Topic: OK. So This Might Have Them Looking... | |
...for the nearest tree suitable for lynching me...but....this thought occurred to me tonight while I was bored at work...
There was a large amount of noise made, when Obama was elected, about this country being in the " post racial " era. A " black man " got elected President of the United States. These are not MY words. They are the words heard from almost every major news outlet for WEEKS after the election. everyone well knows...there are many MANY people ( of ALL races, so don't start in with the " they're just racists and hate Obama because he's black " bullspit. Put a little more thought than that into your responses please ) who don't think that Obama's plans are benefiting the country at this point. That being said, if his current approval don't improve dramatically in the next couple of much chance do you think ANY African American has of ever reaching the position of President again? Do you think the majority of voters would be willing to give another African American a chance at the presidency? What if the person in question was of a far more conservative lean than Obama seems to be? Would the voters be willing to look past the skin color ( again ) and give another a shot at making up for Obama's perceived failure(s)? I am NOT questioning Obama's competency. Don't start calling me a " racist " or any of the other shite people like to spout around here. I am only asking this question based on current approval statistics and because the thought happened to occur to me tonight. |
I don't think the American people are really that shallow or racist. I can't imagine people would base their vote by skin color...but then I'm amazed every day at things I see and hear others say,
Maybe were ready to get a woman in there next time...people keep saying they want change and that's the one thing we haven't done yet. |
Obama's not the first 'post-racial' 'president' ... he is, however the first 'post-American' president ...
regretfully, I suspect that there is a group of ppl who, if Obama's presidency turns out to be a dud, that would never vote for another african american for president. In the same vane, ther are groups of ppl who would never fote for him because of his skin color, nor would vote for someone based on sex. Remember, the blacks voted for him to the tune of about 90% as opposed to other elections when their vote was split between the parties at about 60 - 40. If he turns out to be a dud, do you think their votes will change? I would hope that most of us look beyond race and gender and go for the person who most closely resembles our political and moral standards
I don't think the American people are really that shallow or racist. I can't imagine people would base their vote by skin color...but then I'm amazed every day at things I see and hear others say, They did, Ladylid. I know several Democrats that wouldn't vote for Obama because he's black. I was dating one. He didn't want a "N" in the White House so he voted for McCain. Yep, I quit dating him. |
Edited by
Tue 06/08/10 08:58 PM
Anyone can get elected if they promise to give money to the right people and lie with a straight face.
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I don't think the American people are really that shallow or racist. I can't imagine people would base their vote by skin color...but then I'm amazed every day at things I see and hear others say, They did, Ladylid. I know several Democrats that wouldn't vote for Obama because he's black. I was dating one. He didn't want a "N" in the White House so he voted for McCain. Yep, I quit dating him. well, there ya have it then...good thing I added the "but" on my post... wow, just wow |
me personally
If another African came alone who had some good ideas I'd vote for him or her. If obama runs again he'll be lucky if I don't start a riot. His health care reform almost killed my grandma. I'm in the low income bracket that it is effecting. I know so many people right now who can't even get basic needs taken care of. I don't care the race or color of a person. I judge him or her by their actions. |
I think you are stupid for not considering a persons skin color and race when voting.If you are going to vote in a group of hispanics you shouldn't be surprised if they are spending all their time on hispanic issues.I'm old enough to know that birds of a feather stick together.I'll vote white,Christian,males/females first and everyone else second.They are going to have the majority of my interests and beliefs that I support and like.I could care less about diversity,equality,and quotas.
...some of that good ole Christian love you post all the time about in the religion forum Thomas.
Wow, just wow..again |
I think you are stupid for not considering a persons skin color and race when voting.If you are going to vote in a group of hispanics you shouldn't be surprised if they are spending all their time on hispanic issues.I'm old enough to know that birds of a feather stick together.I'll vote white,Christian,males/females first and everyone else second.They are going to have the majority of my interests and beliefs that I support and like.I could care less about diversity,equality,and quotas. no offense but this type of opinion is why I left the christian and catholic ideologies. I would actually rather have an individual who is non religious and non spiritual in office because they would focus on facts and facts only. I would feel sorry for them every day and pray for them but I can not deny that they would do the best at the job. It is impossible for a man or woman of any religion to have that type of power and not try to influence the country into their own idea of how god wants things to go. But if that is the way you wish to believe then how about we get a Native in office. Hey we had everything going pretty good before these weirdos came over... wait a minute I'm part weirdo also... now I'm confused. Oh look butterfly *wanders off* |
The polls are affected by the racists in this country that is for sure so to say he is failing is a bit of an exaggeration.
