Community > Posts By > Hennnery

Hennnery's photo
Mon 08/20/07 06:12 PM
OK, this is a real Tech Problem, I have limited access to your site on my Old WebTV unit and NO access on my up-graded msn-TV2 so what gives???

What am I diong wrong other than not being on a computer...

Hennnery's photo
Mon 08/20/07 04:51 PM
Well it Looks like your Fearing Leader has done it again, as you will remember last year this time GWB was doing his best to avoid Leo Wanta and his 4.5 Trillion Deposit into The Federal Reserve...

Thanks to poppy GHWB and Bill Clinton that little problem was remedied,they just sent the money to India, to be laundered ans sent back to Bushco inc.

Now we have this year and the crash of The Federal Reserve,yes I said CRASH, this is what happens when you send all your major manufacturing out and you start a bunch of Forign Wars and you Spend,Spend,Spend...

Your good king george,never ran a succufl buisness,so all he knows how to do is fail,and you Bushies are proud of how he has sold you down the river...

Hennnery's photo
Sun 08/19/07 10:25 PM
The BOTTOM LINE TO ALL OF IT, IS THAT ALL OF OUR ELLECTED REP's Congress, The Senate,Even The Supream Court are Bought and Paid FOR by The BANKSTERS THAT ARE THE NEW WORLD ODER... and that is not a typo,I do feel that They STINK!!!

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