Community > Posts By > sweet_pea0623

sweet_pea0623's photo
Wed 07/07/10 06:29 PM

for a klondike bar???

Nothing,I don't like them.
Now if I was being tempted with Ben and Jerri's
coffee health bar crunch..Well let's talkdevil

i agree.. the song is catchy and all.. but all in all.. i would rather have something different.. such as ben and jerrys cheesecake brownie.. OMG.. soo good.. and its untelling the lenghts i would go to for that.. lol

sweet_pea0623's photo
Wed 07/07/10 05:28 PM
for a klondike bar???

sweet_pea0623's photo
Tue 07/06/10 08:10 PM

I don't know your situation, so I can't comment on that, but most of the people I used to know, the ones I mentioned above -- the ones who killed themselves with alcohol -- said "I will never end up like [insert name of current or deceased alcoholic here]."

The very assertion alone speaks volumes....


If "pedestal" means I have no desire to get involved with anyone who is suicidal and self-destructive, then we're on the same page.

I just don't see the point in being with someone who values their own health so little that they don't care what they do to themselves. Granted, that's my own assessment, and my own personal preference, but I think the "pedestal" remark is misplaced and entirely out of line here. Is it being on a pedestal to want a healthy partner?

if thats what it means, then i am guilty of being on a pedestal too

sweet_pea0623's photo
Tue 07/06/10 07:53 PM
I have found my best relationships are with older men, and even tho the relationships are over, we are still friends, and talk on occassion.

sweet_pea0623's photo
Tue 07/06/10 07:17 PM
Edited by sweet_pea0623 on Tue 07/06/10 07:17 PM

I have noticed that i am alone because i have morals and values that other ppl have lost over the years. For example, i dont drink, or smoke pot, or do drugs of any kind, and i expect that of anyone i bring into my life (and my daughters life as well). Is anyone else facing this issue?

I have never done an illegal drug in my life, not even smoked pot. I also don't smoke and I don't drink. I dont judge those who smoke or drink, it's just my thing.

I also plan on waiting until I am in a very serious relationship before I have sex again.

I think it's great that you have good morals and it set's a good example for your daughter.

Thank you
It gets very confusing when trying to teach my daughter whats "right and wrong" without it seeming like i am "judging" others. I could care less what other ppl do.. it just limits who i let into our lives. And if i didnt judge drugs and alcohol as bad, i wouldnt find the need to keep them away from us. I really hate how negative "judge or judging" comes across.. weather we like it or not, we judge ppl on there lifestyle, personality, appearance, finacial gain, intelligence and everything else everyday.. if not.. we would all be paired off simply coz of the male to female ratio in our area.. but it does matter to us.. we do have certain likes and dislikes..

sweet_pea0623's photo
Tue 07/06/10 07:07 PM

well i drink beer an smoke cigarette,s but i have morrales. is that rong ?:wink:

I have nothing against smoking cigarettes, and if you want to drink beer then drink it.. all i am saying is that i cant date anyone who does those things

sweet_pea0623's photo
Tue 07/06/10 06:59 PM

ive done my share of bads an goods but i dont believe erb makes people bad it may complicate life because of work but it is much better than the medicines the doctors give people these days.

I have argued this till i am blue in the face.. weather or not its bad or good for you is not even a question.. its ILLEGAL..

Ah but SHOULD it be? I for one contend it SHOULDN'T. And don't forget, medicinal marijuana is legal in some states.

Regardless of that, I honestly could care less if they say it's illegal or not. If I want to grow it, or want to use (though I never have to this point in my life), I will because it's MY CHOICE and MY BUSINESS. It's not the state's business, they can go burn for all I care with laws such as this one.

We are allowing them WAYYYYYYY too much power. One day we're gonna wake up and wonder where all our freedoms went, and you know what the answer is gonna be? YOU let them take them!

There's a quote from Gerald Ford that applies here, and it goes thusly:

"A government that has the ability to give you everything you need, also has the ability to take it away".

Think about that.

Good for you for standing your ground, but i have too much to lose to fight the law on pot..
and as far as medical marijuana, thats just what it is.. MEDICAL.. and its prescribed and used as medicine.. not as a recreational thing

sweet_pea0623's photo
Tue 07/06/10 06:50 PM

ive done my share of bads an goods but i dont believe erb makes people bad it may complicate life because of work but it is much better than the medicines the doctors give people these days.

