Just stop for a minute. This is a -huge- misinterpretation of Scripture.
First off, Elohim, while used Plurally, refers to the TRINITY. (Father, Son, And Holy Spirit). Next off, any times 'gods' in the lowercase are referred to, it's talking about the idols that man has created to worship. To say that he is the Lord of lords and King of kings simply shows that he's above everything else, and nothing could measure up to him, not that there are actually other gods. |
They Lied!!!!
Uhh. That's not a lie.
the 8th king prophecy
There's no real point in bickering as to what one king is or not. The fact of the matter is that you don't know.
Jesus himself didn't even know, only God the father knows when the end of the ages is, and it's just utterly pointless for you to even be arguing this. Mark 13:30-33: "....This generation shall not pass away, until all these things be accomplished....But of that day or that hour knoweth no one, not even the angels in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is." :\ |
Do you yearn to know
Edited by
Wed 05/14/08 07:34 PM
I'll put it simply.
And I don't even have to say anything. Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." I don't need God to prove himself to me. |
glorybe to the females.
![]() 'ok my friend! 4 one thing your book is not my book. in my book it said to look at the DNA which will show that the females had to come 1st in the (Mitochondria DNA) and the DNA don't lie but your book do lie because of man's ego and it's true that females are smarter then man. your book said that the GODs saw the Daughters and took them not saw man as great or good and took non of them home.haaaaaa What the crap did you just say? |
The Jedi Church
..Are you serious?
I can't believe this is actually real. Jedi were created by a movie director not even forty years ago. How can people put serious faith behind this? |
glorybe to the females.
..Adam was first. As much as I try to respect women, I still don't see the..importance, or logic, of a man professing his total, matriarchal society sort of respect to the female species on the internet. But then I saw your last post. what can a man want more then 2 hold a find woman with a nice ass...homes$$love
And figured out that you're just perverted. :\ I don't hate women, by the way. :D My Bible tells me to love and respect them. <3 But i'll just stop. =] |
Dare to Hope: Vote Obama...
Edited by
Wed 05/07/08 07:18 AM
just what we need a muslim prezsad
Instead of being ignorant to what the media tells you, perhaps you should actually listen to what the man himself has to say about his beliefs. He is a professing Christian, and although I question how serious he is about that, you're generalizing and bigotry is the exact reason why ninety percent of the world hates Americans. Maybe if you'd show a little incentive, and actually research something, rather than jumping to conclusions, you'd be a more informed voter. Fin. |
It doesn't seem very right to shape your philosophy and your beliefs from a hollywood movie.
And changing ideas just sounds like you want to conform to whatever anyone else thinks of your ideas. Like chaff in the wind.. :) |
I made it up! It's my last day of the semester, just one more final to go.
Then I'm donnnneeee. |
Sad thing is, People generally use those one liners because they're ignorant to the rest of the word. I tend to think of different passages and stuff when I'm in a conversation - stuff that relates to what we're talking about..But I don't think I take it out of context. I think you might be generalizing a bit. :\
By the way Casemu... you are not the first, and I'm sure you won't be the last to try and proselytize me via the internet. It won't work. I used to be like you. I never want to be like you ever again. ![]() I'm sorry you feel the need to say things such as that. And I wasn't aware it was so awful to be like me. :\ But that's how it is, I suppose. Have a nice life. Lord knows I'm awfully sick of trying to deal with your passive-aggressive insults, skewed mindset of what Christianity is, and general hate towards anyone that says what you're doing is wrong. No sweat off my back. |
Maybe you haven't met the kind of people that attend the church I have gone to for the past three years. I, too, avoided church for a long time, because of thinking that the people who attended were hypocrits or judgemental. However, the people at my church don't judge or tell others how to live. We try to be a family of God like the Bible tells us we should. When I was into Wiccan beliefs, I also tried to tell myself that I could be a Christian and a witch. I thought I could take the best of both "religions" and that would work. But that bird don't fly! What you end up with is a mixed up, pieced together, patchwork religion of your own making. I'm not being critical, as I did the same thing myself. Much of your story told above, could have been my own. Not all, but a good bit of it. I was first saved at age 11. However, I didn't understand about a real life changing relationship with God. I, too, became pregnant at 16. There were also a lot of hard times in my life, but whatever our life experiences, we all have the decision of a lifetime to