Community > Posts By > lookin4home
Great book, and great film adaptation. I have to say it's easier for me to get into the old Black & White films than the majority of shi...uh...stuff that Hollywood is churning out nowadays. Since they lack original ideas, I'm sure it will be remade if they ever get a chance. It was a good decision for them to go with the black and white instead of the colored film they had at the time. I think doing it in color would have been a disaster. |
The Stand Your Ground Case
What is everyones opinions of the situation? I think it's BS he is being tried in the court of public opinion after a seasoned Homicide Investigator, Police Chief and Lead Prosecutor all said self defense. Now the angry black community is trying to force charges on someone who may or not be innocent before the case is even closed. I even figured Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson Sr. would be smack in the middle of this. SYG law or no law, it's really the same problem. With the law people can say they acted in self defense, when they didn't, and not recieve charges. Without it people can say they acted in self defense, when they did, and still be charged. Either way, it needs to be in the hands of the investigators and procecutors, to press charges if they feel it's nessicary. My opinion on the issue, Let it go to court and let them decide based on the evidence presented. I look at it all the same, I wasn't there, I don't have all the facts, and I am not all knowing. So really what I think doesn't matter. I just don't like seeing people picking sides based on race, political affiliation, public opinion, or any other biased reason. If the media wasn't already biased and in it for the ratings and would present the cold hard facts without all the sensationalism and pushing the rascist angle, we might be able to form a better opinion of the situation. Sadly, we don't live in that era. It's all about entertainment these days, media and all. |
i don't plan on meeting anyone from this site ever. unless someone plans on letting me touch their beard. My brother had a Zach Galifinakis type beard, same color and craziness. Everyone said he looked just like him with it. People at the bar would even take pictures with him, it was at the height of "The Hangover". When he joined the Army he knew he would have to shave it off. We have a friend that can bearly grow peach fuzz at the age of 22. So, we had a wonderful "Locks of Love" type idea, and shaved my brothers beard to make one for our friend. He wore it to the bar on our night out before my brother left for basic. It was awesome. You should find a serogate beard grower and make you one. Then you can have your own beard for when ever you want to touch it. So that I'm not completely off topic. I've met 2 people from this site. I think I'm going to stick with using it to kill time after those experiences. |
Best and Worst
thanks...but i wondering if i can get that 6g engagement ring back or should i let her keep it You can usually get it back, depending on circumstances. The proposal is a verbal contract, if she says yes. When broken, you can get your ring back. It's to help prevent women from going around collecting rings with no intent to get married. Gotta love Judge Judy. Best thing I got was a hat... The worst was getting it as a parting gift. |
What is the best way to move on from a broken heart. i was dropped after what i thought was a perfect two years with someone and she went for someone else. i know now somethings that could have been better, but how do i accept it and just not love that girl anymore? I asked my Grandfather for help on a similar issue once. His answer was "Cowboy up. And quit bein' such a p***y about it, you sound like somone took your teddybear". The simplicity of his answer, gave me mine. I miss his advice. Good luck. |
Taking a look around, I don't see any cameras, and I don't hear anyone talking. Could just be me, but it looks a lot like a dating site. I put little confidence in absolutes, so I could be wrong.
And what is wrong with talking about politics? It's the perfect wall to beat your head against, no helmets required. Ahhhh, comfort in the illusion of choice. The common denominator between dating and politics. |
At first I thought you were just talking about the police in general, lol. It's to keep those pesky rebles down. Who would want to start an uprising, knowing our government will release the hounds on you? You think OWS scared them a little? It sounds, to me, like they are considering their own people a threat to their security. Who was this nation for again? Oh, right, the people. I wonder how I could forget so easily.
I saw this awhile back and thought it was pretty cool. |
Edited by
Fri 03/23/12 01:18 PM
Hey, great post. Everyone could use a little help staying healthy. My question for you is, do you have a sudgestions for low impact cardio? I had knee surgery, orthoscopic with a lateral release. I lost a lot of cartilage and the replacement didn't take. They told me after surgery I have the knee of an 80yo man now and that I cannot do full squats or lunges and not to run on hard surfaces, ect. When I do work my right leg, the pain and burning in the muscle from the lateral release is almost unbearable. I'm at a lost on how to work out my right leg or do cardio when the pain is so bad. I don't know if I should work through it and see if it gets better or if I'm doing more harm than good. Any sudgestions? Thanks for the kind words! :-) In regards to your situation, I'd suggest turning towards some of the great cardiovascular machines we have access to such as the Rowing Machines, the Cross Trainers may even be an option as they cause minimal stress on Knee Flexion movements at lighter resistances. I definitely think working through the pain, while great testament to your will, will be detrimental to you both in the long term and short term. Your body is sending these pain signals for a good reason. Without knowing more, that's about as thorough as I can be in regards to suggestions. I wish you all the best in recovery and your fitness. Best wishes from Australia! :-) Thanks for advice and well wishes. I've been hoping if I stregthen the muscle the pain will go away but it hasn't yet. I feel as though I'll be using a cane by the time I'm 30. I guess it's time to see the doctor. |
Hey, great post. Everyone could use a little help staying healthy.
