Community > Posts By > JustaSimpleMan56
Yes or No
Considering I am "disabled" myself, yes. I actually just ended a relationship with a guy because he was unable to deal with what he perceived as my problems. We are all people looking for companionship. |
Your lipstick ??
Dead Wife
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Mountain Neighbors
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Yes or No
Yepper. I don't look at outside. Or handicaps. I look, and go for whats inside them.
Wow this is funny
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Wow this is funny
Don't feel bad Suzanne. Same thing happens to me usually when I post a topic. Next time I do, I plan on offering free coffee and donuts. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wow this is funny
You should always leave your profile on intimate encounter for maxum results. ![]() |
Wow this is funny
Don't feel bad Suzanne. Same thing happens to me usually when I post a topic. Next time I do, I plan on offering free coffee and donuts.
I'm already trying to decide which kind of cookies to bake for Santa Clause for when he climbs down my chimney.
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Unknown Countries
You guys should see the email I get from scammers! OMG. They don't have to make geography mistakes; it's the incorrect phrasing and word misuse. And you're a girl!!! Not being sexist or anything, but I can bet you I (not because I'm me, but because I'm a man) get 10 for every one you get!! I just had this conversation this morning (or last night). Check out the timestamps! countryladyflorida33 (02:30:34 AM): Good morning
ocdelguy (02:30:50 AM): Hi there. Blah, blah, blah... countryladyflorida33 (02:49:38 AM): I am presently in Spain Barcelona working on my art works but I am stuck here now because My paintings got seized By the customs and Now I don't have any money on me to come back. all I have on me is the check issued to me by a buyer of one of my art works,But Banks here in Spain Barcelona said they don't deal with foreign checks and because of this they wont be able to cash it for me,and right now I am stranded back here in the custody of the customs ,I really need to know if u can be honest to loan me some money Less than 19 minutes to scam! ![]() Girl, just jump on a plane and come home.
you think if i can leave here i won't be in the state alredy i have never travel outside the United state
i am unable to access anything here but if i was in the state maybe with you could have been a better chance anyway because i am not a lazy woman here
Same mistake 3 times. Does he mean the "States" Maybe? ![]() if i can just die here now i think i will be more better off
i will be free from this trouble in the whole of my life as we speak now i am yet to eat
well friend turned me down anyway life goes on because i don't count my life on a friend cause they only stay when they see things are good with you
In the whole of his life? Yet to eat? Count my life? When has an American EVER said stuff like that?!! ![]() I can have my things left the customs
We can all guess what he means, but like Fifijones says "improper phrasing"!! ![]() then what is the solution i don't have any money do you have to help me and i promise i will pay back even if it has to do with me doing anything to pay you back just believe me i will
WOW!!! He'll do anything?? Yay!! I'm going to get laid!! HEY, WAIT A MINUTE!! I DON'T DO GUYS!! ![]() Here's some of the rest of the conversation: countryladyflorida33 (03:22:41 AM): Can you help me with the money
countryladyflorida33 (03:22:42 AM): ? ocdelguy (03:23:29 AM): If you're serious about returning home, then this is the way to do it. countryladyflorida33 (03:23:42 AM): you listen countryladyflorida33 (03:23:45 AM): Can you help me with the money countryladyflorida33 (03:23:49 AM): yes or no ? ocdelguy (03:24:54 AM): You know my position, but if you're serious about returning, then this is your course of action. countryladyflorida33 (03:25:02 AM): So i know the world we live today is **s**h**i**t** when you an american you see i need ur help and you can at least help me with the money i need ? ocdelguy (03:26:05 AM): Don't curse. It's not ladylike. ocdelguy (03:26:28 AM): I still don't see where you need my help! ocdelguy (03:26:49 AM): You don't need anyone's help. countryladyflorida33 (03:27:15 AM): even if is any amount i have to give the hotel here countryladyflorida33 (03:27:19 AM): for even feeding ok countryladyflorida33 (03:27:25 AM): i can't just leave countryladyflorida33 (03:27:29 AM): and u better understand now ocdelguy (03:28:38 AM): I understand, however limited your explanation is, and I just don't see your plight. countryladyflorida33 (03:28:58 AM): $400 ? ocdelguy (03:29:37 AM): You can just leave. You can pay your bill after you reach the US. countryladyflorida33 (03:29:56 AM): let ask you this question countryladyflorida33 (03:30:11 AM): if they do business with everyone this way how do you think it going to work countryladyflorida33 (03:30:16 AM): i said i did make a promise countryladyflorida33 (03:30:23 AM): and i can't break countryladyflorida33 (03:30:26 AM): dear countryladyflorida33 (03:30:30 AM): life is too short countryladyflorida33 (03:30:32 AM): why do u lie countryladyflorida33 (03:30:36 AM): if you can't help countryladyflorida33 (03:30:36 AM): fine countryladyflorida33 (03:30:41 AM): walk ur **s**h**i**t** **a**s**s** off me if you can't help me with the money then walk your **a**s**s** ok I'm thinking that in Ghana or Benin or Nigeria, it must be an insult to say "walk your **a**s**s**". I'm guessing he's trying to say: "Go walk your donkey!" like we would say: "Go fly a kite!" From the begining, I know I'm messaging with some dude in Africa. At the very least, I'm safe in assuming that. The whole hour messaging, I was laughing my A$$ off!! Well, except maybe the first 5 minutes. You never know... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Unknown Countries
In addition to the non-existent locations, awesome spelling, grammar and sentence construction I also find the pictures that go with these profiles to be quite the contradiction. Oh let's say the profile says 21 but the pictures are of someone in their late 30's, or vise versa. Honestly if I had any say in it, I would be canning these profiles as they are clearly spammers and are only annoying the crap out of the active, REAL members of this site. ![]() |
After reading all that was said here. I think more and more. That as bad as things are getting as far as the crimes go. And people thinking they are TOUGH. ( Like wow.2 young guys beating up a 49 yo ) That just proved to me that the both of them are sissy's. That the laws of yesteryears be brought back. And laws of other countries be instituted. You murder, you be put to death. You steal. Your hand be chopped off. You cheat on your spouse, and get caught. Both are flogged in public. You beat up an elder( Just to prove you are tough ) You publicly get beat up. For the drive by shooters. They have to go through a drive by spanking. I truly believe that the penalties for crimes now a days are too soft. In most cases by what I have observed. Prison is just a vacation to some people. Or a place to once again be reunited with their homies. Mike I think those who commit property crimes should have to WORK to restore whatever was taken or damaged while incarcerated until the debt is paid I think those who damage a person physically, except in self defense, should be kept away from the general public(incarcerated) for the pre determined time I think those who commit property crime should be kept in one place, and those who commit violence should be kept in another |
Physical activities...
Best exercise I ever had was when I was running from this chick who had a strap-on on, and wanted me take one in the keister. I ran like Carl Lewis on that night. ![]() |
After reading all that was said here. I think more and more. That as bad as things are getting as far as the crimes go. And people thinking they are TOUGH. ( Like wow.2 young guys beating up a 49 yo ) That just proved to me that the both of them are sissy's. That the laws of yesteryears be brought back. And laws of other countries be instituted. You murder, you be put to death. You steal. Your hand be chopped off. You cheat on your spouse, and get caught. Both are flogged in public. You beat up an elder( Just to prove you are tough ) You publicly get beat up. For the drive by shooters. They have to go through a drive by spanking. I truly believe that the penalties for crimes now a days are too soft. In most cases by what I have observed. Prison is just a vacation to some people. Or a place to once again be reunited with their homies. Mike
ladies please indulge me
This is to let the women know, that I don't do nude pictures either. I know, I know. It makes some of you
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Topless 2
I don't know about this I mean yeah it would be cool to have the freedom to be able to be topless during certain situations without getting thrown in jail but not sure just how much I would utilize that freedom? seems like it would...ok not real sure how to say this without sounding stupid but..totally take away from the mystique (???) and allure of women's boobs? I mean come on...let's face it...they are one of the most awesome things about being a woman!? If they became an everyday thing to everyone, then where is the fun in that? Some things are just better left as is I think.... After all...I've actually heard people that have nude beaches say that they are no big deal. You get desensitized to all the boobs, p*ssies and d*cks being out there all the time!? That seems like it takes ALL the fun out of it to me? I'd rather leave a little to the imagination and have fun in the discovery process! *shrugs* My $.02 ![]() |
I'm addicted.....
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Rate plz =]
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Topless 2
WOW!!! Didnt know it was legal for women to go topless in NewYork. MMMMMMMMM I'm due to move pretty soon. Have to check out the prices of apartments in NewYork.