I have argued this till i am blue in the face.. weather or not its bad or good for you is not even a question.. its ILLEGAL.. and having it around a child, puts that child at risk of being yanked from the home and into the hands of social services.. and thats not a risk i am willing to take. As far as the meds a doc gives ya.. well thats up to you to take them or not, but as soon as you abuse them, they become a "drug" and not a "medicine".. and there fore the "ILLEGAL" problem comes into play again.

sweet_pea0623's photo
Tue 07/06/10 06:27 PM

I feel sorry for people who don't drink.... boringggggggggggg

don't feel sorry for me baby, I am not missing out on any fun, the only difference that I remember it in the morning, the ones were drunk don't.

ha ha ha ha.... thats exactly right

sweet_pea0623's photo
Tue 07/06/10 06:24 PM

In my best Rodney Dangerfield!!!!

I get NO RESPECT!!!!!!!:wink:

THATS what its really ALL ABOUT....


Its ALL in WHERE you look and with WHO your looking AT...??

And MORALS,,,truly are leaving the face of most people,,as we USE TO KNOW THEM,,to be..

And for the very last time I will say PEDESTAL .... stop preachin folks, people who drink and smoke are not the devil as much as you'd like to think they are....

Peace out thread.

This really bothers me.. if we are speaking about anyone specifically.. its NOT YOU.. most of us are speaking about John Q public.. or possibly even someone in our own circle of friends/family.. if anything we are saying is hitting some nerves with you, then maybe you need to look at yourself and step up to the plate, instead of ridiculing us for doin what we think is right. And if you think its easy Not drinking or Not doin drugs.. then i dare you to try it.. coz you will find out who you real friends are, and you will find that you are alone alot, and in that time of being alone, you will get to know the REAL YOU..

sweet_pea0623's photo
Tue 07/06/10 06:09 PM

I have noticed that i am alone because i have morals and values that other ppl have lost over the years. For example, i dont drink, or smoke pot, or do drugs of any kind, and i expect that of anyone i bring into my life (and my daughters life as well). Is anyone else facing this issue?

Well you are certainly right to have that criterea. Unfortunately, almost everybody either drinks some or smokes some. Or both. Good luck......smokin

Yea, from what i have found, most everyone drinks or does drugs.. I dont even mind cigarettes.. just not pot.. but still.. thats asking too much of most ppl. I hope i meet someone and that will never be an issue, and we can argue over normal things. like who gets the remote, or what to have for dinner.. lol

sweet_pea0623's photo
Tue 07/06/10 05:54 PM

its not just ,,,hobbies, like drinking or whatever

I see a decline in things like self respect, respect of others, honesty, integrity, loyalty(but not blind loyalty), empathy, consideration, respect for authority or elders,,,,,etc,,etc,,,

its just seems to be a growing one size fits all type of 'do and act however you want, as long as YOU are happy'....its like everything is self centered and nothing is about the UNIT anymore (the family unit, the neighborhood, the community,,,etc,,,)

I agree, use to ppl actually spent time with there families without a holiday, and if someone needed something, it wasnt a "favor" to someone, it was just everyday life.. I realize those times are gone, but i am trying to teach my daughter how it was at least, so she can choose to keep some of those things alive in her life.

sweet_pea0623's photo
Tue 07/06/10 05:44 PM

OK seriously though, why is it that people who do not drink or smoke put themselves up on a moral pedestal?.... maybe that's why you're alone.

I personally don't like to use the term "morals" here, because of the religious overtones.

But I don't drink or smoke and I have never seen myself as being on a "pedestal" for that (for other reasons, certainly, but not for that).

It's really very simple -- when you've seen as many people kill themselves via drugs and alcohol as I have, you understand that it's simply not a good idea to get too attached to people who willfully engage in self-destructive behaviors of that sort.

Call it a defense mechanism, if you like.

It isn't pedestal-based; it's really no different from my choosing not to get involved with someone who enjoys sky-diving without a parachute. The long-term prognosis for that relationship is not very bright, and one learns (hopefully) which behaviors to avoid -- and that means avoiding the people who engage in those behaviors.

Thank you, you said that perfectly.. I dont see the need in persuing a relationship with an expiration date on it

sweet_pea0623's photo
Tue 07/06/10 05:33 PM

OK seriously though, why is it that people who do not drink or smoke put themselves up on a moral pedestal?.... maybe that's why you're alone.

