Community > Posts By > SalvationJane
just wondering
Why when you click on other photos in a profile, that they do not come
up and show the larger downloaded version? It would be nice to see the rest of the dowloaded photos in a size other than thumbnail. Thanks, J |
I like your ideas of a first date Recon...I prefer something that
doesn't involve alcohol and provides a little intellectual stimulation instead. Drinking and nightclubing make for bad first dates in my opinion. Those types of places tend to make people act like something other than what they really are. Not that I'm a square mind you - but there is so much more out there than clubing and how can you possibly get to see what someone is really like in a dark, noisy, smoke-filled club...Especially after a few drinks? I think those types of dates are best left for when you get to really know and trust someone and how they act. I think too much stress is put on the "first" date and it shouldn't be about pressure. Even a predate like lunch would be an excellent idea to break the ice a bit first. Then maybe you will have a better idea of how the two of you jive and go from there. J |
I never cheated on my ex or any significant since. I don't believe in
it. I do have a bit of a wondering eye tho, I can be a bit of a flirt, but like KB said, if it came to that...I would just leave. I suppose some would call flirting cheating though...>?< J |
What's in a Name??
Got mail today from a guy "Tongueher6" and another "Meat13" sound like
a couple class act guys...I don't even read stuff that comes from people that use those kinds of names...kinda hard to take them seriously ya know? and what's up with the number afterwards...???!! Like I guess there are others using the same name? LOL!! J |
That's dispicable...goes to show you some peoples intelligence, and
their level of maturity...just tell F**K OFF! J |
hahaha Too funny Kat!
I've been told that before...guess it just goes to show you - you can't judge a book... I do have a bit of a wild side...ssshhhh!! It's a well kept secret! J |
What's in a Name??
I hear what you're saying tho Cookie. I'm not likely to respond to mail
written to me by someone that goes by a handle like..."wanaeatu" ... J |
What's in a Name??
SalvationJane... a song written by one of my all time favorite
performers...Michael Hutchence RIP MKH! J |
I hear ya peachie, seems I get one on one side...then I have to even it
out so I get another!! I do like them, I just don't want to be covered in them or have a limb end up looking like a tree stump covered in vines and ivy...know what I mean? Besides, when a boyfriend sees that I have one for the first time, it's quite amusing! It can be quite a tease and very sexy... J |
I have a few tats, but I keep them private. Each one has a significant
meaning and is symbolic of something very important to me and my life. They are part of who I am. Personally I like tats, but I like them tastefully done and evenly distributed. Used have a few peircings too, including my tongue, but I didn't care for it. I think it's butch...and I felt it took away from my femininity. I had my tongue up to an eight gauge..., but as I said, the longer I had it - the less I liked it not to mention, I kept chipping the shit out of my teeth!! J |
Wishing nothing but the best for you Kat!!
We want all the details!! Have fun and God Bless, J |
Here's to Hitler the Son of a bitch,
May he be blessed with the seven year itch, May his balls be hit with a ten pound hammer, Til his asshole whistles the Star Spangled Banner!! J |
I could never go with a guy shorter than me...too tall isn't good for me
either. Although I like to look up at a man when I'm kissing him. I'm 5'4" so anything above that...6'2" is good... J |
Anwers This For Me Guys:)
Hi SexyL,
I'm not a guy, but I just want to give thumbs up to you and your can't be easy to be in a wheelchair...I just can't imagine. The rest of us take so much for granted sometimes. I wish you all the best and good luck finding Mr. Right...or Mr. Maybe or Mr. He'll do for right now!! Jaime |
Human Touch
thanks for sharing Jimi
the poem is little "dark" are you ok? I'm home on vacation, I've been up for a couple hours - I'm thinking it's time for a nap!! J |
Please Advise.
Hi Chica...was just talking about more of the scam mail I've been
getting...I've not had this happen before, it's a real opener...kinda scary really...all three of the letters come from individuals that apparenelty do not speak very good English...and want to marry immediately... Could be a new terrorist threat Kingbreeze!! I'll lure them in and you can wire tap our conversations!! J |
Please Advise.
So maybe just illeagal immagrants looking for a green card???!!!
J |
Please Advise.
You know I have to say, I had no idea that dating sights do this. I got
another letter similiar to these in my inbox again this morning at the other sight I'm on. These have to be gamers/scammers. The wording is so similar as is what they say and how they say it. I'm just shocked that I never realized this was going on. I am curious to know if they are real people or just put on by the dating site....>?< J |
Uptight People
I agree totally with T, if you are investing more time in the computer
Jimi, then spending quality time, maybe there IS a problem. Maybe you need to get refocused on what is really important and what isn't. It is important to have an outlet for your thoughts...but a forum is only two demensional - we aren't the ones that are planning to spend the rest of our life with you Jim...and maybe you should be sharing some of these thoughts with your wife. I also couldn't help but notice you said you only knew your wife for three months prior to marriage, and maybe that's part of the problem. Perhaps you did not spend enough time getting to know each other emotionally the way you should have...relationships take work, and I'm thinking maybe it's time for you to roll up your sleeves. Take a walk, cook dinner together or go to a quiet restaurant. You need to create an atmosphere where you are relaxed enough to talk about things that are important to you both. J |
Uptight People
nag, nag, nag...
I don't know how long you've been married Jimi, but I have to say, in my never to be humble opinion...if the two of you can't be more open with each other and communicate about your needs, you may be headed for trouble in the future. Hell, she's lucky you're not jacking off to a pornsite instead of just runnin' your gibs with a bunch of down to earth peeps... J. Peace Jimster I'm out...long day very tired...enjoy the brew...hope it's cold. |