Community > Posts By > Illusion_of_me

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Thu 12/06/07 07:29 PM

i meant real drugs like heroin and coke

Mary Jane is my lover, glad it's not a real drug.... haha

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Thu 12/06/07 07:02 PM
Have you spoken to them about how you feel? What have they said? i believe each person needs to find his own path in life, and I will never push my beliefs on my children regardless of age or dependence. In my own opinion, if you work, pay rent, and are 100% independent aside from "renting a room" at your parents, then they really have no right to push something like religion on you. However, it may take moving out for them to realize you are a man now, and not their little boy who they are still raising.

If worse comes to worst, move out, but still claim your parents residence for school purposes. I highly doubt the school is going to look into it or care much.

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Wed 12/05/07 07:45 PM


Really, then can you enlighten me (and I'm sure others too) as to where it's located?

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Wed 12/05/07 07:40 PM
Rate you? I don't get it, it's not like there is a "rate me" button on profiles...

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Sat 12/01/07 07:42 PM
My favorite Adj. is splendeferous!

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Sat 12/01/07 04:31 PM
I want to be wanted, and need someone who wants to be wanted.

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Sat 12/01/07 04:00 PM
Kari is a hottie! love

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Sat 12/01/07 03:03 PM
It sounds to me like you have a winner. If she's never been with a guy, chances are she has never been kissed, or has but not very well. I would definitely talk to her more on the subject. Maybe she's really nervous and shy and waiting for you to make a move. I would keep on with the affection, cuddling, holding hands, etc. Then if you find a good time to give a kiss, then don't pass it up. I say if you play it out and don't force it, you won't regret it in the long run. Anything worth doing, is worth taking your time and doing right.

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Sat 12/01/07 02:54 PM
It's a dang shame... we get rain in So Cali, but a good thunderstorm only comes around maybe every couple years if that.

It rained the past 2 days, I love thunderstorms and we never get any... sad

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Sat 12/01/07 02:39 PM
define tease. I mean tease to me makes it seem like she puts herself out there, but it's all a front. You can't really call someone a tease unless they flirt with you and then back off when you make an attempt to advance the situation. If you haven't even made that attempt yet then how do you know she's a tease, and not seriously interested?

no photo
Fri 11/30/07 04:12 PM

Second, I wonder how many men on here are really looking for a relationship or just shopping?

I'm searching for the right woman for me, however you have to go "shopping" to find what fits and works right, so really arn't we all "shopping" as you put it.

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Fri 11/30/07 04:00 PM
I'm bored... but not board... :tongue:

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Fri 11/30/07 02:52 PM
Better to wait for what? Me personally, i think the pros to dating/being in a relationship is always having someone there to share that emotional bond with. Someone to make you happy and make happy in return. The cons, possible drama or heartache or things not going well.

Pros to being single, well being your own person and doing what you want when you want without attachment. Cons I guess, being alone at times.

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Fri 11/30/07 02:33 PM
My guess, he's interested, but maybe shy or unsure how to approach you. This is the case for me really anyhow. I can strike up a conversation with anyone, but when it comes to asking someone out I'm rather shy. If it was me in his place, I would probably be hoping you take a hint and show me you're interested as well. It wouldn't have to be anything big. Maybe just sit with him and chat for a bit and see where it leads. At the end maybe say something like, "we should do this again sometime" and exchange phone numbers.

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Thu 11/29/07 02:13 PM
OK I don't really get what you're saying. Are you trying to say the world is gonna end in 2 generations? I have no clue where you're going with it except for quoting revelations.

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Thu 11/29/07 01:55 PM

Daniel 2:32-33
The head of the statue was made of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze,33 its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay.

Daniel predicted the four great kingdoms
Bible passage: Daniel 2:32-33
Prophet: Daniel
Written: about 530 BC
Fulfilled: Throughout history; to be completed during End Times

In Daniel 2:32-33, there is a passage that symbolically identified the four great kingdoms that would rise up and control much of world, beginning in Daniel's lifetime. The passage uses symbolic imagery:

1. The head of gold, as Daniel explained, refers to the Babylonian empire that ruled much of the world about 2600 years ago.

2. Daniel said that the head-of-gold empire would be followed by an empire symbolized by arms of silver. This refers to the Medo-Persian empire which later conquered the Babylonian empire. The scholars say that the two arms refer to the two groups - the Medes and the Persians - who comprised the Medo-Persian empire.

3. The third kingdom was symbolized by the statue's belly and thighs of brass. This is a reference to the Grecian empire, which conquered the Medo-Persian empire. The symbol of a belly and thighs of brass suggests that the kingdom was to start out as a united empire but end up as a divided empire. Under the leadership of Alexander the Great, the Grecian Empire was a united empire. But after Alexander's death, the empire was divided into four parts and was later reduced to two parts.

4. The fourth symbol - that of iron legs and feet that were part iron and part clay - has often been suggested to be a reference to the Roman Empire, which later conquered the Grecian Empire. The Roman Empire was very powerful, but it was also very diverse, claiming dominion over a wide variety of different nations. That diversity later contributed to the downfall of the empire.

