Community > Posts By > angel1977

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Tue 10/24/06 02:48 AM
Just cute...lmao

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Wed 10/18/06 11:49 AM
Thank you. Paterafan it is hard to put up a child for adoption. I did
that about 4yrs ago. The good thing was I knew where the child was going
and get to see him often due to the fact they live where my children go
to school and the same day care. At that time of my life I had no
choice. Like u i was living at home with my dad and no job and just
couldn't handle it. I wrote him a letter letting him know why i gave him
up for adoption cuz i loved him that much to let him go. I am raising my
children the best i can and i make enough to keep a roof over our heads
and food on the table. we don't have much but it is what we got.

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Tue 10/17/06 10:54 PM
Yep u too...nite

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Tue 10/17/06 10:50 PM
I'm about a hour or so north of sioux falls. If u look at a map and
follow I29 north u will come across watertown or helltown as I call

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Tue 10/17/06 10:38 PM
I've gone out a couple of times since then but I'm not one that really
enjoys going out that much anymore. There is to much drama in this town
to go anywhere..

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Tue 10/17/06 10:25 PM
When that happened it was the worst bday I ever had. It was hard to even
try and celebrate knowing all of them ppl died like that. Still hard to
this day.

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Tue 10/17/06 10:18 PM
Mine of all days is 9-11-77. I had a lot of grieve about that day yrs
ago. paterafan u have the same bday as my youngest.

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Tue 10/17/06 10:06 PM
Nothing up here. Just trying to get tired enough to finally fall

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Tue 10/17/06 10:01 PM
cute 4fun06. Never thought of it as that..LOL

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Tue 10/17/06 09:59 PM
Yes that it does. I think that this was his wake up call. About damn
time i say. I've been raising kids since I was 19yrs old and here I am
10yrs later still raising kids alone. Granted my kids's dad now is
involved with their lives it still isn't the same. I'm not about ready
to go through raising another one without some help.

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Tue 10/17/06 09:49 PM
Thank you all for ur advice. I broke it to him tonight couldn't do it
face to face but told him over the phone. He started to cry and said he
was happy. He also told me that he wanted to help in any way he could.
He did surprise me due to the fact that his drinking was more important
than anything. He wants to be a father to this child and I feel that he
will grow up. I don't want a relationship with him and told him that. I
also reassured him that this wasn't a trap to make him marry me. I want
to say thank you again to all of u for helping me in this difficult

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Tue 10/17/06 06:36 PM
Abortion was never on my mind. I'm against that totally unless for
medical reasons. I would instead give it for adoption. I have 3 other
children. Getting pregant was never a issue due to the fact that I was
on the depo shot. Guess I was that 1 in 5 that got knocked up. I would
like to have him part of the kids life if he wanted to.

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Tue 10/17/06 06:30 PM
South Dakota

The Bad Lands and Mt.Rushmore. They are very beautiful come winter time.
I have visited there for several yrs but hope to go someday soon with my

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Tue 10/17/06 06:24 PM
I have recently found out that I'm pregant. The problem is it is by a
friend of mine and we are no longer talking. We have been friends for
6yrs and were just friends with benefits. I don't know what to do as far
as telling him or not. He is 34yrs old and still lives with his family.
He is totally unreliable and not sure if he is ready to have a family.
What do u all think? I know he does have a right to know but just don't
know for sure.

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Tue 10/17/06 06:18 PM
I didn't have a phone for several months so when I gave a phone number
to anyone it was my friend's number. When I got on my feet and if the
ppl would call my friends she would give them my number then. So don't
suspect the worst when dealing with that type of situation especially
when U don't know what that situation may be.

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Tue 10/17/06 04:08 PM
I was married to a bull rider for 5yrs. I tell u i hated going to see
him ride as I always thought he was gonna die. About a yr ago I found
out he broke his neck really bad and has been paralized from the waist
down. I'm glad he's still alive and also glad I wasn't there when he got

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Tue 10/17/06 01:03 PM
I either drink cherry vodka and coke or jack and coke..a few of them and
i'll be dancing on the tables or pool table..LOL

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Wed 10/11/06 01:10 AM
My now exhusband and I use to go out to the local bars and he would
purposely at the end of the night walk out the door hanging on another
woman and then go to her house..I put up with this for almost 2yrs
thinking and hoping he would change. I never cheated on him nor even
thought about doing it. So to say that women cheat on men all the time I
think we are equal. I think it is wrong.

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Fri 09/08/06 03:48 PM
I'm a curvy woman as well and am proud of who I am...My ex-husband
always rubbed it in my face that I was fat and ugly and couldn't get a
man if I tried and I was lucky to have him with me. Well you know what
to all them men out there like him I have 3 words for u. GO TO HELL!!!!!
I'm proud of who I am and have had a lot of men tell me I'm beautiful
just the way I am.

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Fri 09/08/06 03:30 PM
Never been there before but have been to kalmazoo mich..beautiful
country there.

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