Community > Posts By > rich4luv2

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Mon 07/28/08 01:41 PM
good advice too... i try to make it the first thing i do when something hits a fan :)

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Thu 07/24/08 01:37 PM
wow. and um, thanks again for your power of example T... wow.

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Thu 07/24/08 01:18 PM
Ricardo Expando: Are not brazen replies really a form of elitism, arrogance, and inner-frustration?

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Thu 07/24/08 01:09 PM
thank you :)

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Thu 07/24/08 01:05 PM
woops. guess i crossed a line.

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Thu 07/24/08 11:36 AM
and this is where i depart from metaphysics.... can't be rolling with that ego. Eases God Out.

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Thu 07/24/08 02:33 AM
in my experience, i find that i operate out of either fear or love. when i decide to be a loving person, i am drawing nearer to God. if i decide to be a fearful person, i am departing from my faith in God. that pretty much sums it up... moment to moment, i have this choice with each of those.

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Tue 07/22/08 09:27 PM
lol! spiritual principles work for me in my life whether I believe or I don't... and it also doesn't matter if i read it from a book or the back or a can of pringles.

that said, I believe that the Truth cannot be spoken, nor written I presume.

good luck with your journey

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Tue 07/22/08 09:16 PM
why not? i am no better or worse than anybody else..

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Tue 07/22/08 07:10 PM
Edited by rich4luv2 on Tue 07/22/08 07:10 PM
I love how people who do NOT have a relationship with a Higher Power feel a need to hang around, act superior, and/or allow themselves to become elevated by people who DO have a Higher Power... love them anyway...

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Mon 07/21/08 08:02 AM
To me, faith is my confidence in my ability to be a loving person rather than a fearful person. It is a measurement of my spiritual fitness... I guess that means loving even those who would attack my beliefs...

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Sun 07/20/08 02:02 PM
love with no motive... i'll shoot for that - sounds "divine" :)

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Sun 07/20/08 08:39 AM
what other kind of love is there? unconditional? does that exist?

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Sun 07/20/08 06:12 AM
i'm thinking maybe they are polar opposites... however, i make choices every day that involve flavors that are both loving and fearful... i seem to be able to make a choice - in terms of which to feed.

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Sun 07/20/08 06:01 AM
is there such a thing? any merit that can come of it? is that what I am seeking on this site? or should i start off with more enlightened motives...

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Sat 07/19/08 01:35 AM
I haven't met anyone... tho for me that is not a top priority. If it was, I would definitely have to do something different - cause no one ever views my profile! I have made a few of cool friends tho. :)

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Mon 06/16/08 04:45 PM
the oil companies, silly

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Mon 06/16/08 04:36 PM
gently stretch vigorous boundaries...

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Sat 10/20/07 03:46 PM

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Sat 10/20/07 03:44 PM