I makes no sense to me or anyone else to upset millions to please a few hundreds.I keep hearing this liberal nonsense that the minority should always rule which is total nonsense BECAUSE IF THAT IS WHAT YOU REALLY BELIEVE THEN MCCAIN SHOULD BE PRESIDENT SINCE HE WAS THE MINORITY! I really couldn't care less who rules the country, the majority or a minority. As far as the most qualified person for the job, someone who makes laws like no smoking in public is not the most qualified. A person that can fix problems, grow the economy, make possible the advancement of sciences, have the ability to have a great understanding of issues in other countries, and improve the overall quality of life are qualities I think would make the most qualified for president. Governors and mayors are the people who should worry about the little stuff. |
I think you are stupid for not considering a persons skin color and race when voting.If you are going to vote in a group of hispanics you shouldn't be surprised if they are spending all their time on hispanic issues.I'm old enough to know that birds of a feather stick together.I'll vote white,Christian,males/females first and everyone else second.They are going to have the majority of my interests and beliefs that I support and like.I could care less about diversity,equality,and quotas. This is exactly what is wrong with this country, the average idiot only cares about their own kind. 'If it helps me, screw everyone else.' That's the kind of thinking that is flushing this country down the drain. I have a vote and I will vote any way I please.It is not up to you or anyone else to tell me what I have to like or dislike,who I have to vote for and who not to vote for.I am only looking out for my best interest because I only have one life to live and I am not going to live it by someone elses standards of what this country should be run like. Your screw everyone else theory only works if I am in the minority.When I have the majority you are the one that is screwed. Your last sentence is correct, the majority has the power, and if something helps them, they don't care how it hurts the minority. However, you are missing the meaning of the quotes. 'If it helps me,screw everyone else.' That is what most people think, it's human nature. I think it's time to evolve past that kind of thinking. |
No Winx I am just honest with myself.I suppose the 96% of the black voters that voted for Obama are also wrong?I don't care if it is PC or not.From what I have learned in my life is that the strongest leaders of both the Christian faith and who are running this country are white males. Why everyone gives minorites a free pass for voting for their own but you call white males racist for voting for white males is so hypocritical it is stomach turning.It's fine for the blacks to only votes for blacks but for the whites to only votes for whites your the scum of the earth. Please spare me the idiotic,unrealistic,and holier than thou soap box speech that only you and one other person care about. To vote for a person because of there race or religion is almost as bad as not voting for a person because of their race or religion. I think the black people that voted for Obama because he is black are just as bad as the wight people who voted for Mcain because he is wight. We need to look past race and religion look for quality today. I would vote for an black Iraqi Muslim woman if she was the most qualified. I don't care who that pisses off. |
I think you are stupid for not considering a persons skin color and race when voting.If you are going to vote in a group of hispanics you shouldn't be surprised if they are spending all their time on hispanic issues.I'm old enough to know that birds of a feather stick together.I'll vote white,Christian,males/females first and everyone else second.They are going to have the majority of my interests and beliefs that I support and like.I could care less about diversity,equality,and quotas. This is exactly what is wrong with this country, the average idiot only cares about their own kind. 'If it helps me, screw everyone else.' That's the kind of thinking that is flushing this country down the drain. |
Obama was one of the greatest candidates this country has seen, thats the problem, he put on a great show to get elected. To me he just another sleazy politician; though he is smarter than the majority, and I do like him for that. I don't care what color his skin is or where his ancestry lays.
All those closet racists may not be against Obama for being black or Muslim, (which he is not!), they just don't like him because he is not a wight christian. |
Do you get deja vu-s often?
"A deja vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix. It happens when they change something." Don't let them know you know. They'll turn you off. |
A general musing...
I read profiles when part of it catches my eye. I read your profile, and if you lived in Cali, I'd definitely email you. I could use a beautiful mechanic.
Is God a Grey?
