Community > Posts By > kennywee

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Sat 12/26/09 07:40 AM
Edited by kennywee on Sat 12/26/09 08:09 AM
I am smack in the middle of 35-55. I started young, I was 6yrs her minor, been married to her for 19+ yrs, and been with her 26yrs. You couldn't find a more supportive husband and father, or at least I thought so, been there for her every step of the way, did everything I thought and knew was right yet in the end it all APPEARED to have had no value.

The signs were all there even before we were married, but I was blinded by love or what I thought was. Then the harsh reality came home one day. I realized that I have been used for all those years.

Now, at 45, and divorcing, it may not be that easy for me to open up my heart again to another woman even tho am willing to. I'm constantly reminded by the memories, so am extremely cautious as I certainly don't want to go back down that road. I know I have to let it go and I will, I just need to be convinced that am doing the right thing.

So the nice guys are still definitely out there, you just gotta look carefully and pay attention to small details. Maybe you probably need to be just a bit more aggresive too. But don't give up because that just be moment you missed out on having one darn nice guy.