Community > Posts By > mowildflower
My Irish Beauty, My Gael
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Sun 03/15/15 04:30 PM
It is a beautiful poem and I love the graphics, I hope you will be able to find answers to the problem you have with your photobucket account.
I always look forward to your post. |
My Irish Beauty, My Gael
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Sun 03/15/15 09:04 AM
Beautiful! Spring is in the air, embrace renewed life, dormant too long. ![]() allow me? ![]() |
Shitty Love!
Think it can't happen to you, sorry, it can happen to anyone!
Normally I wouldn't reply to a post of this nature because I've learned that unless people want to help themselves it is a waste of my time and energy that could be put to better use. But just recently a neighbor lady searched me out to discuss her concerns for her 22 year old daughter, a young girl I've watched grow up. Therefore, I have been thinking about the situation, I wonder if there is anything anyone can do but sit back and watch? I plan to be there for my neighbor, I can be a good friend and listen to her, perhaps that will help her get through the pain she is feeling, give her the support and strength she'll need to be there for her daughter. Her daughter, lets call her Joi, grew up in a small rural community, where folks seldom lock their doors, with family and friends always around to protect and care for each other. Now that Joi is a young adult she has a job in the big city, met a dude from Chicago that is bad news he has a history of crime. He is using Joi, tells her all the things a young girl wants to hear, picks her up after work, in the car she is paying for, on pay day to help her spend the money she earned and a booty call. He has an ex and children but he knows how to charm the ladies and is not true to any, so in my estimation he is a pile of ****. My concern is for Joi, it is a given she will be tossed away when he finds another, she deserves better. I want to scream, "get real people," if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't nothing more than a predator who takes advantage of others to benefit themselves. Lies, lies and more lies, wake-up people you deserve better than that. |
~ as yesterday
Nice... I like it.
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Wish I was a poet...
One year later...
When I went back in time, after reading this post, I thought, so much has changed here in the Poems and Creative Writing Community since then. Where has everyone gone? It was a community where folks posted some really good stuff, and I found I wanted to get creative, a creative side of me that I otherwise would not have tried to explore and develop. I'm still not a poet but I sure like waking up with fresh new ideas dancing around in my head needing to be explored, flowing onto a blank pages, fingers dancing on this keyboard. Not much inspiration in this community anymore. Looks like all the old folks moved on, must have decided this dating site wasn't all it was cracked up to be. ![]() Seems like nothing ever stays the same... |
No expectations
Lu, loved the article... thanks for sharing.
Gave his all
Promises made to be broken, just another broken dream~
Gave his all
A man, once a boy,
grew up to be a man, was proud and brave, fought for his country, protected the land, protected the people. The man was injuried, no one there, alone, forgotten, pissed, became anrgy and mad, gave his all, no one cared. Now an old man alone, angry and mad, he has no more to give, wonders if anyone cares, or has he been forgotten. Broken down old man gave all he had to give, lives out his days alone, all he wants, is to be loved, someone to lie beside him. ...not too much to ask, after all, he gave all of himself to protect what he believed in, his county, the people, young and old alike. |
I Am The True Founder
A man, a warrior, the poet who walks to his own drum. I like your writing style!
My Solemn Ghost
I went back to revisit the graphic. This time, I didn't find it eerie and spooky. I felt a sadness, I saw it for what it must have been before being abandoned and neglected, but certainly in need of attention now. |
The time had come
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My Solemn Ghost
Viewed the graphics, erie and spooky, well done.
O' but if I had wings I would fly, to perch on the lofty perecipice, and sit right down beside you, surely a sight to behold, a gentle breeze, whispering songs of old, hints of the Irish ways. I imagine the view to be breathe taking. |
Pierce Heavenly Light
spring is in the air, I hear birds singing, I wonder if it might be a mockingbird, can you see what has happen to me? I'm thinking I wonder if that isn't a mockingbird, singing from the tree top, or perched there on the wire? |
Pierce Heavenly Light
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Sun 03/08/15 06:58 AM
The Northern Mockingbird sings almost endlessly, even at night, like a string of 10 or 15 different birds. It usually sits conspicuously on high vegetation, fences, eaves, or telephone wires, or runs and hops along the ground. This slender-bodied gray bird apparently pour all their color into their personality. Most nocturnal singers are unmated males, during the day they usually sing more than mated males and singing at night is more common during the full moon. They are found alone or in pairs throughout the year, mockingbirds flagrantly harass, aggressively chase off intruders in their territory, flying slowly around them or prancing toward them, legs extended, flaunting their bright white wing patches. They are found in backyards, but they don'��t often visit feeders.
Since I live where they can be found, in the country with a big front and back yard, I will make a point to look for them running or hopping around in my mowed lawn and listening for its song which usually mimics numerous other birds at once, now that I have learned about this bird called a Mockingbird. |
The time had come
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Sun 03/08/15 01:25 AM
for family, friends and neighbors to say good-bye.
![]() His wife had died before him, he was ready to go. Today, I attended a funeral for a 92 year old neighbor who died in his own bed with family at his bedside. He lived an interesting life, I even know a few tales that won't be shared at his funeral. It always amazes me, all the wonderful things they have to say about the person now that they are deceased. Funerals, is where the deceased is sent off to a better place with songs and prayers. Funerals, where you meet up with people you haven't seen in years to catch up on what is happening in their lives, you know the "well I'll be," "how long has it been?" "what's going on in your life?" and promise to get together but you are both aware you won't see each other until the next funeral. Friends and neighbors always seem to get a little older, makes me wonder what they say about me, surely I have aged better then they have. |
She Said We's Just Old
Good to see you, it has been awhile! |
Changes made to the original,
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Pierce Heavenly Light
Edited by
Sat 03/07/15 04:23 AM
I will have to do some research on the mockingbird, sounds like an interesting bird. As always your crafted words are appreciated.
Here in my humble abode, sounds and smells like the java is brewed, time to get me a cup and sit down here to get creative. |
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Life choices...
Doing nothing is like a slow death, we need to be involved with life, we need to live, we need feel alive, give us life, give us liberty and give us freedom to live a full rich life. |