bible inconsistancies?
I think it's funny that you tell me what I believe. I believe in micro-evolution, which makes a single kind produce many different species. We have observed micro-evolution and micro-evolution is described in the Bible. There's nothing funny about lying. You claim to be Christian...Touting creationism, claiming evolution is false...Because there's no proof. THEN claim so-called "micro-evolution" exists...Because there IS proof! That's like being a little pregnant. It either IS true, or IS NOT. Rather than making confusing statements like that...Why not just address a statement, or challenge directly? Let's play a game, shall we? I'll as a direct question, and you try and PROVE why it's false. ...NOT a blanket statement "Everything I said was wrong"...Real, honest-to god PROOF. Otherwise...You're just blowing smoke...You know where. Jeremy |
bible inconsistancies?
/// keep in mind that people have been trying, unsucessfully, to disprove the bible for millneia. ...Well...? Care to explain at least ONE of the points I brought up? Didn't think so... |
bible inconsistancies?
The Writers of the Gospel of Q are Silent on the Virgin Birth: The Gospel of Q was an early gospel, which was written about 50 CE and later expanded. No copies have survived, but the original text has been pieced together through theological research. It says nothing about the virgin birth. This is a possible indicator that the early followers of Jesus did not hold that belief. If they knew of such an important miracle, they would probably have included some mention of it.
The Writer(s) of the Gospel of John imply a normal Birth: Some liberals believe that the Gospel of John was written by a group of authors. The writer(s) did not mention the virgin birth. They must have aware of the belief, since the Gospels of Mark, Matthew and Luke would have been widely circulated for 5 to 15 years by the time that the Gospel of John was written. They seem to have rejected it as being a false teaching. In John 1:45 they refer to Jesus specifically as "the son of Joseph." John 6:42 has the townspeople: "Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know?" If the author(s) believed in the miracle of the virgin birth, he/they would undoubtedly have mentioned it somewhere in the gospel. The Writer(s) of the Gospel of Thomas is Silent: Many theologians believe that this Gospel was originally written about the same time as Mark, about 70 CE. It was in wide use among various Christian communities at the time, but never made it into the official canon. It is also silent about any miracles associated with Jesus' birth. However, its silence is not proof that the virgin birth was unknown to the author(s). Thomas is a "sayings gospel" which deals primarily with the parables and conversations of Jesus. In conclusion the most likely scenario, as interpreted by many liberal Christians is: The writer(s) of the Gospel of Q, circa 50 CE, seem to have been unaware of the virgin birth. Paul (who was executed about 64 CE) was similarly unaware. The writer of the Gospel of Mark, circa 70 CE hadn't heard of it either. If any of the above writers knew of a virgin birth, they would almost certainly have realized that it was a miraculous event and would have incorporated it into their writings. Sometime between 70 and 90 CE, a myth of the virgin birth was invented, probably to strengthen the authority of Jesus' teachings by claiming that his birth was miraculous. This was a time of great change, as the Roman Army had demolished Jerusalem and its temples and scattered many of the Jews throughout the Roman empire. There, they would come into contact with many stories of virgin births of various politicians and deities from Pagan religions. In fact, it would have been unusual if the developing story of Jesus' birth did not include many of the features found in mythical figures of other religions. By the 90's, the belief was widespread. The authors of Luke and Matthew incorporated it into their Gospels. The writer(s) of the Gospel of John likely knew of the story, but rejected it as being a false teaching that was not believed by his faith group within Christianity. |
bible inconsistancies?
As it happens, the Greek translators had made a mistake. When they were translating the Hebrew writings into the Greek Septuagint and similar translations, they converted the Hebrew word "almah" as the Greek equivalent of our English word for virgin. "Almah" appears 9 other times in the Hebrew Scriptures; in each case it means "young woman". When the scriptures referred to a virgin (and they do over 50 times) they always used the Hebrew word "betulah". So, Isaiah appears to have referred to a young woman becoming pregnant (a rather ordinary event).
Some English translators are accurate to the original Hebrew: Revised English Bible: "...a young woman is with child..." Revised Standard Version: "...a young woman shall conceive..." James Moffatt Translation: "...a young woman with child..." New Revised Standard Version: "...the young woman is with child..." |
bible inconsistancies?