My question for you is, do you have a sudgestions for low impact cardio? I had knee surgery, orthoscopic with a lateral release. I lost a lot of cartilage and the replacement didn't take. They told me after surgery I have the knee of an 80yo man now and that I cannot do full squats or lunges and not to run on hard surfaces, ect. When I do work my right leg, the pain and burning in the muscle from the lateral release is almost unbearable. I'm at a lost on how to work out my right leg or do cardio when the pain is so bad. I don't know if I should work through it and see if it gets better or if I'm doing more harm than good. Any sudgestions? |
Suicide Room
I assumed that would be the general answer. It was a really good movie and touched on a lot of subjects that I don't see in mainstream American films. The way it dove into social normatives was amazing. The acting was great. The directing was awesome, the movie played itself out so well. The ending was perfect.
I want to discuss this movie with someone so bad, but no one I know will watch a movie if you have to read the whole time. |
Suicide Room
Has anyone else seen this movie? It's a Polish film. I really enjoyed it.
Walking Dead
Carl is the most twisted mind on the show right now-so I think he stays. They never really developed Sophia's mother or T-Dog?-so I wouldn't mind seeing either of them go. I kind of want to see how good a shot Hershel is. I hope to see more of Daryl from now on since Shane is gone. Sophia's mom has a bit of a relationship with Daryl so I don't think she will go unless they are trying to make him more distanced, although I like him as Rick's right hand man. T-Dog is expendable, they really haven't done much with him. The blonde girl that lost her sister was stuck between Shane and Dale so with both of them gone I think she becomes more of her own person. Hershel and Maggie are the only ones in that bunch that have really become important to the story. The younger daughter had her episode so they might not get rid of her, but I don't think anyone would mind seeing her go (aside from mightymoe). I think killing Dale and Shane, the 2 extremes of the group, left them more balanced so they will probably stick to killing off the less important people in the group. |
My pet demon
Wished I didn't know exactly what you are writing about here but you sure nailed it. What is truely sweet is you don't have to serve the demon for it to find it;s true birth and consume it for you leaving you as clean and puire as you were ment to be. Thanks, I sure hope you're right. I wish no one had to experience about what I was writing about. |
My pet demon
Edited by
Thu 03/15/12 06:30 PM
There is a demon inside us all
When I met you my demon was small Memories of your laughing face, lining his walls My demon grew big and tall No control to keep it contained Projecting my pain Making it plain I wanted to make you pay For all the f***ed up games you made me play For all the times you got away For every saturday I was pushed away to go play or find another place to stay My inocense wasted away The demon was beatin into submission Stuffed him in a cage Locked away seething with rage Always paying attention His wispers creating tension I grew to fit the demon inside You can see him in my eyes Lying in wait Waiting for a chance to escape He wants you to feel the weight of my hate He wants you to feel the pain of the feelings I can't let go He wants you to feel it with every fist to your skull I want to let my demon loose and lose control For every happy thought you stole, For making me so cold I don't want to have to sell my soul To make sure you pay what you owe I just want to let my pet demon go |
And Ron Paul..............
I signed a petition for Ron Paul. It was about adding the Libertarian party to the ballot. I signed because I will do anything to get rid of this 2 party system, and yes I know you can be an independent but we all know it's pointless when it comes to elections. I want people to stop looking at what party they belong to first and judging them second and start judging our candidates based squarely on the person running. As soon as you throw Rep or Dem in the conversation people get biased. That's why Ron Paul is the only person I'd vote for, he's something different from the usual Reps and Dems. If it takes so many parties being added to the ballot that they have to get rid of parties all together, I'll consider it a win.
white face, red hair.
