Community > Posts By > Hennnery

Hennnery's photo
Sun 09/16/07 08:13 PM
laugh Actually I got Uncle Harry at a Grage Sale for .50 he is a 1936 hand painted Lithograph, So you see Harry is my little tough of Class...

What you call an Earth Mover is my 1952 D2-5U CAT, The Rose is from my Garden,The Anti-Gravity Craft is from The Pleadies, The Guy snaping the Flash is me, I had a nice clear photo of me up, but I got too many complaints so I removed it...

Fugly??? yes, thats me...

Tin foil Hat ?
Perhaps that too...

But at least I'm not a HeShe...laugh

Hennnery's photo
Sun 09/16/07 03:26 PM
brokenheart OK, thanks for the cheary Send Off...grumble

Hennnery's photo
Sun 09/16/07 03:12 PM
laugh yawn flowerforyou brokenheart blushing :wink:

Hennnery's photo
Sun 09/16/07 03:08 PM
grumble Shure am glad that I gave all you people a place to Chatt,oh and the lump on the ground that y'all been stumbl'n around for the past l'il while, well just give it another kick, it's my head...blushing

Hennnery's photo
Sun 09/16/07 02:23 PM
grumble A Million reason's to leave and very few to stay...

You people are great at pointing you fingers and you must not have any mirrors...

I don't feel that I am the only negetive person here,at least the way you have responded to my posting is normally ten shades worse then anything that I said...

I just don't see anything GOOD coming from this place, it is as depressing as sitting in a dark corner by my self...grumble

Hennnery's photo
Sun 09/16/07 11:16 AM
flowerforyou Then Good Luck to you and your Friend,I hope that all goes

Hennnery's photo
Sun 09/16/07 11:10 AM
:smile: Yes Jess, this is part of my point,that no matter where you are, it is always Spring time some where...

Where I live there is a celibration every year for the Return of The Monark Butterfly to The Eucalyptus Groves...

So every year we get the education of how The Butterfly got it's name, it seems that The strange Bug was the topic of great concern at one point and the person that had Nemed it Call it The (Flutterby) because they tend to Flutter By, but someone made a small typo and the Majestic Insect has been misnamed ever since...

It's not that big a deal unless your a Botnest of a carear Bug Freak...laugh

Hennnery's photo
Sun 09/16/07 06:07 AM
noway flowerforyou brokenheart blushing yawn :tongue:

Hennnery's photo
Sun 09/16/07 06:02 AM
:smile: brokenheart flowerforyou sad happy :heart: smokin brokenheart noway

Hennnery's photo
Sun 09/16/07 12:15 AM
laugh Hello Jess, Dajavu seems like we all me somewhere other than here, even The Native Girl of 36,That Arctic Air keeps em young looking longer...blushing

Hennnery's photo
Sun 09/16/07 12:08 AM
:smile: Yes, I trust that your words are True...flowerforyou

Hennnery's photo
Sat 09/15/07 11:50 PM
noway Why dose the Old Guy want The Kids out of His way???

So he can have 100% of you,yet that would get very old very FAST then he would become abusive...

Your kids act as a Buffer and a shared experiance that all can learn and grow from, so the guy would not be a likely to withdraw into himself and become abusive...

Just my thought on the

Hennnery's photo
Sat 09/15/07 11:34 PM
Dear Diary, It just could be that we'r all living in some very Strange times...blushing

I like to think that we are all kids at heart, some a just a tad older then others...

If a man is single and in his 50's the a nice woman with kid's would be a great plus, in that there would be even more kid's to play with and teach the way's of this world...

Ah, but what do I know, all the ladies just run away from me...blushing

Hennnery's photo
Sat 09/15/07 10:48 PM
:smile: The FlutterBys of Spring,as it must always be Spring somewhere...flowerforyou

Some call me a crusty old fart, perhaps...

We must all be something,

However my subject is The Flutterbys of Spring and their right to life...

I will not mince words over the pros and cons of GLOBAL WAR...

My question is what right has any man or group of men, To Exterminate The Flutterby's of Spring,or the young Fawn,or The Red Tail Hawk,or The Great Blue Whale...


Weather you know it or not,very soon after you exterminate NATURE, all of mankind will fall aswell...brokenheart

I think more people hear me as I sit in the hills and speak unto the wind... noway

Hennnery's photo
Sat 09/15/07 10:08 PM
:wink: 3 Cat's have Adopted me, another Million or so Humans say they are my friends and I share a Joke or tell the a tall tail a few times a year...laugh
Would you call purchasing a Military 6 X 6
OutFItting it as a Live Aborad Shop, Welding Fabrication, Pnumatics, the works and going out into The Nevada Desert, where Choppers and Jeeps Fear to Dare...

To help convert an old 1880's GOLD MINE into a Custome
Subterranian Home, for FREE!!!


And when it was all sid and done, all I got was a bullet in the Back and left to die...

You know, that 6 X 6 fit right in the main shaft,and I would imagen it did not stop till it hit bottom 5000 feet down and I had to walk 40 miles out with a Bullet in my back...

As we age The Teerm Friend becomes rather abstract...

How do you charge a friend $175.00 per hr for work, you don't...

You just do it, FREE!!!

The term friend is TOO PERSONAL and soo abstract, that rather then attempting to live it with one member on this site, perhaps it is better to write about it on The FORUMS...

Hennnery's photo
Sat 09/15/07 07:53 PM
:wink: I'm not holding anything against anyone,I'm just posting out of my NORMAL Topics...

I always hear the term Friends Used where LOVER would have been a much better description, or Friends so the discount would be greater...

At what price is FRIENDSHIP ???

I always thought it was FREE, but it has always CO$T Something...brokenheart

Hennnery's photo
Sat 09/15/07 07:34 PM
:smile: I don't think I've ever really had a Friend...

Oh, I've known plenty of people that told me they were my friends,but they all wanted something and after the got it...

They Left, never to be seen again...

So I sorta came to the Conclusion, that a " Friend " is someone that knows your name and uses it to take advantage of you as often as is in-humanly possible...laugh

Now I admit that I might be wrong about this, but this is just my distorted take on these thing's... noway

Hennnery's photo
Sat 09/15/07 05:39 PM
laugh yawn grumble flowerforyou glasses embarassed huh bigsmile smooched blushing noway laugh :tongue:

Hennnery's photo
Sat 09/15/07 05:26 PM

There is more than one way to fight a WAR...

I greatly prefer International Commerce, it is good for all and it tends to Build Nations and prolong LIFE, while teaching a good healthy Wrok Ethic...

The Report From Iron Mountain states That WAR IS GOOD for Nations and bad for the nations people...

I don't know, it's a hard Road either way...........

Hennnery's photo
Sat 09/15/07 05:18 PM
soffit, it is you that seem's to have a problem with Drugs...

In the only 2 photo's that you offer, your standing at a BAR...

I don't use Drugs, they are not part of my reality...

Could it be that your life can not be a reality, without Drugs and or Alcohol ???

If that be your situation, all I can say is GOOD LUCK!!!

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