Edited by
Thu 12/06/07 03:21 PM
Ok,then let me start.
Q: Why does jesus NEED a genealogy linking him to king david of Israel(through his father)? A: Because, obviously people originally thought jesus WAS the prophetized heir to the throne. Much LATER, the "virgin birth" story was invented, to counter ...confusion...that mary, jesus's mother was mary the prostitute(or adulteress). The rest just snowballed into the "belief" some have today. |
2 Words...
Silver Surfer! |
Let's ALL just get along
Yeah...That's what gave me the idea.
'Yall can do what you want...But,I'm 'gonna be more civil from now on. ...Honest. ![]() |
Let's ALL just get along
If withholding is lying.
Let's ALL just get along
Here's a topic nobody has started yet...
Religious or not, can't we all just agree that: 1 we're all here for the same purpose..To talk with, and meet new potential partners 2 NOT to be abused,flamed,or otherwise insulted 3 To interact socially with other members I'm obviously one of the biggest instigators of heated discussion here...So I'm tossing down the gauntlet...Of peace. PLEASE...Let's forget out differences, and be more united. |
...I just made up the Walt Disney part.
I crave attention. ![]() |
Hey, all you conspiracy nuts(like me) out there...
Here's a thread about bigfoot, ufo's the lock ness monster, Donald Trump's hair, and anything else you can think up. I'll start first. The moon landings... Did we REALLY land there..Or was it a Walt Disney fake? The so-called "moon race" was actually a race to perfect the guidance systems for I.C.B.M.'s. The first one was created in 1959..When computers were the size of a large room. ..Do you think something like THAT could be put into the nose of a rocket? No way! So, the cover story of a "race to the moon" was invented. ...How's that? Nutty enough for you? I can do better. |
Sex, Drugs, and Cocco Puffs
Edited by
Thu 11/29/07 06:51 PM
=======Deleted by author===========
So...Jesus said to "pray to your Father, who is unseen".
Hmmm... Then why do people say to only pray to Jesus? Thout shall put no others before me...Isn't that how it's suppose to be? Did Jesus EVER say "pray unto me only"...Ever? Didn't think so. |
home made video game plot
MAP 01 CASTLE DOOM "AT LAST! I have successfully housed much of the cosmic energy which I seized from a rogue Watcher into a specially constructed battery pack! Mere words cannot express the incredible power which soon will be mine! ....My destiny awaits...." ================================================================ A short camera cut- seine shows the super-cosmic armor in Doom's laboratory. As soon as Doom takes a step, a wall explodes in, lights go dim, and S.H.I.E.L.D.troopers pour in. At this point Doom should have gauntlets, so the player quickly runs out of ammo and the troopers keep coming through a hole in the exterior wall. Rather than stay and be blasted to bits, the player exits the room he started in, and enters a long hallway. As the troopers follow and shoot at him, bullets hit the chandeliers, smashing them to the ground. Another short movie plays of troopers storming the lab,and taking Doom's new armor. Most door are ether locked, or just won't open. If you try to exit through the front door, when it opens, you get ambushed by 20 troopers and a "mandroid" armored trooper. When the player enters Doom's lab, the armor is gone. A HUD message and a picture of Doom says "My security robots will finish these shield fools!". But, when Doom activates the robots, they attack him (and each other) instead. Doom finds the electro-gauntlets there in the laboratory, as well as the key to the dungeon labyrinth. MAP 02 CASTLE DOOM II There's a small crypt/dungeon area that leads to a rotating wall behind which is hidden an abandoned cathedral with broken, blackened, stained glass, cobwebs,and lots of shadows and flickering torch light. Hidden behind red curtains is a magical alter and magic circle. After moving some small statuettes around, the pattern on the floor starts to rotate, and the light level in the room changes to bright in the circle area, and dim everywhere else. A magic teleporter-ring appears in the bright circle area. Then, a wall collapses in, and more troopers,shooting and launching grenades, enter through the hole. Doom says "FOOLS! An instant more, and my portal shall be ready!" But, just then, 2 grenades explode, blasting doom backwards into the magical teleporter. You hear Doom say "I'll be back..", and the portal quickly closes. " BAH! Lackey FOOLS! Nothing can stop me from fulfilling my destiny. And those who DARED to invade my kingdom shall pay dearly for their intrusion unto Latavarian soil! Soon the world shall tremble at the might of DOOM!" ================================================================ MAP 03 NEW