I dont feel its a moral pedestal.. just because we are a minority in todays society and we are just trying to find like minded ppl to include in our lives.. i dont have anything against you for drinking or doin drugs.. i just know its not for me, and its not to be around my kid.. beleive me in most ppls eyes i am a fuddy duddy and a goody too shoes.. and thats not even the case.. i am as crazy as anyone else.. but i just dont need alcohol or drugs to get me there.

sweet_pea0623's photo
Tue 07/06/10 05:30 PM

I have noticed that i am alone because i have morals and values that other ppl have lost over the years. For example, i dont drink, or smoke pot, or do drugs of any kind, and i expect that of anyone i bring into my life (and my daughters life as well). Is anyone else facing this issue?

It is not fun. I deal with it everywere I go, including Church and Family. My Sister has been wanting me to drink at least one beer. A friend of mine said he wished he was in my shoes, and I could not figure that one out.

I am in the same boat, Its like life aint hard enough, but friends and family feel the need to pressure us as well..

sweet_pea0623's photo
Tue 07/06/10 05:19 PM
Mustard, Chili, Onion, and sourkraut... mmmm its sooo good:tongue:

sweet_pea0623's photo
Tue 07/06/10 05:15 PM

Absolutely. I've lost way too many people to drugs and alcohol over the years, and I refuse to get involved with anyone who uses them. But just try to find a non-drinker on a dating're better off looking for a blue stegosaurus with a condo in Atlanta.

ha ha ha ha.. thats funny.. and sadly so very true..

And if people "value" destroying their own brain function, well, that's their problem. I certainly don't want any part of it.

ME EITHER... shew.. i have often said that i would end up raising my daughter alone before lowering my standards.. and most ppl tell me that i want the impossible, and i am gonna end up old and alone.. but i will have at least taught my daughter to stand up for what she beleives..

omg,,we are so on the same page with this one,,,,,I would accept single motherhood FOREVER to avoid lowering the standards and values I wish to raise my daughter with

Thank you for that.. :smile:

sweet_pea0623's photo
Tue 07/06/10 05:13 PM

Absolutely. I've lost way too many people to drugs and alcohol over the years, and I refuse to get involved with anyone who uses them. But just try to find a non-drinker on a dating're better off looking for a blue stegosaurus with a condo in Atlanta.

ha ha ha ha.. thats funny.. and sadly so very true..

And if people "value" destroying their own brain function, well, that's their problem. I certainly don't want any part of it.

ME EITHER... shew.. i have often said that i would end up raising my daughter alone before lowering my standards.. and most ppl tell me that i want the impossible, and i am gonna end up old and alone.. but i will have at least taught my daughter to stand up for what she beleives..

having a smoke or a drink dosnt make you a bad parent. My Ex's parents didnt smoke drink or swear. And they taught there kids right from wrong, but my Ex still lost her morals

I am not saying it makes you a bad parent, all i am saying is i dont want it around ME or daughter. There are enough bad things out there, without adding in things that dont have to be there.. and honestly i have never had to get high or drunk to have a good time, and i want to teach my daughter that as well.. its goin to be coming at her from every side when she gets older, and it would be nice if she had a place to go to where drugs and alcohol were not even an issue.. and that will be my house.

sweet_pea0623's photo
Tue 07/06/10 05:03 PM

Absolutely. I've lost way too many people to drugs and alcohol over the years, and I refuse to get involved with anyone who uses them. But just try to find a non-drinker on a dating're better off looking for a blue stegosaurus with a condo in Atlanta.

ha ha ha ha.. thats funny.. and sadly so very true..

And if people "value" destroying their own brain function, well, that's their problem. I certainly don't want any part of it.

ME EITHER... shew.. i have often said that i would end up raising my daughter alone before lowering my standards.. and most ppl tell me that i want the impossible, and i am gonna end up old and alone.. but i will have at least taught my daughter to stand up for what she beleives..

sweet_pea0623's photo
Tue 07/06/10 04:50 PM

Absolutely. I've lost way too many people to drugs and alcohol over the years, and I refuse to get involved with anyone who uses them. But just try to find a non-drinker on a dating're better off looking for a blue stegosaurus with a condo in Atlanta.

ha ha ha ha.. thats funny.. and sadly so very true..