These four kingdoms ruled over much of the world, and each of the four ruled over the land of Israel during times in which a significant number of Jews - and perhaps a majority of Jews - were living in their homeland. Before the collapse of the Roman Empire, Jerusalem was destroyed and hundreds of thousands of Jews were forced into exile. Even today, a majority of Jews still live outside of Israel. Many Christian scholars suggest that the Roman Empire will be revived and will once again seek to control Israel.

Daniel 9:24-26

"Seventy `sevens'[1] are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish[2] transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy.[3]25

"Know and understand this: From the issuing of the decree[4] to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One,[5] the ruler, comes, there will be seven `sevens,' and sixty-two `sevens.' It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble.

After the sixty-two `sevens,' the Anointed One will be cut off and will have nothing.[6] The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed.

NIV Footnotes: [1] Or `weeks'; also in verses 25 and 26
[2] Or restrain
[3] Or Most Holy Place; or most holy One
[4] Or word
[5] Or an anointed one; also in verse 26
[6] Or off and will have no one; or off, but not for himself

(New International Version translation)

Daniel predicted when an anointed one would be rejected
Bible passage: Daniel 9:24-26
Prophet: Daniel
Written: about 530 BC
Fulfilled: About 33 AD

The prophet Daniel was a Jew who lived during the time of the Babylonian Captivity, about 500 years before the birth of Jesus. During Daniel's lifetime, the Babylonians had destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple and had taken many Jews as captives to Babylon. Daniel, while in Babylon, delivered a prophecy of what would happen during the centuries that followed. Here is our summary of Daniel 9:24-26:

1. There would be a decree to rebuild Jerusalem.
2. Jerusalem and the Temple would be rebuilt.
3. Then an anointed one (messiah) would be "cut off" (an idiom for "rejected" or "killed").
4. Then Jerusalem and the Temple would be destroyed again.

All of these events later happened, in the same order in which they are described in Daniel 9:24-26:

1. After the Medo-Persians had conquered the neo-Babylonian empire about 2500 years ago, they ruled a vast empire that included the land of Israel. About 2400 years ago (about 445 BC), Persian king Artaxerxes gave permission to the Jews to rebuild Jerusalem, which was still in ruins after having been destroyed earlier by the Babylonians.
2. The Jews rebuilt the Temple and the city of Jerusalem.
3. Then, about 2000 years ago, Jesus entered Jerusalem as the Messiah who had been promised by Old Testament prophets. But, many people rejected Jesus as the Messiah and He was crucified by the Romans.
4. About 40 years after Jesus was crucified, the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple. (The Temple has not been rebuilt since then).

Isaiah 42:1-9

"Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations.

He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets.

A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice;

he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In his law the islands will put their hope."

This is what God the LORD says-- he who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and all that comes out of it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it:

"I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles,

to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.

"I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols.

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you."

OK so let me get this straight, Daniel predicted the 4 great kingdoms around 530 BC and to be fulfilled throught history and be completed in end times. The Babylonians were during Daniel's time. Next was the Medo-Persian empire followed by the Grecian empire, and then into the Roman empire. These 4 "great kingdoms" take place over the next 600 years after Daniel predicted them.

Next he predicts the anointed one, Jesus, and predicts his rejection and death. OK now from what I pick up as well, he predicted that Jesus' death was the start of the end times. Well so far it's been what, 1974 years since Jesus' death. So I really don't get what's being said here as far as prophesy being fulfilled, when we're still here 1974 years later.

As well let me ask this. If you believe in prophesy and people predicting the future, then do you believe all life and everything we "live" for was set out in a straight line from the start of man? Meaning no matter what we do now, it really won't effect the future because it's all predetermined anyway.

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Tue 11/27/07 02:48 PM
Your name: Chris

Four words: Chill, Crazy, Cranky, Cold

Boy Name: Chad

Girl Name: Chelsea

Occupation: Cashier

Something you can wear: Cloths? lol

Something found in a kitchen: Cookies!

Something you shout: CRAP!

Something you do at school: Chemistry

Name of an animal: Cat

Name of a Drink: Coke

Name a Holiday: Christmas

Name a body part: Cankles? haha

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Thu 11/22/07 04:11 PM
I think the bag is mainly just so you dont have to keep basting it cause the moisture stays in the bag.

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Thu 11/22/07 04:00 PM
Hahaha, I went to the store to get a Reynolds oven bag and they were out so I was gonna try it without. Well i was just going for the foil and I found a oven bag. I got it last year and they come 2 in a pack. I'm set now lol, but still how long should I leave it in for?

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Thu 11/22/07 03:48 PM
OK. So I got a 13 lb turkey. I made stuffing and stuffed it. I have always been told you cook a turkey 3 minutes for every lb. I even just asked someone that yesterday. and they told me yes. So I put it in a pyrex dish a stuck it in the oven. It's been about an hour now and the turkey is browned but between the legs still looks raw. I looked on the back of the turkey label and it says for 12-16 lb turkey, 4-5 hours. SO I assume I should leave it for 4-5 hours since the turkey label says so. Should I adjust at all for the stuffing in it as well. I wasn't able to get one of those turkey bags to put it in but I buttered it really well. Should I maybe wrap it in some plastic wrap and put holes in it? It just started popping alot in the oven I need suggestions.