YORK CITY The magic doorway opens, dropping Doom 20 ft to the ground above the streets of N.Y.C. Police cars have the streets blocked off because of a robbery in progress.As a robber is threatening a clerk in a jewelry store, Doom walks up to the window. It shatters, and the robber comes flying through it backwards, landing in the street. The Punisher walks out,looks at Doom, says "Good by" and starts shooting a Vulcan mini-gun. After defeating the Punisher, Doom fights Spider-Man, and Spawn. Then, more S.H.I.E.L.D. troopers arrive, seal off the area, and close in. With troopers shooting at him from everywhere, Doom escapes through the subway system. " PATHETIC FOOLS! You thought you could trap ME? I will use your own feeble transportation system to travel to the base of those who offended me! Tremble, Fantastic Four! For it is the day of your DOOM!" ================================================================ MAP 04 FOUR FREEDOM PLAZA Four Freedom Plaza replaces the old Baxter Building which was destroyed by Doctor Doom years before (he launched it into space). Only hours before, the Fantastic Four had just captured the Hulk by freezing him in a chemical mixture. Mister Fantastic, the leader of the group is away to look for ingredients for a cure for Dr. Banner/The Hulk, leaving Johnny (the Human Torch), Ben, and Sue (the Invisible Girl) behind to watch over the semi-frozen Hulk. Unfortunately, The Hulk's body temperature is so high, he must be kept under constant refrigeration. If the power goes out..... "So, my old foe IRON MAN knows the location of my stolen armor and the cosmic power it contains. His computer terminal in the Avengers Mansion will have the data I require." ================================================================ MAP 05 AVENGERS MANSION Doom arrives at the Avengers Mansion for data from Iron Man's computer, but before he can retrieve it, he fights Thor, Iron Man, Captain America. Unfortunately, the data disk is destroyed before he can read it. "So, Professor Charles Xavier and his X-Men have assisted S.H.I.E.L.D. in their vain attempts to defeat me? I will show them, and ALL fools the FOLLY of assaulting the person of VICTOR VON DOOM!" ================================================================ MAP 06 X-MEN MANSION Failing to retrieve the computer data, Doom goes to the only person on earth from whom there are no secrets, and who can find anyone, or anything.... Professor Charles Xavier, leader of the X-MEN. After fighting Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, and the Professor, Doom alters Cerebro to locate his stolen cosmic armor. After seeing nearly half the world's population in his head, Doom finds the location of the S.H.I.E.L.D. flying fortress. "Now the time for GAMES has ended. Those who thought they could steal what is rightfully mine shall pay the ultimate price for their crimes. ...I said I'd be back..." ================================================================ MAP 07 SHIELD HELLICARRIER Stealing the Blackbird from the X-MEN, Doom Flies to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Hellicarrier. Facing the same troopers that he fought in his castle, new, harder to kill, stealth assassins, and Nick Fury. Doom retrieves his cosmic armor, and crashes the Hellicarrrier into the Atlantic ocean, escaping just in time. "I feel the power surging through this armor! Power which is far beyond the dreams of most humans...And with it comes a thirst for MORE! I shall travel to the dark side of the moon, home of The Watcher and see if his vow of non-interference extends to one who would INVADE his citadel and claim the power that lies within HIM!" ================================================================ MAP 08 THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON Feeling the full power of his new super-armor, Doom teleports to the dark side of the moon to challenge The Watcher, guardian of the earth. But, before Doom can attack, The Watcher teleports him into deep space. MAP 09 DEEP SPACE In the cosmic void, Doom uses his new cosmic power to search for the earth, but finds the Silver Surfer instead. Doom demands that the Surfer lead him back to the earth, where he will be the absolute ruler. The Surfer refuses,and a battle insues. But, before it ends, a booming voice commands "Return to me, my Herald!", and a giant gloved hand opens from nowhere, and a wormhole in space opens up, pulling Doom and the Silver Surfer in. _________________________VOICES _________________________ Doctor Doom = Arnold Schwarzenegger Nick Fury = Philip Abbott Silver Surfer = Paul Essiembre Iron Man = Bruce Cambel Captain America = R. Lee Ermey The Punisher = Hugo Weaving Spawn = Keith David Wolverine = Cal Dodd Invisible Woman = Lori Alan The Human Torch = Jack Flounders The Thing = Chuck McCann Thor = John Rhys-Davies Cyclops = James Marsden Professor Charles Xavier = Patrick Stewart Spider-Man = Christopher Daniel Barnes Doctor Strange = Vincent Price Galactus = James Blen**** |