make. Will we accept Jesus and his gift of eternal life, or will we reject him? You say that the people at your church don't judge or tell others how to live. Yet in the very next paragraph you basically say that you can't mix Wicca and Christianity. Isn't that kind of like telling me that the spiritual path I've chosen (Christian Pagan Witch) can't possibly be done? It's ok if that's what you are saying. It's not like I've never had the word oxymoron thrown in my face before. Believe me I'm used to it. =\ I'm sorry you've had such a hard life. I haven't exactly had an easy one myself. But you need to understand that what you're suggesting - a life of pagan practices right next to Witchcraft, all on the basis of worshipping a Christian God simply goes against the Bible - The Inspired Word of God. Something that contradicts your entire belief system. If you worship the God of the Universe, then you would know his feeling on Sorcery. Just as you felt the need to list a slew of verses without proper support, I shall do the same, but I'll do what I can to explain them. 1 Samuel 15:23 (NAS) "For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry..." Samuel was a Prophet. I'm sure that you know that. He was the man that anointed David as the King of Israel, and the very same who faced down Saul in an after death experience. To clarify this passage, two things are mentioned. Rebellion and Insubordination. Both one in the same, basically. Now, the definition of Rebellion, according to this verse, is Divination. Something that, from my oh so minuscule grasp of witchcraft, is a prime component of. Iniquity, as well as idolatry, are self explanatory, but I want to just clarify this. I've read in a few of your posts that you worship God the Father, and Mother Goddess. Now that is the first red flag I have to throw out there. God is God. Not Father God, husband of Mother Goddess. God does not have an equal - he, along with the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ, are one in the same. It's impossible to fully understand, but there is certainly no aspect of a Mother Goddess. # Witchcraft: Wanting to be a spiritual "mover and shaker" without submitting to God. Witchcraft is rebellion coupled with a desire to "stay in the game", to be a spiritual player. ^That's a quote that I found. Fitting? :\ Deuteronomy 18:14 (NAS) "For those nations, which you will dispossess, listen to those who practice witchcraft and to diviners, but as for you, the Lord your God has not allowed you to do so." Self explanatory. Isaiah 57:1-5 (NIV) "The righteous perish, and no one ponders it in his heart; devout men are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death. But you--come here, you sons of a sorceress, you offspring of adulterers and prostitutes! Whom are you mocking? At whom do you sneer and stick out your tongue? Are you not a brood of rebels, the offspring of liars? You burn with lust among the oaks and under every spreading tree..." Isaiah 57:7-8 (NIV) "You have made your bed on a high and lofty hill; there you went up to offer your sacrifices. Behind your doors and your doorposts you have put your pagan symbols. Forsaking me, you uncovered your bed, you climbed into it and opened it wide; you made a pact with those whose beds you love, and you looked on their nakedness." Isaiah 57:10-12 (NIV) "You were wearied by all your ways, but you would not say, 'It is hopeless.' You found renewal of your strength, and so you did not faint. Whom have you so dreaded and feared that you have been false to me, and have neither remembered me nor pondered this in your hearts? Is it not because I have long been silent that you do not fear me? I will expose your righteousness and your works, and they will not benefit you." Another self explanatory thing. Basically, To call yourself even a hint of Pagan, while referencing the Christian God and supposedly Worshipping him - you're contradicting yourself. And it's utterly frightening. Acts 19:19 (Jer) Some believers, too, came forward to admit in detail how they had used spells and a number of them who had practiced magic collected their books and made a bonfire of them in public. The value of these was calculated to be fifty thousand silver pieces. You supposedly put your faith in the Christian God, the God of the Universe, and the God of my life. If that's true, take after what's already been said in his Word. I'm begging you to consider what you may have to do for the salvation of your soul. Jesus Christ should be the only being in the Heavens above that you worship. Not witchcraft, Not idols, Not false gods. Not pantheons..But God. God in the Trinity, Father Son and Holy Spirit. That's all. Hosea 14:9 (NIV) Who is wise? He will realize these things. Who is discerning? He will understand them. The ways of the Lord are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them. Have a good night. |
I do my best to understand others beliefs without shoving my own down their throat - but when you come on here blatantly pointing out that Christians are in the wrong, that they're doing all these awful things to people on the boards. When trying to fix this, it isn't in your best interest to call us 'Stupid'.