Seen this debate rage on for decades. What convinced me early on that pot was a bad move is just watching the people who one use it and two sell it. Come on that later should be enough of a reason all on it's own. You really want to chance your freedom on some low level numb nuts so desperate to make less than minimum wage peddling pot keeping their mouth shut if someone wants to squeeze them by said jewels? Or the pricks a little further up the food chain that carry guns and are twitchier than a hyperactive two year old? You may not have much but what you have these people are more than glad to take away from you if they need it. Do I know that pot use crosses most socio-economic boundries, about all career fields, and pretty much all age groupes now; yup. Heck something more available than mosquitoes at a picnic that gets so much free advertiseing is kind of hard to not have pretty wide exposure. But so does the flu do you really want to invite that? Do I know that most people can function under the most stressful situations regardless of what crap they put in their body to try to change it's chemistry; yup. But how much attention do you really pay tot he productivity of your friends and ackquaintensces to know how much "damage" pot is doing to them. I mean you read a few food lables and pot's chemistry make up starts sounding pretty simple. Myabe because nost so called "knowledgeable ' users know just enough to be able to front a good rap. Especially if you don't know a heck of a lot about the nervous system, brain chemisty, and how miserable life can get if it really decides to take even a minora left turn. Ignoreing all the crap that goes along with flushing anything through your teeth mouth, throat and lungs seems stupid enough but for some that really doesn't set home until you fight for your breath a few times and you have to hock your car to get dentures. . That some people's body/mind can tolerate the monkeying around and seemingly get off scott free? Yea; Occassionally. But think back about the majority of stonners you know. How much serious assets do they have or are they living in their grandma's house? How many of them have serial histories of failed relationships? Stalled out careers. How many are begging for SSI benifits because of chronic health issues from chronic bronchitis, COPD, PTSD, screwed up whoulders and backs from hump jobs, or cancer? How many of them have totalled a car or two? How many have kids in foster care or jail and grandkids in special education. Do you know the stats for early onset HepC, Kidney failure, Liver failure, Alzheimer's, Tardi diskenesia, Parkinson's, and a host of neurological and autoimmune problems that also track with early tobacco, alcohol, and pot use? (Completely over look all the chemical crap that drug sellars will lace pot with to get that little extra buss or signature brand and what it does if you like but I worked in a college work study lab "testing" pot and the "contaminated" rate was almost 98%. Have you asked yourself how many stoners you know are motivated enough to actually grow their own on the sam par as they consume. Talk to the nurse aids you know, spend a little time im property management, or skilled nurseing facility staff, jails, or shelters, or social work and see what they tell you. Most of your "frequent flyers" can give you plenty of convinceing arguements that it is ok but the fact remains they are there and pot is one of the factors in their life.. Will pot make you more social? Creative? Yea for as long as you can come up with the money for the pot, booze, and munchies to make the party fun. Heck everybody love the latest new host of the party and they will totally convince you whatever bullship arts and crafts you can make are the prettiest thing they have ever seen but it doesn't make it necessarily great art or commercially valuable. I don't see how someone can make that kind of agruement against a plant. It's the people that abuse it, not the plants, that are bad. You can use anything you like to be self destructive. If it is in your nature you are going to do it, it has nothing to do with what you use to achieve it. Someone becoming a heroin addict after smoking pot has to do with their personality, not pot. Just like many things you listed, it's personal choice of the user, not the substance being used. It is a different age in pot with the despensories around and more of it being grown locally/semi-locally. About it being laced, don't smoke the low-end stuff, because you're right about that stuff, it's usually laced when it's no good to begin with. You've obviously never dealt with drug dealers either because it is the same thing there, it all depends on the person. They aren't all going to flip over on you and they don't all have guns. Besides not even the cops care about catching someone for possesion, it's just a bonus for them if they happen to catch you. You seem to have stereotyped the entire drug culture. Nothing is bad on it's own, it takes bad people to make it bad. Personally, I think we should illegalize all opiates. We can prescribe a highly addictive substance like Oxycontin and give no second thought to it. I, like most people, didn't even realize what it was, its prescription herion, but it's ok. I'd much rather have smoked pot and dealt with some of the pain rather than being prescribed Oxy and spending a month in my apartment trying to get over the withdrawls, failed that semester. I'm not even saying Oxy is bad, I'm saying doctors have made it bad by putting more importance on money than informing their patients of the risk they are putting them in by giving them a highly addictive substance and not monitoring the results of their actions. The gov can tell me pot is bad and Oxy is Ok all day long but I'll make that decision myself. That's what everyone needs to be doing anyways, getting informed and making their own choices. I would have liked to have made an informed decision on my post surgery pain medication but that was in the hands of my doctor, not me, and to me that's the problem. I know I have substance abuse issues and I would have never taken the Oxy option. If she wants to try it and has gathered enough information to be comfortable with it and doesn't feel that it will be something she uses in a negative way, let her try it. If it turns out bad, she will know better for the future. |
white face, red hair.
I don't think everyone should smoke but I think it should be allowed for those that choose to. There are always people out there that will abuse it but that is their choice to make.
Una salus victis nullam sperare salutem. Moriamur et in media arma ruamus.
The only safety for the conquered is to hope for no safety. Let us die even as we rush into the midst of battle. |