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Topic: Cheating
sage's photo
Wed 09/06/06 08:01 AM
Have any of you ever cheated on your significant other, spouse, etc? If
so, why would you say you did it? I have on a boyfriend before, but it
was more of a revenge tactic because he did it to me. I know, that's
childish, but at the time, instead of dumping him (like I would do now),
I felt getting him back was a better way to make me feel less hurt for
his dirty deed.

Can anyone relate?

no photo
Wed 09/06/06 12:33 PM
i've never cheated on a girlfriend. i've always fely that if it came to
that i should leave but i don't believe the people that say it just
happened when they get caught because i have been plenty drunk enough at
times and i had the sense to stop things where they were.

mary_anchor's photo
Wed 09/06/06 02:26 PM
I don't think have cheated on my guy & will never do that. Although my
boyfriend have once cheated on me twice but rather than revenging, i
just quit the relationship. am single now

andreww38's photo
Wed 09/06/06 03:29 PM
i did it once with someone at work.

i came clean to my girlfriend, but damn, did it get awkward at work.

i guess it brought home the lesson that you shouldnt shit where you eat.

no photo
Wed 09/06/06 04:20 PM
I've never cheated, but I've been cheated on. It was the worse feeling
ever. Cheaters suck.

no photo
Thu 09/07/06 12:08 AM

heather's photo
Thu 09/07/06 08:54 AM
I have never cheated on any of my boyfriends and i never will. Man it is
bad enough to put up with one man why would anyone want to put up with
two of them.And that goes for men putting up with women to.

amacree's photo
Thu 09/07/06 08:59 AM
i never cheated on my ex cause i knew exactly how it felt 2 have there
be another woman besides u. come 2 think of it i dont know y i put up
with him for nine years. but i dont think i ever could be unfaithful 2
neone cause of knowin how it feels when the shoe is on the other foot.

sweetlilmamita22's photo
Tue 09/26/06 01:02 PM
I have been cheated on I know how much it hurts, so I could never even
dream about cheating on any man.

Kattie's photo
Thu 09/28/06 02:44 PM
yes i know how it feels to be cheated sucks
but i rather have them tell u then find out from someone else

Wendy1968's photo
Thu 09/28/06 03:21 PM
My ex husband and I both did it and he found out finally about me. It
was the last nail in the coffin of our relationship.

I thought it would make me feel better getting back at him for what he

I actually only hurt myself the most in the process.

I lost the one thing that will take me a lifetime to regain:

My own personal self respect.

Hard lesson learned!

unsure's photo
Thu 09/28/06 04:14 PM
Nope I have never cheated on my ex husband or any boyfriends! I know how
it feels to have someone cheat on me, it breaks your I would
never want to hurt anyone that much!
I feel like this, if you have to cheat...just leave the relationship
because obviously its lacking something. Why put someone through any
pain of finding out that you had an affair, just be the bigger person
and tell them that its not working out and walk away!
Cheating for revenge can only cause you more pain and its not worth it.
When my ex cheated on me..I knew atleast I honored our wedding vows and
he would be the one who had to face the facts that he was the cheater...
Besides, could you see someone busting down your hotel room and saying
this is the show "Cheaters" and you are on national TV..OMG!!! haha

SalvationJane's photo
Thu 09/28/06 05:20 PM
I never cheated on my ex or any significant since. I don't believe in
it. I do have a bit of a wondering eye tho, I can be a bit of a flirt,
but like KB said, if it came to that...I would just leave. I suppose
some would call flirting cheating though...>?<


no photo
Thu 09/28/06 07:37 PM

I slipped and went on a date with another girl while dating another. I
had not had sex with either and to me was still an open relationship.
The sad thing was the girl I had been dating thought we were a couple
and past the open relationship. I admit I tried to hide it because I
liked her so much, yet I had been trying to get a date with the other
girl for a couple years. I never cheated on my ex but she had 3 affairs.
I knew of 2 and the second one was when I packed her cloths. She later
confessed there was another before the first one I knew about. So I know
how it feels.

This is part of the reason I do not use the words lightly I love you.
When I tell someone these words I mean it. Until I commit to a woman and
truely have feeling for her I see it as an open relationship. But my
thinking it was still an open relationship above made the better one(the
one I was seeing to begin with) walk away.

no photo
Fri 09/29/06 10:52 AM
Even with my rule only you can break it off me I truly did break it off
with a guy after I find out from his sister that he were doing some
other and he claim the reason he never come to see me often were because
he'll be working all the time not sure if this is true but I'm tried of
waiting for him to come so I gave him the boot:)

no photo
Wed 12/06/06 02:46 PM
no... i never have.

redmange420's photo
Wed 12/06/06 02:51 PM
I was always bein cheated on, so I cheated one time. I was dating two
girls at the same time, and another girl I had sex with way before that
told them both what was goin on. Needless to say, I wasn't dating anyone
after that. Plus what made it worse, I had a female friend I did
nothing with stayin with me cuz she needed a place to get away from her
abusive ex, and got blamed for havin sex with her too. BAD BUSINESS

no photo
Wed 12/06/06 02:55 PM
yep... it can get a little rough

no photo
Wed 12/06/06 02:55 PM
yep... it can get a little rough

bmustang's photo
Wed 12/06/06 03:07 PM
been cheated on and man that sucks.Why would another person do that to
another?I always told my girlfriend if you want something other than me
there`s the door and it swings only one way do not come back.Its even
more sick when they get prego by a fling know it effects a lot more
than two.I know i rotated back from a tour and my ex was 9 months
along,she though it was funny.

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