"Just so everyone understands, I know that I'm not an innocent angel. There are times when I get enjoyment out of taking a stick and poking the sheep every once in a while. I admit, they annoy me... mainly because they remind me of how stupid I used to be. I'm human, I admit I have flaws." As passive as that was, it was still a blatant insult. And I'll be as blunt as I please with you - When I hear people talking about other ways to reach heaven - it's my Duty, as someone saved by the Grace of Christ, to inform them otherwise. Jesus said himself. "I am the way, the truth, and the life, and noone goes to the Father but through me." Christianity as a religion isn't the only way to Heaven. You're right. I won't doubt you, because I see evidence in the church of so much corruption, false teachings, and lies. Christianity though, as a deep, passionate relationship between God and man, through Jesus Christ - That is the only way to Heaven. I don't care if I get flak for this, nor do I care if people are angry with what I said. If you are? I'm sorry. You can message me and we can talk about it further, or you can simply insult me over here. Maybe you don't like it. Maybe you think I'm nieve. But then again, Of course I must be when I'm in the prescence of the all-knowing Valkyre. Stop being so full of yourself, please. |
So Hey.
I'm nearing fifty posts and I never introduced myself. Oh noes. :)
I'm Casey. Hey. |
Alright, I just need to get this out before I get to bed.
I see evidence of him in the testimonies that I hear of people's hearts broken before God, coming out of a life of cutting, depression, and pain. I see evidence of him in the clouds, in the rain, and in the sunlight. I see evidence of him in the emotions that well up in my heart when I sing praises to him, and the pain that I feel when I fail him - and myself. I see evidence of him in the life I've lived, in the life I had before I came to Christ. I see evidence of him in a newborns first breath, and an elders last breath. I see evidence of him in the divorce, abuse, and pain my life has held. I see evidence of him in the Cross, and the blood shed for my soul. ..That's the only proof I need - and if you need a miracle? Then you're kidding yourself when you say you'd believe him if you saw it. |
I'm simply clarifying the fact that you seem to be suggesting Jesus Christ and Siddhartha Gutama on the same level. Christ Jesus was the Son of God himself, while Siddhartha Gutama was a man. A very wise man, I do not doubt that, but a man nontheless. To say that he was sinless is falsehood - as the book of Romans states, "For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God." That means everyone. You. Me. Everyone in the world. Christ was not of this world, as he's stated several times in the Word. He was born of a virgin - the very son of God, who was the only to offer Forgiveness of sins. There may be parallels, but there are many parallels in this world with important leaders. I am not trying to argue, I am trying to clarify, as I've stated already. Christ was put to death on the Cross to forgive the sins of the world, as long as people would simply put their faith in him. To my knowledge, that is one thing that Siddhartha Gutama is not on par with Jesus Christ.
The one thing you fail to mention is the forgiveness of sins, which only Christ Jesus could ever offer.
Your entire argument is therefore meaningless, I'm afraid. And besides. Throwing out a list of verses and sayings without any sort of explanation behind them - simply that they are 'Parallel', is by no means a way to start a discussion. You could take any passage out of the bible and misinterpret it without looking at the context of the remainder of the book, and I'm sure the same could be said for the Upanishads, Vedas, and any other religious text in the known world. |
Satan or God
This is why. God is the Creator of the universe, King and Maker of everything. Satan is the creation of God, who willingly chose to disobey him and try to usurp the throne of God from him. He failed, was cast out of Heaven, and caused the first man and woman to sin. There is no reason to worship someone who created death, destruction, and lies, period.
Yeah..It kind of won't make any difference.
Yeah, they'll be out that money for the day, but the day after that, when people need it, it'll make up for it. So the logic is a bit flawed.. |