Community > Posts By > Zack375

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Sat 11/15/08 04:36 AM
All time does is take you further away from where you really want to be. To live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning within the suffering. Eventually you'll understand the reason(s) why you are suffering now and be able to look back on the cause without the pain it inflicted when it happened. When you get to the point where you accept what happened in the past and understand why it happened you're ready to let that person into your life who will replace all your sadness and disappointment with happiness and love.

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Fri 11/14/08 04:04 PM
I'm afraid the end time is near. The cataclysmic apocalypse refered to in the scriptures of every holy book known to mankind. It will be an era fraught with boundless greed & corruption, where global monetary systems disintegrate, leaving brother to kill brother for a grain of overcooked rice. The nations of the civilized world will collapse under the impressive weight of parasitic political conspiracies which remove all hope & optimism from their once faithful citizens.

Around the globe, generations of polluters will be punished for their sins. Unsheilded by the O-zone they have successfully depleted, left to bake in the seering naked rays of light. Wholesale assassinations served to destabilize every remaining government, leaving the starving & wicked to fend for themselves.

Bloodthirsty renegade cyborgs created by tax dodging corporations reek havok. Pissed off androids tired of being slaves to a godless & gutless system, where the rich get richer & the poor get f**ked over and out, unleash total world wide destruction by means of nuclear holocaust, annihilating the terrified masses, leaving in its torturous wake nothing but vicious, cannibalistic, mutating, radiating, and horribly dis-figured hordes of satanic killers, bent on revenge, but against whom? There are so few left alive. Starvation reins supreme, forcing unlucky survivors to eat anything & anyone in their path.

Massive earthquakes crack the planets crust like a hollow egg shell, causing unending volcanic eruptions. Creatures of the seven seas, unable to escape the certain death upon land, boil in their liquid prison. Disease then circles the earth, plagues & viruses with no known cause or cure laying waste to whatever draws breath, and human-kind having proven itself to be nothing more than a race of ruthless scavengers, fall victim to merciless attacks at the hands of interplanetary alien tribes who seek to conquer our charred remains.

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Sat 11/01/08 01:53 PM

Just moved to Allentown.

Welcome to the East coast of PA!

I've lived in Eastern PA my entire life, but I just bought my first house.

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Sat 11/01/08 11:38 AM
Just moved to Allentown.

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Thu 10/16/08 06:16 PM
An Amish boy and his father were in a mall.

They were amazed by almost everything they saw, but especially by two shiny, silver walls that could move apart and then slide back together again.

The boy asked, 'What is this Father?' The father (never having seen an elevator) responded, 'Son, I have never seen anything like this in my life, I don't know what it is.

While the boy and his father were watching with amazement, a fat old lady in a wheel chair moved up to the moving walls and pressed a button.

The walls opened, and the lady rolled between them into a
small room.

The walls closed, and the boy and his father watched the
small numbers above the walls light up sequentially.

They continued to watch until it reached the last number, and then the numbers began to light in the reverse order.

Finally the walls opened up again and a gorgeous 24-year-o ld blonde stepped out.

The father, not taking his eyes off the young woman, said quietly to his son ... 'Go get your mother'.

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Thu 10/16/08 05:58 PM
How about global warmings effect on the price of tea in China?

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Sat 10/04/08 03:51 PM
This presidential race is just like every other one. You have two major candidates that sell us false hopes and empty promises. Americans are more than happy to buy it all, talk about how the candidate they support is going to save our country and then argue you to death with pre-programmed talking points if you don't believe what they believe. The people who actually care enough to closely examine the two party system and their candidates realize that there is actually very little difference in the two major parties. They may talk a big game about what the other is doing wrong but rarely do you see them do anything to change what the other is done or do anything much different than the other was doing. In 2006 Democrats won big because people wanted a lot change. Has anything changed?

