Firing Squad
The article was put out by AP. I post the link if knew how.
Execution is only more expensive because of the all the lawyers fighting to save the inmates on death row. It would be cheaper to abolish the death penalty and instate lifetime solitary confinement. But that's probably considered cruel and unusual. |
Firing Squad
Apparently Utah performed it first execution by firing squad in 14 years. I think it's great a state still has the balls to use a firing squad. It's a lot cheaper than lethal injection.
What do you all think about this. |
The Size of the Universe....
How do we know there isn't something just as complex in our section of the universe. It may be a couple of hundred light years away (that's not very far when talking about the universe) or in the next galaxy. We don't know, we can't look at things that small yet. Who knows, we could be just an average intelligent life form in this section of the universe, as far as complexity. Well, obviously we can't know. The point Professor Whittle was making that based on what we do know, the complexity of living creatures on Earth are far more complex than typical cosmic objects like stars, galaxies, and even planets themselves. Also, I think that even if life has evolved on every planet in the universe, the conclusion may well be the same. This is because the living mass on planet Earth all taken together, is still quite insignificant compared to the mass of the planet itself. So if there are complex lifeforms on all planets, this still wouldn't change the results. The only thing that could change the results is if there exists some form of complex living things that are FAR MORE complex than even us. That most certainly is a possiblity, but there is nothing in science that points to that being the case. So again, Dr. Whittle is merely giving his data based on what is known, and on what seems reasonable within the scope of the current knowledge. I don't believe he was even attempting to sell it as any sort of absolute conclusion of fact, or anything like that. It was just an observation for looking at things from a different perspective is all. You make perfect sense. Looking at the mass of everything, our existence, and that of all other known life forms, doesn't change the complexity much at all. But supposedly, the section of the universe that we live in has the perfect combination of elements, or the so called perfect weather, for life to form. Outside of this section, it is either too hostile or there is not enough of the right elements for life. So, by Dr. Whittle's view, does this section of the universe have more or similar complexity as the rest of the known universe? |
I can't stand pet rocks, they stare at you for hours without blinking on a dark night when you're drunk. It's creepy.
The Size of the Universe....
How do we know there isn't something just as complex in our section of the universe. It may be a couple of hundred light years away (that's not very far when talking about the universe) or in the next galaxy. We don't know, we can't look at things that small yet. Who knows, we could be just an average intelligent life form in this section of the universe, as far as complexity.
I would love to go to Iceland now, or any country that is blowing up. I just love the dangers of nature.
See above.
A big plus, deep mind and NOT material oriented. Jeans and a t-shirt is more sexy than any 'glamorous' dress. (But skin is always nice.) |
Any Nocturnals out There?
Quiet is nice, but I prefer to also see natural light produced at night. It's just a better, cleaner looking light.
B.C. Canada, Mexico, TBA.
Does it count if those are the only two countries I've been to. When I can I'm going to Australia, for the wide open space, and Belgium, for the beer. |
It's more than a cartoon. It's a disturbingly great show. I should be played earlier.
Any Nocturnals out There?
Nocturnal life only more peaceful if you don't live near a city. I love out in the woods or on the coast. There is nothing but nature.
Any Deathklok fans here?
Any Nocturnals out There?
Nocturnal life would be so much better than day life if society was smart enough to figure out how to make it work. We would use less energy and possibly more in tuned to the earth in some way.
What do you think about nocturnal life and if you would fully convert. I would. |
The Size of the Universe....
Shows how insignificant we are in the universe.
When looking at the big picture, we are nothing. |
Does Hell Exist ???
With all the idiots in the world, Hell must be filling up faster than it is expanding. So 'All Hell is breaking loose.'
For two good examples, look at the nuclear warhead issue and the oil issue. |
Hummmm I would not care if the site was named dump if I found that one that could really Rock My World would you??? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() How cool would that be to tell people you found the love of your life at the dump! ![]() One man's garbage is another's treasure. |
Doesn't make you right still. Diversity is embracing all cultures and recognizing that all people are important. There is nothing weakening about that, it is a strengthening attribute. There is one thing about diversity that is weakening this country; when a minority program helps a less qualified minority get a position over a more qualified individual. That is the rhetoric but the rhetoric there is kinda racist too. It assumes that a minority is always less qualified. That isn't cool. You are right, I didn't mean to sound racist with that. I only stated that because from what I have seen, the minorities in those programs need help. I'm not saying that is always the case, but it does happen. Sorry for any misunderstanding caused by my statement. |
I makes no sense to me or anyone else to upset millions to please a few hundreds.I keep hearing this liberal nonsense that the minority should always rule which is total nonsense BECAUSE IF THAT IS WHAT YOU REALLY BELIEVE THEN MCCAIN SHOULD BE PRESIDENT SINCE HE WAS THE MINORITY! I really couldn't care less who rules the country, the majority or a minority. As far as the most qualified person for the job, someone who makes laws like no smoking in public is not the most qualified. A person that can fix problems, grow the economy, make possible the advancement of sciences, have the ability to have a great understanding of issues in other countries, and improve the overall quality of life are qualities I think would make the most qualified for president. Governors and mayors are the people who should worry about the little stuff. First you are saying the majority is oppressing the minority now you are saying it doesn't matter.Obama wasn't the most experienced or the most qualified for the job by a long shot.He was probably the most inexperienced President we ever had.He has no military service,had never held a position as a Governor or a Mayor,never really had a real job,never owned a business,and had a few years as a Senator. McCain spent 22 years in the military Was in the United States House of Representatives for 4 years and in the US Senate from 1987 till now(23 years). He is the 19th Senator in Seniority. McCain also has a long grocery list of qualifications that would bury Obamas puny record.So you are wrong is saying that Obama was the most qualified when cleary he wasn't. This whole election was based on skin color and nothing more.People voted for Obama because he was black.If Obama would have been a white male preaching change nobody would have gave 2 cents or his lack of experience. I NEVER said Obama was the most qualified, I said he was the best candidate. Meaning he was the beast salesman for presidency. You are right, McCain was the most qualified for the job, as far as experience. But in ability and ideas, I don't know who would be best. I never the majority is oppressing the minority, I said they will do something to help themselves even if it hurts the other. Oppressing includes that AND intentionally harming the other. |
Edited by
Tue 06/08/10 10:31 PM
How about voting for someone who has the best interest of EVERYONE in mind?? That couldn't possibly work, could it? For that to happen, a human needs to be voted president, not a politician. |
Doesn't make you right still. Diversity is embracing all cultures and recognizing that all people are important. There is nothing weakening about that, it is a strengthening attribute. There is one thing about diversity that is weakening this country; when a minority program helps a less qualified minority get a position over a more qualified individual. |