There is substantial evidence of alien visitation on Earth. How much contact, if any, with past civilizations is yet to be proven. In all likelihood, any civilization capable of advanced space travel could probably splice genes also. Breeding with early man doesn't make much sense but gene splicing could have been subtle and effective. Look what we have done to corn, tomatoes, and beef. Yes, but what's the point to such theories? Those aliens would have had to have evolved on their own anyway, so why pass the buck. I mean, what does this supposedly "explain" that can't be explained otherwise? My thinking is that if an alien race had come to planet Earth, they probably would have colonized the solar system. Why come here, intervene with our genes and then disappear without a trace? What would be in it for them? Personally, if I traveled light years to another planet and found intelligent life there, I would want to study them as much as possible and not want to influence them technologically. |
Is God a Grey?
Do you know or think the Pope looked at this from a scientific perspective or the same way the average person does, by looking at and reading evidence and making their own conclusion. I personally dount that the Pope made this decision on his own. I imagine it was considered by an entire committee, and the idea was probably along the lines that I'd described. The Church doesn't want to be caught in yet another position where science is discovering something that appears to fly in the face of their faith. So they decided to get a jump-start on this one so that if and when it happens the Church will already be in a position to accept it. In fact, they'll probably try to turn it around and claim like the Church has somehow predicted it before science even discovered it. ![]() It's just a PR tactic to be sure the Church doesn't get lost in shuffle as science continues to advance. Like I say, there is nothing in their scriptures that suggest that there should be life elsewhere, so they certainly didn't get the idea from their religion. I can only be a PR move to try to keep pace with possible scientific discoveries. If that is the case here, and if they did not use any scientific process, then I personally think this decision is meaningless. I hope for their sake they did look at the issue of intelligent life with some scientific thought of some kind. |
Is God a Grey?
As far as the Pope is concerned, I personally feel that the Church's descision to acknowledge the possiblity of alien life was done simply to "Beat Science to the Punch". Technology in astrophysics and astronomy is grown exponentially, so there is a higher and higher probability that we might soon discover signs of life, even potentially in another galaxy. Do you know or think the Pope looked at this from a scientific perspective or the same way the average person does, by looking at and reading evidence and making their own conclusion. |
Is God a Grey?
I'm a spiritual person and I believe there is other life than just on this planet...being spiritual actually makes it easier to believe. Do you believe they could have ever been here? |
Is God a Grey?
A couple of weeks ago the Pope acknowledged the possibility of intelligent life outside this solar system. I believe there must be some intelligent life outside this solar system based off of the planets found so far and all the archeological evidence found throughout the world. Though the archeological evidence could be interpperated to a more logical conclusion, I still believe there is a chance other intelligent life has been here.
If you look at some religious art and some religious documents, there are references to "magical beings" using technology. These beings were interpperated as angels or gods or other deities. Therefore, I think these intelligent beings could be the source for some of the major religions throughout time. I'm not religious and don't believe in any kind of god or other deity, so it is easier for me to believe this. And I have no problem with beliefs of others, no mater how different they may be. I'd like to know what you think of this thought or the Pope's decision on the subject. I don't know much about the pope, so I don't know if he really believes in another intelligent or if this is a political move. (I don't mean to insult the Pope or his religion by saying this is a political move) |
well, there are two extremes,, one can believe science backs up everything in the bible or that it backs up nothing I think personally, both are illogical and irrational reaches to support personal views IF man and dinosaur did not live together, it wouldnt refute the fact that this book describes the creatures before science ever discovered them,,,which is pretty clear indication to a believer,, that there is much more to the book then mere 'fables' and 'myths'. At the time the original scrolls were written the world was only as big as man could travel. they had almost no knowledge of sciences, especially archaeology. So with their knowledge, I could easily say dinosaurs live with man. |