The only candidates you can expect ACTUAL change from are 3rd party candidates but most people won't even consider them. They get very little to no media coverage and when around 80% of Americans opinions are formed from media coverage it's nearly impossible for anyone outside the two main parties to compete. The media coverage 3rd party candidates do receive is usually filled with names such as "fringe" candidate or something similar that makes anyone who supports them come across as crazy for supporting anyone other than one of the two major candidates. Unfortunately most the this country is still very susceptible to the bs the media feeds you day in and day out so any real change won't be coming any time soon.

George Carlin sums up the educational system and politics best in this skit.

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Sat 09/06/08 01:11 PM
Never buy ANY electronics from Walmart. You get a special version produced by the manufacturer specifically for Walmart which is a cheap, heavily downgraded version of the item you would purchase anywhere else. The same goes for power tools from Home Depot. You get a version with crappy components which is why you pay less.

I bought my computer from 2 years ago. It's a Systemax which outperforms computers that cost twice as much from companies like Dell or Alienware, etc. I haven't had a single problem with it so far that I didn't cause. Even the upgrade to Vista when smooth.

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Wed 09/03/08 05:30 PM
Use Firefox. It's faster , more secure and more customizable. I've had a small fraction of the problems I did since I switched from IE to Firefox a few years ago.

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Wed 09/03/08 03:29 PM
Women don't necessarily WANT "bad boys" but it's the kind of persona they are attracted to. Women are attracted to a guy they perceive as being a good mate to carry on their genes. Think of it on more of a primitive level instead of over thinking what you think women want. I've come to find you have a lot more success attracting women when you do things that seem counter intuitive to you. Try things that are opposite of what you normally do and see what happens. By this I don't mean be a complete asshole but just try doing and saying things you don't think will work and see what happens. Remember, attraction isn't a choice.

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Mon 06/16/08 03:01 PM
They aren't in cages in my basement so don't look there.

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Sun 06/15/08 11:54 AM

Tomatoes are also delicious this time of year.

**insert poison icon*

McD's is putting tomatoes back on the menu drinker drinker

A little salmonella never hurt anyone and tainted tomatoes are still better for ya than anything else on McDonald's menu.

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Sun 06/15/08 10:34 AM

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Sat 06/14/08 04:18 PM

yeah everything different is scarey
wait till u meet

My imaginary friend thinks you have serious problems.

tell yer innerchild the bus is leavin soon
that'll shut yer imaginary friend up forever(he wasnt ever really yer friend)


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Sat 06/14/08 04:16 PM
I don't know if mine qualifies because it's not too weird but I like to be hung upside down from a tree during a full moon and whipped with canes by black, Jewish, midget transvestites.

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Sat 06/14/08 04:12 PM

yeah everything different is scarey
wait till u meet

My imaginary friend thinks you have serious problems.

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Sat 06/14/08 04:10 PM
Edited by Zack375 on Sat 06/14/08 04:12 PM
Just wear a thong and pasties, make a fashion statement!

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Wed 06/11/08 02:09 PM
It's the way of life, you want what you can't have. Have way too much of what you don't want. And if you don't know what you want you always end up with a lot you don't.

Women don't really need a strategy. As long as you don't come across as desperate, conversing with a guy that's interested in you is all you really need to do. It works the same for guys but most people make it out to be harder than it is and in turn make a dik out of themselves by trying too hard.

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Mon 06/09/08 08:21 PM
What I've come to realize is what attracts women is essentially counter intuitive to what you think a woman wants. When you act the way you describe she sees you as too nice and as a friend. When you act the opposite she becomes attracted to you and wants you. Basically just do what women normally do. Act like you're not really interested and just want to be friends. Never mention anything about wanting a relationship with her too early on. Don't ask me why this works but it does. Try it. It takes a little practice but when you get it right you'll attract women and then from there you can find out if she'll like you for who you really are.

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Fri 06/06/08 06:05 PM
How did your parents respond when you told them you were gay?