home made video game plot
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=LEVEL 1 Goblin Woods DAY The player starts on a small sailboat in a narrow river thickly lined with trees and bushes,with mountains and hills on the horizon. The sailboat ride goes on, uneventful for about a minute while the title and opening credits roll and an audio file plays. Music, or an intro. Soon, he hears sounds and voices, and is attacked by flying axes and arrows. As his boat nears a small clearing in the trees, it abruptly stops, sliding him forward, almost overboard. He soon realizes he's a sitting duck in his stationary craft, so grabbing as much of his ship's cargo as he can, he jumps overboard, only to be swept away by the powerful current of the water. Swimming, he makes his way unto the banks to discover it was goblins and orcs that were attacking him from the forest. He fights his way into the dark woods, escaping with his life, but just barely. Within, he finds wooden signs telling him to go back. There's only a few monsters in the forest, so it's just a matter of finding his way through the maze of trees. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=LEVEL 2 Dark Passage DUSK At this point, the forest gets thick, covering the sky and the maze gets complicated. There will be 3 mazes in 1. Once the player uses a key, some of the walls change by lowering or raising. After another key is used, another change to the level. Eventually, the exit is exposed and the player exits the forest. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=LEVEL 3 Cursed Village NIGHT After a bend in the path, you find a nice looking village that seems too peaceful amid all the violence around you. As you enter a house, a barnyard animal runs out, squealing as it runs for it's life into the nearby trees. Looking inside the home, you see nothing unusual. Each home is the same. A pig, a chicken squawking, a few rats, and an empty room. As you enter the largest building, you encounter a half man, half fox creature and his 2 guards who are also fox-men. He tells you that his name is Vulpes, and he was the leader of the town before the people were all transformed (the animals you saw in the houses). You tell him who you are, and how all the cargo was stolen by the goblins that attacked your ship. He tells you the evil magic that enchanted the townsfolk was the same that frozeyour craft in mid-stream, and to follow the path through to the orc mountains, over the snowy peak to the village of Silenti, and gives you a scroll to give to the leader of the village who's name is Decide. You are reluctant to go to Silenti, but Vulpes says you might find a ship there, so you agree, and take the scroll. Collecting all the things from the houses, you exit the level. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=LEVEL 4 Orc Mountains MIDNIGHT Making your way through a dead forest of spooky looking trees, you find a tree with a face blocking your way. As you try to go around it, it speaks. "Why should I let you through? Humans use to pick at my branches for food, chop my friends and family down to burn for fuel." As you explain to it about the evil, and your mission, it merely shrugs, and says, " I care not about evil, or good. However, if you can prove yourself worthy, I will allow you to pass." Then the tree asks you 3 questions. If you guess the answer, the tree says "BAH!" "Go, human. To your doom!" And it moves aside, letting you through the opening in the forest. The way is an uphill path that zig zags up a rocky mountainside. But to pass you must go through a battle between the Orcs and the Goblins for possession of the newly vacant human lands. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=LEVEL 5 Snowy Peak DAWN A blood witch has enchanted a colony of Ice Sirens, and is using them to seal off the northern pass. She will let Victor through if he can destroy a creature that haunts the icy caverns in which the Sirens live. An "ice beast", that is nearly indestructible, and can freeze a man solid with one touch. Although none who tried had ever returned, Victor agrees to go and slay the monster. He doesn't particularly like the idea of fighting an "indestructible" foe, but there is no way back, and with luck, he thinks might find a way through the icy caves to the other side. After the player defeats the Ice Beast, his ghost tells his sad story. The beast is a cursed person too. A warrior, on a quest to defeat the demons.He tried to defeat the evil that has been killing people, but was transformed into a monster. The dark demons fear the weapon he protects, and couldn't destroy it. "No demon, troll or goblin can touch silver, the metal the glaive is made of" he says. He asks you if you will fight on in his place, to defeat the evil, and if you agree, he gives you the glaive, and some armor and ammo. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=LEVEL 6 Destroyed Village DAY The leader of the village you were suppose to talk to and all it's inhabitance have been killed. The village is in ruins burning, and skeletons of the townspeople lay on the ground all around you. Realizing you cannot keep you're promise to the fox-man, you read the scroll under the full moonlight, as he had said, and it reveals the hidden location of the Fist of the Heavens weapon and ammo. Just then, the spirit of the leader of the destroyed village appears, cursing you for being too late, and accuses you of wanting the weapon for yourself all along. Then he re-animates all the skeletons, and they attack you. (There's about 200 of them, but you just get them all in a clearing, then use the fist weapon) The ghost reappears, apologizes for trying to kill you and tells you go to the haunted castle. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=LEVEL 7 Ruined Castle DUSK The castle itself is dark, and seems to cast a shadow over the already dim and gloomy landscape. Evil eyes glare at you from broken windows as you approach the massive oak doors. As you push them open they laugh at you, calling out, "No escape!" and slam and lock behind you. But, other than the door, everything seems to be normal, although the statues and paintings seem to be looking at you, wherever you go. Soon you realize that everything in the castle is alive. "It is the same evil magic that has corrupted the land!" you say to yourself. As you enter the main hall, you notice the fire in the fireplace has a face, and is moaning, as if in pain. When you approach it, it speaks. "Who dares to enter the castle of the damned?" Looking at you, it says "So, you have come to seek the dark overlord!" "Well, if it is death you seek, I shall be happy to oblige you!" And it shoots a flaming fist at you, knocking you out. The last thing you hear is .."The dark overlord will be very pleased!" as you pass out. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=LEVEL 8 Demon Caves UNDERGROUND You find yourself in a dungeon in a dark cave with no weapons, except for your silver demonsbane dagger. You escape past Orc guards and a skeleton or two. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=LEVEL 9 Lava Tubes UNDERGROUND Lava tubes that wind downward, into caverns and tunnels filled with lava trolls and winged imps. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=LEVEL 10 Pit of Hell UNDERGROUND It's biggest, baddest, meanest looking demon you've ever seen. He spawns monsters, and re-animates them. He also shoots fireballs, and reflects projectile weapons back at you. His health is 9999 so you can't kill him unless you figure out the secret. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=LEVEL 31 Secret Level: Fairy Meadows Hidden in the Dark Passage woods, is the entrance to the Fairy Meadows. A peaceful place of over-sized flowers, waving grasses, and rolling hills. ...BUT the tranquility of the fairies existence is being disrupted by an argument over who will be their next queen, and they want YOU to settle it. After you settle the disagreement, and you are sent to level 3, The Cursed Village. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=LEVEL 32 Secret Level: Credits/Boat Ride The boat ride from the first level, but no monsters, just the end credits. The ride goes on forever. ==-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=The end-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- |
The Christian Bible
1823 quote by Thomas Jefferson: "The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."
Two heads are better than one.
Classic TMNT!
I didn't care for the tv show,or the movies...But I liked the b&w comic that started it all.
The Christian Bible
I don't.
It's a collection of fairy tales, as stated above. |
The Christian Bible
The word "Bible" refers to the canonical collections of sacred writings of Judaism and Christianity.
It's an ancient collection of writings, comprised of 66 separate books, written over approximately 1,600 years, by at least 40 distinct authors. The Old Testament contains 39 books written from approximately 1500 to 400 BC, and the New Testament contains 27 books written from approximately 40 to 90 AD. The Jewish Bible (Tanakh) is the same as the Christian Old Testament, except for its book arrangement. The original Old Testament was written mainly in Hebrew, with some Aramaic, while the original New Testament was written in common Greek. |