Community > Posts By > summerbaygirl

summerbaygirl's photo
Fri 08/13/10 03:01 AM

You will please be being so kind as to accept my notification to you of the luck which have befallen you so fortunately. It is my pleasured to say that my bank has of record found an account which was going to have been expired most in future, but research has proven that your uncle five times removed on your mother's great-aunt's family history tree left a will in our Safety Depositing Box and your name have legally been linked to the monies currently residing in our bank on deposit and gaining in annual yearly interesting. Please to be sending us your personal check (with your mother's maidening name, your 'secret question' and 'secret answer' and your password to your email accounting mail services) in the amount of $25,000 (Twenty-five thousand and no/100 $US). As soon as we are verifying that this information is indeed validified and is linking you to our records, we will be happy to forward you your inheritance which is quite - if I may be saying so my own self - a impressive sum. Thanking you for your ever so friendly cooperation, I remain

Sir Prince Charles Umongo Ngomo
Bank of Nigeria and Upper Sudan, Chad Branch

What the heck are you tlaking about?

All there're talking about is the reason i started this forum topic, Total Bull Crap............ Can u believe all that BSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!

summerbaygirl's photo
Wed 08/11/10 10:13 AM

two sides to every issue. what women don't remember, is we have the same thoughts as you do. how do we know your telling the truth? sometimes it helps to meet someone more than once, just to weed out the shyness or trying to figure out who's telling what lie. pictures can say a thousand words, but sometimes that's not enough. we when chat with someone without talking or seeing them in person, we tend to get a picture of who and what the are by reading what they say. then when you meet them in life, it might be completely different than what you thought. it's like when they make a movie out of book you read, you may r may not like the characters based or what you thought they were while reading the book.

This is true i agree it is better to meet in person because i have met a few people who were total a**holes in person but were not on the internet. Also maybe we should not meet strange people over the internet in RL and just find ones who we can see first hand instead of going through all the trouble.

I feel ya!!!

summerbaygirl's photo
Tue 08/10/10 02:57 PM

manbashing 101.. learn how here...

U sound as if ur up 4 some good old English bashing, it hurts just 2 let u know!!!!!

summerbaygirl's photo
Tue 08/10/10 02:56 PM

manbashing 101.. learn how here...

I'd laugh if it weren't so true...

its aabout time some 1 get some bashing around here!!!! LMAO

summerbaygirl's photo
Tue 08/10/10 01:30 PM

Been there, done that....

How many have u weed out so far!!!! LMAO

To many to count. Not only are a lot of people liars but they like to make it seem like they're something they're not. I guess that's everyone cause you can really say or do what you want when it comes to the internet.

Now when it person, they clam up as if they haven't met someone new before.

EXACTLY...what's up with that??? Was with him for 2 yrs. and from the very start he fed me the line, "I am like no other man you have ever known." To this day I never did figure out what he meant by that. He is no different from any other man I have known. And the lies on the profile...why?

Because he was a ****

summerbaygirl's photo
Tue 08/10/10 11:43 AM

Been there, done that....

How many have u weed out so far!!!! LMAO

summerbaygirl's photo
Tue 08/10/10 11:25 AM

Well for some men....

Youl find a bottle of that spray

right next to the....

"Miracle Grow"


I agree, Some of them really need it, if u know what a mean tammy!!

summerbaygirl's photo
Tue 08/10/10 11:20 AM

Welcome summer and Kelly!!


Just get me some spray so i can start the weeding

summerbaygirl's photo
Tue 08/10/10 11:19 AM
Cheers Tammy, think we're gonna get along just fine!!!! Am behind u with the weeding

summerbaygirl's photo
Tue 08/10/10 10:43 AM
well u can start barking up "Gossipmpm" tree, i hear her calling!

summerbaygirl's photo
Tue 08/10/10 10:37 AM
They r already taken

summerbaygirl's photo
Tue 08/10/10 01:41 AM
..........yea! just like i'll beware meeting some 1 in every day life (never mind online) they r every where, if u wanna sum it up!!!! lol

summerbaygirl's photo
Tue 08/10/10 01:28 AM
There is 3 possible logic to the the situation....... he might be away not been able 2 contact due to location.................... He might be dead........................ He might be in jail....................... oh 4get! the 4th is he might not b interested and just mentioned a 2nd date as a decoy, has he had probably made is mind up whilst on the 1st...................he is a coward!!! TIME 2 MOVE ON LOVE

summerbaygirl's photo
Tue 08/10/10 01:22 AM
..............I hear u, definitely will take ur advice into consideration!

Much appreciated

summerbaygirl's photo
Tue 08/10/10 01:18 AM
I know it says Mingle 2! However if there are certain specification listed in ones profile, then whats up with the BS? So no, not really agreeing that thats what its all about!!!!

...........and yea am pretty cool and thanks 4 shouting out MR Beachfarmer

summerbaygirl's photo
Tue 08/10/10 01:01 AM
What's the point that some people just join a dating site and put a bunch of BS just to get a lot of viewers or lure those that are genuine interesting in meeting people. The amount seems to be getting lager than life, making it difficult for the online dating industry and for others to trust online dating!