That page is totally laughable. They very feebly address point of THEIR interest, and totally ignore the real issues. can be said of both sides,, depending upon what the reader determines 'real issues' to be,,, There's only one issue that needs to be address in this story. The whole basis and premise of the story is that mankind's fall from grace is what brought imperfections and death into the world. The scientific FACT is that animals ate each other, and died from disease LONG BEFORE mankind ever showed up on the planet. Thus the Biblical fables are NOT in agreement with scientitic findings. It's an outright LIE to claim that they are. These people who wrote that article are clearly liars when they say that the Bible is compatible with scientific knowledge. Science has shown that the Bible is a lie. The world was a dog-eat-dog world filled with disease and natural disasters long before mankind ever made an appearance. That's SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE. The Bible DOES NOT agree with that. On the contrary, for the Bible to to be true Science necessarily MUST BE WRONG. The Biblical fables are NOT compatible with scientific knowledge. To claim otherwise is an outright lie. At best, the religous zealots can only claim that scientific knowledge is WRONG. Period. Attempting to claim that the Bible is compatible with science is a misrepresentation of what Science actually knows! I think the fallacy in this logic is that science changes with each new discovery, men report what they know but what they know is always changing with new evidence,, so what we have at this point is scientific evidence of the oldest KNOWN man, and no real proof to dispute that there couldnt be man before that,,, The other issue here is how ACCURATE scientific methods are(especially when proving things supposedly millions of years old,,), comparing carbon dating with radiometric,, you can find a significant difference in how 'old' things appear,,, At least science doesn't always claim to be perfect. And we are able to change as new knowledge comes forward. I could be wrong, and I'm willing to admit that, but I don't see change with new knowledge in religion. |
My God can beat up your.....your......uh!.......your nothing! LOL ![]() Not even God can beat physics. ![]() |
Or does it mean the space overlords planted us here and each one we came into contact with we considered a god. If you look at all the archeological evidence throughout the world you could the Greys are the source for all major religions throughout time. I know it's a crazy theory, but since I believe in intelligent life outside of this solar system, it's easy for me to believe. |
You are right msharmony about faith in God or Big Bang theory. The difference being that the Big Bang theory has physical and calculable evidence. That's why it's easier for me to believe in science, even though it doesn't explain everything, and is wrong on occasion. I respect that, I actually believe Big Bang hasnt really been 'proven' with any definitive evidence, I also think it totally logical and possible that much of science itself is just mans explanation of how God made things to work... The Big Bang theory has not been proven, you are scientifically correct on that. But there is alot of evidence for it. The theory could be wrong. The evidence could be pointing to something different. |
You are right msharmony about faith in God or Big Bang theory. The difference being that the Big Bang theory has physical and calculable evidence. That's why it's easier for me to believe in science, even though it doesn't explain everything, and is wrong on occasion.
I believe in God, my faith is not lost. IF I disrespect someone concerning their 'religious' beliefs or lack of , I hope they will bring it to my attention. You will hardly ever see me ATTACK or initiate some belittling of someone for not believing as I do, although you will see me quite often RESPOND to those who do. This forum is here to discuss religion but yet those on both sides continue to just BELITTLE others for not believing the same thing they do. I respect everyones right to believe what they will, I dont consider them stupid, or lost, or any thing less than I am for their belief. The only difference I see, when it comes to religion, is that some will seek and never find, some will seek and find but deny, and some will refuse to even seek. Those are all personal choices, I begrudge noone theirs ..... The problem here is that there are too many people that haven't evolved the ability to accept differences in beliefs. They think you are wrong if you don't believe the same way they do. I don't believe in God or any other god or spiritual being, I don't know if I ever will. But I don't mind if you believe in the polar opposite, no matter how crazy or weird in may seem to me. |
I can only look at this from a psychological perspective because I'm not religious. Only you can prove a god exists to you. If you believe in one, it exists, but in your own mind. The reason i say 'in your own mind' is because everyone has their own view of what God is. yes everyone has there own view of what God is. But in reality God is but one thing, one being. Just because someone thinks a chicken is a God does NOT meen that chicken is God, that's what is called a false God. There is only one true God, and only ever will be one true God. Only YOU can find the true God, James 4:8 - Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded Mathew 7:7 - Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you What angers me is when people openly mock someone else's belief in what God is, but is totally blind to the idiocy of their own religion. Try looking at your religion from someone elses view. You worship a jew/carpenter that was nailed to a cross, and some how came back to life (much like a zombie) and performed magic all over the land... one trick that was his greatest was helping the drinkers by turning water into wine. And you can't forget about walking a frozen sea. ![]() |