Community > Posts By > Zack375

no photo
Wed 11/19/08 02:32 PM

Took a peek at your profile. You may want to add more to the Interests part. It'll help with conversation starters & breaking the ice.

Updated my profile a little bit and added the link to my MySpace.

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:52 PM

The UN is a waste of time. It was a bad idea, just like the League of Nations.

In my opinion we should withdraw from the UN.

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:48 PM

No politician EVER upholds their campaign promises. Whoever can sell us false hopes and empty promises the best gets elected. For example in 2000 Bush ran on a platform of no nation building, no policing of the world, and a humble foreign policy. You see how that turned out.

In his defense he did have 9/11 to deal with. That changes things. I bet if Obama has a 9/11 he will change his policies too.

Attacking a country that attacked you IS understandable. However, the Taliban did offer to turn over bin Laden if the US produced evidence proving he was responsible for the attack which they refused to do.

Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11 nor did they pose any threat to us at all. Invading a country in the way we did with Iraq isn't justifiable. If you put aside the fabricated WMD's story then all you have left is ignoring the UN to invade a country for ignoring the UN, which doesn't seem too logical to me.

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:32 PM

He can't do it. It doesn't matter if you are for a gun ban or you are not won't happen.

Too many congressmen get too much money from the NRA.

Obama's heart is in the right place but even a 21 year old non college educated girl like me knows that he won't be able to do even half the stuff he promised in his campaign. The special interest groups, the bad economy, and even some of his own allies in congress will stop him from doing much of what he wants.

CNN is on 24/7 at the diner I work at. I've fallen in love with a couple of their anchors. lol

No politician EVER upholds their campaign promises. Whoever can sell us false hopes and empty promises the best gets elected. For example in 2000 Bush ran on a platform of no nation building, no policing of the world, and a humble foreign policy. You see how that turned out.

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:13 PM
The Constitution is being steadily eroded away from both sides of the isle. It's pretty sad that we've come to the point in this country that our government and members in our government can ignore the Constitution they took an oath to uphold and not be arrested for treason.

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:03 PM
Take a good ____, check email, work out, shower, make dinner. Not always in that specific order.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 03:59 PM

That would entirely go against what school is for. Your public education is designed to teach you WHAT to think not HOW to think. You are fed information, and if you successfully regurgitate it then you're a good student. There's no place in this country for people who are capable of critical thinking.

I guess you need to check out the definition of philosophy. Public education attempts to teach you knowledge not what to think. Philosophy challenges your knowledge and how it can effect others around you. think

what I know what philosophy means. You pretty much repeated exactly what I said to prove what I said was wrong. what

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 03:49 PM
I went on a few dates with a girl awhile back but our work schedules were completely opposite. She started work a half hour before I got off work and got out a few hours before I woke up so it didn't end up working out. I prefer someone with a similar schedule so I get to spend a good amount of time with her.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 03:45 PM
Make a new one to use for here. If things get creepy you can always delete it. If you end up liking and trusting the person then give them your real one.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 03:39 PM
That would entirely go against what school is for. Your public education is designed to teach you WHAT to think not HOW to think. You are fed information, and if you successfully regurgitate it then you're a good student. There's no place in this country for people who are capable of critical thinking.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 03:21 PM
Toss up between "Two Worlds" and "Sickened".

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 03:01 PM

Looking at your prof you seem great I have to admit the height issue maybe in some womens mind.............well im into height since im so short thats all............JMO

I've considered that but not every girl wants the tall, dark and handsome cliche dream guy. And if they are I'm screwed, there's nothing I can do to really change that. Unless, I find some random guys photo's who fits the cliche and pretend to be him to meet women. Like Nicholas Cage's character in Lord Of War says, "Some of the most successful relationships are based on lies and deceit. Since that's where they usually end up anyway, it's a logical place to start." pitchfork

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 02:57 AM
The last time I cried was about 4 and half years ago when my sister died. It's ok to do it when the situation is bad enough to cause extreme emotional pain.

no photo
Sun 11/16/08 05:40 PM

no photo
Sun 11/16/08 05:14 PM

Ever heard the expression "nice guys always finish last", well, it's true. I've had a few girls tell me I was "too nice". And I don't have the ability, nor do I want to be a jerk, so I guess I'm going to die, a lonely, bitter old man.