Even with just the black vote and the Hispanic vote Obama could not have got into office. So there are plenty of white folks who voted for him. I have been watching him as I have done each president that I have voted for before and like all of them I have moments where I feel he is excellent and other times when I am disappointed. Over all he is doing good and I will vote for him again. I will always look past race when voting. I will never look past being too far right. |
I think you are stupid for not considering a persons skin color and race when voting.If you are going to vote in a group of hispanics you shouldn't be surprised if they are spending all their time on hispanic issues.I'm old enough to know that birds of a feather stick together.I'll vote white,Christian,males/females first and everyone else second.They are going to have the majority of my interests and beliefs that I support and like.I could care less about diversity,equality,and quotas. I guess that I'm stupid then. I vote for the person that I feel is best qualified for the job. I don't care what color they are or if they're male or female. |
I think you are stupid for not considering a persons skin color and race when voting.If you are going to vote in a group of hispanics you shouldn't be surprised if they are spending all their time on hispanic issues.I'm old enough to know that birds of a feather stick together.I'll vote white,Christian,males/females first and everyone else second.They are going to have the majority of my interests and beliefs that I support and like.I could care less about diversity,equality,and quotas. I guess that I'm stupid then. I vote for the person that I feel is best qualified for the job. I don't care what color they are or if they're male or female. Um, no's not you that's stupid |
Obama was one of the greatest candidates this country has seen, thats the problem, he put on a great show to get elected. To me he just another sleazy politician; though he is smarter than the majority, and I do like him for that. I don't care what color his skin is or where his ancestry lays.
All those closet racists may not be against Obama for being black or Muslim, (which he is not!), they just don't like him because he is not a wight christian. |
Edited by
Tue 06/08/10 09:35 PM
No Winx I am just honest with myself.I suppose the 96% of the black voters that voted for Obama are also wrong?I don't care if it is PC or not.From what I have learned in my life is that the strongest leaders of both the Christian faith and who are running this country are white males.
Why everyone gives minorites a free pass for voting for their own but you call white males racist for voting for white males is so hypocritical it is stomach turning.It's fine for the blacks to only votes for blacks but for the whites to only votes for whites your the scum of the earth. Please spare me the idiotic,unrealistic,and holier than thou soap box speech that only you and one other person care about. |
I think you are stupid for not considering a persons skin color and race when voting.If you are going to vote in a group of hispanics you shouldn't be surprised if they are spending all their time on hispanic issues.I'm old enough to know that birds of a feather stick together.I'll vote white,Christian,males/females first and everyone else second.They are going to have the majority of my interests and beliefs that I support and like.I could care less about diversity,equality,and quotas. This is exactly what is wrong with this country, the average idiot only cares about their own kind. 'If it helps me, screw everyone else.' That's the kind of thinking that is flushing this country down the drain. |
I think you are stupid for not considering a persons skin color and race when voting.If you are going to vote in a group of hispanics you shouldn't be surprised if they are spending all their time on hispanic issues.I'm old enough to know that birds of a feather stick together.I'll vote white,Christian,males/females first and everyone else second.They are going to have the majority of my interests and beliefs that I support and like.I could care less about diversity,equality,and quotas. This is exactly what is wrong with this country, the average idiot only cares about their own kind. 'If it helps me, screw everyone else.' That's the kind of thinking that is flushing this country down the drain. I have a vote and I will vote any way I please.It is not up to you or anyone else to tell me what I have to like or dislike,who I have to vote for and who not to vote for.I am only looking out for my best interest because I only have one life to live and I am not going to live it by someone elses standards of what this country should be run like. Your screw everyone else theory only works if I am in the minority.When I have the majority you are the one that is screwed. |
No Winx I am just honest with myself.I suppose the 96% of the black voters that voted for Obama are also wrong?I don't care if it is PC or not.From what I have learned in my life is that the strongest leaders of both the Christian faith and who are running this country are white males. Why everyone gives minorites a free pass for voting for their own but you call white males racist for voting for white males is so hypocritical it is stomach turning.It's fine for the blacks to only votes for blacks but for the whites to only votes for whites your the scum of the earth. Please spare me the idiotic,unrealistic,and holier than thou soap box speech that only you and one other person care about. To vote for a person because of there race or religion is almost as bad as not voting for a person because of their race or religion. I think the black people that voted for Obama because he is black are just as bad as the wight people who voted for Mcain because he is wight. We need to look past race and religion look for quality today. I would vote for an black Iraqi Muslim woman if she was the most qualified. I don't care who that pisses off. |
I think you are stupid for not considering a persons skin color and race when voting.If you are going to vote in a group of hispanics you shouldn't be surprised if they are spending all their time on hispanic issues.I'm old enough to know that birds of a feather stick together.I'll vote white,Christian,males/females first and everyone else second.They are going to have the majority of my interests and beliefs that I support and like.I could care less about diversity,equality,and quotas. This is exactly what is wrong with this country, the average idiot only cares about their own kind. 'If it helps me, screw everyone else.' That's the kind of thinking that is flushing this country down the drain. I have a vote and I will vote any way I please.It is not up to you or anyone else to tell me what I have to like or dislike,who I have to vote for and who not to vote for.I am only looking out for my best interest because I only have one life to live and I am not going to live it by someone elses standards of what this country should be run like. Your screw everyone else theory only works if I am in the minority.When I have the majority you are the one that is screwed. Your last sentence is correct, the majority has the power, and if something helps them, they don't care how it hurts the minority. However, you are missing the meaning of the quotes. 'If it helps me,screw everyone else.' That is what most people think, it's human nature. I think it's time to evolve past that kind of thinking. |