2yr olds! ahh!!!!!
i watch my two year old cousin 7 days a week i love him to death but most of the time i want to choke him...he gets into everything, he talks back, he hits me, he's out of control i can hardly take it and on top of it i have a 6 month old who is teething my house is a wreck and it seems to never get cleaned theres food everywhere and i still live with my parents and all they do is yell at me like i don't do anything and i do have a im pretty busy....but are all 2yr olds this way?
i need to vent
he's a very violent person so i got full custody of my daughter so he only pays child support
i need to vent
over the weekend my daughters father( now i just call him a sperm donor) tried to come and kidnap her...he called my house for two hours straight so after a while i called the cops they called him and told him to stop he didnt call after that but 30 mins later he came over to my house and tried to take her from me...FYI he doesn't have the right to even come near me or her all he does is pay child support but i called the cops on him and now he's back in jail that was one of the most horrible nights of my life....and my daughter she is only 6 months and had no idea of what was going on. being a single mom is so tuff especially since im so young but im still proud of myself....
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what to do.
my daughter is starting to teethe and i don't know what to do she is Always in pain.
guys are dogs!
im not looking for freakin sympathy i don't care to get sympathy... It seems otherwise tell me how |
guys are dogs!
i used to call myself a slut yeah i used to be like that...i used to love sex but when you get raped it changes your perspective Hey, if I'm a drug dealer and I get shot, I don't get much sympathy. im not looking for freakin sympathy i don't care to get sympathy... |
guys are dogs!
i used to call myself a slut yeah i used to be like that...i used to love sex but when you get raped it changes your perspective
guys are dogs!
okay most of you are getting way to not "gender bashing" im voicing my opionion..
guys are dogs!
okay so i know there not all like that but the one's i meet are..they just try and use me and hurt me
guys are dogs!
yup i said it. im so sick of guys messaging me for sex and nothing else why can't there be a decent guy who doesn't want to talk about sex and just get to know me for me..this **** is getting way old
tell me what you think
so do i look good or what?
why me?
my boyfriend just left me....And he broke my heart,..and he left me for a stupid reason...he thinks i was using him for a father figure for my daughter! im only 18 and i know there's other guys out there...i don't want to wait.
should i or shouldn't i
so far i've gotten him a shirt. its really nice though.
should i or shouldn't i
i am dating a guy and we've only been together a week. i've known him for about 2 months though
so christmas is around the corner. should i get him a present or no? is it to early in the relationship? i don't know what to do. |
what to do.
im a single mom with a 4 month old little girl. i'm working at least 40 hours. im only 18 and i have started dating. my mom thinks its wrong that im dating and that im not spending enough time with my daughter.
so what should i do? i spend a lot of time with her. i have her from when she wakes up to about 5 at night. then i get home at about midnight. and i have the weekends off. so is it wrong that i want to have a couple of hours on saturday to myself or am i selfish? |
what do i do?
ok so im 18 and i have a 4 month old. her dad wants to marry me before he goes to basic for the marines. he leaves in should i marry him or no? i do love him and he is trying to better his life and his daughters. but i don' know what to do.
im confused
okay so my daughter will be 4 months on monday. and i've started feeding her baby food. And she loves it but people tell me its way to early but i do keep giving her formula but she drinks 8 ounces and yeah she doesn't seem to get full from it. so did i do the right thing
even semi perfect will do
im lookin for someone that will be there for me someone i can talk to...someone i can trust i am looking for someone that wil love me and my daughter and not judge me on my past. someone that is around my age maybe. we don't even have to live in the same state. i just want someone to show me that not all guys are the same. so if your out there please contact me cause i wanna know you
how do i get a boyfriend?
alright im so sick of being single i can't take it anymore. its been almost a year and yeah nothing. please someone help!
now what
okay my baby's father got out of jail yesterday. and i know where his mom lives and i think he is stayin with her. now should i go over there and ask for him or should i just wait for him to find me? he still hasn't seen our little girl.