as a stepping stone to steal it and make money off of his method. Mystery also teamed up with Mike Long and started Area 51 Lifestyle. |
A pickup artist is a player and at 18 life is a game... Once you get older and wiser you realize life is not a game. What amazes me, is there are genuine decent guys listening to this shyt... in the past 2 weeks there has been so much PUA artist threads that this had really made the quality of this site steer many away. Again players and PUA's...."games" and real people looking for honest and real relationships are above the elementary levels the self proclaimed PUA's and players are at.... But these wonderful posts have enlightened us to many things.... Buyer beware.... Most men are shy and self conscience. So you suggest sitting around waiting for the right person to come into your life? Why not learn the skill set to approach a group of people? Maybe the person you've been looking for to have that real and honest relationship is standing in an aisle at the grocery store. If you don't know how to approach her, you might never meet her. Or if you do meet somebody, why can't you know how to do certain things to excite her by having fun? Do you think you should just buy her gifts (ie. dinner, flowers, etc.) to get her attention? Too many people see the term pick-up artist and assume it's just some guy out for sex. It goes a lot deeper than picking up women. You just won't understand that until you look into it for yourself. |
Tyler may be a mPUA, but he's, for lack a better word, a jerk. He stole Mystery's method and tore down his social status when they were out. He broke down every part of Style's game, copied it, and ripped him down too. On top of that, Tyler and Papa took over Project Hollywood and RSD even though both of them were the brain child of Mystery.
The pickup arts aren't just about getting women, it's about creating a lifestyle. It's about making changes to become a better person. What's wrong with building self confidence and learning to interact with people? Learning better body language and getting involved in more activities? People call it a game, but really, life is a game. You just have to know how to play it.
Please help need advice.
ugh u guys dont get it... why are yall so desperate in communicating interest? it does nothing to appeal to a woman's emotional brain and does nothing to ATTRACT her. WOW, if ONLY I had ALL your wisdom when I was just I NEVER WOULD OF FOUND MY WIFE THEN!!!! ![]() ![]() oh no not another one lol by the way, it's "would have" not "would of" I'm not trying to preach WISDOM, per say. I'm trying to inform people of a technical SYSTEM which I have learned using intelligence, which is kinda different from wisdom. Like David D. says, most guys just don't get it. But it's true. The system does work. It's a combination of things a man can do to trigger a woman's emotional circuitry that makes her attracted to him. |
Isn't it funny...
Part of it is just the environment, I have much better chance of leaving a better impression on someone if I just passed them on the streets and said "Hello." Online a person only gets to see a part of you, then they let their imagination fill in the gaps where as in person that simple "Hello" can really shine as one will be able to see how you carry yourself, hear the tone you speak with, see your smile, etc. True. I think the problem is that since it's a dating site, people tend to think you're after just one thing. But if you're on the site, it means you're looking for something whether it's a friendship or a relationship. It just interests me when people can say they are open people, but turn around and do things like that. I'm not saying they are bad people. I just think they need to re-evaluate themselves. |
Isn't it funny...
Thank you
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Hey Southwest Chicago
Actually, NW In, very close to Chicago... But, yup, miss sliders, and the pizza... down here, they have Krystals, which is like sliders, but lower quality... if you happen to be at an Aurelios Pizza, have a slice for me! LOL! ![]() ![]() |
Isn't it funny...
I just find it hypocritical and as such I don't have a lot of patience for BS. It is hypocritical. But that should tell you something about that person. And is that the type of person you really want to associate with and get to know better? Someone so judgemental that they blow you off for trying to say hello? Letting something like that affect your emotions means you're giving control to someone who doesn't deserve it. It really is their loss. They had a perfectly good opportunity to meet a new friend and possibly something more and they blew it. |
Isn't it funny...
Sorry, no I do not find it humoring... I find it irritating. Why? Who are they to make you feel irritated? If they don't want to get to know you, then that's their problem. |
Isn't it funny...
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Although I did laugh at what you said about Soccer and Basketball, according to you, the only "true" sport is football. Baseball isn't meant to be a contact sport, but it does happen such as railroading the catcher or breaking up a double play. And if you're going to call baseball players wussies, you should be calling football players wussies for wearing pads then. You should be a rugby fan since it's football without such extensive padding.