That's something you can never win with. You're either too nice or an asshole. There apparently is no middle ground. Women do tend to be more attracted to guys that are assholes though. I guess it's because they want to try to prove they are good enough for a person that isn't good enough for them.

can i just say from a girls point of view. ive tried dating the guys who say they are a nice guy and you know what happens? you get in a relationship with them and within months they change. and they are ever bit of the asshole i was avoiding.

i want a guy who says he is a nice guy to actually prove it to me. honestly. because either be real that your an asshole up front and not hide it or prove it that your not.

actions speak louder than words. jmo

I've had a few girlfriends who've said I was the best guy they've ever dated after we broke up but that's usually part of the "you're everything I want but not what I want" conversation. I stay the same person and don't put on a front to get any girl to date me nor do I change after a few months. The only time I'm an asshole is when the person deserves it like lying to me, cheating, etc. Every one of my friends wives that has gotten to know me loves me and says I'm one of the few really good guys out there.

What it comes down to is attraction. Attraction isn't a choice and people are usually attracted to the wrong type of person. I know I am. I find myself attracted to the type of girl I know I don't want yet I still pursue that attraction for some reason then I end up in a relationship I'm unhappy with yet don't want to end. Explain that because I sure as hell can't.

Out of all the girls I've dated there was only one I would've probably married. She was the only one that actually met ALL my standards but I wasn't genuinely attracted to her. I guess eventually I'll find someone that I'm truely attracted to and is everything I want. If not, and I hit that middle age wall around 50 or so, there's always the mail order bride option. At that point, as long as the only english I let her learn is "yes" and "what do you want for dinner", I'll be set. :thumbsup:

no photo
Sun 11/16/08 12:23 PM

Ever heard the expression "nice guys always finish last", well, it's true. I've had a few girls tell me I was "too nice". And I don't have the ability, nor do I want to be a jerk, so I guess I'm going to die, a lonely, bitter old man.

That's something you can never win with. You're either too nice or an asshole. There apparently is no middle ground. Women do tend to be more attracted to guys that are assholes though. I guess it's because they want to try to prove they are good enough for a person that isn't good enough for them.

no photo
Sun 11/16/08 12:17 PM

Took a peek at your profile. You may want to add more to the Interests part. It'll help with conversation starters & breaking the ice.

I used to have a lot there but that didn't seem to help too much. I'll add more to it after the Eagles game.

no photo
Sun 11/16/08 12:16 PM

You look like a werewolfsmokin

I didn't shave at all that week. We all get a little lazy sometimes. You should see me after 2 weeks...

no photo
Sun 11/16/08 11:54 AM
that I seem to have such a hard time meeting a decent girl? I'm intelligent, funny, have a good job, own my own house, have my life together, am honest and genuine, know how to make a girl happy, and I'm not THAT bad looking. Pretty much what every girl says they want but for some reason not what they want. Is there something I'm not seeing?

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 05:39 AM

LOL, I don't think they mind if you're real or not, they just like to look at you.laugh

I mind. Being not real would be terrible. I don't get why guys like looking at me. I think I am pretty but I am average pretty. Guys can find prettier girls all over the web and some on this forum.

There's a lot more to a person than just looks. Personality has always been most important to me and from what I've read here and on your profile yours seems to be great. You seem down to earth, you like to go out and have fun but you take what's important in life seriously, you're somewhat humble and not full of yourself, etc. All very good characteristics. You're not that far away from me either, I think you should send me a message.

Oh, and just so you don't get the wrong impression, I think your prettiness is WAY above average.