Community > Posts By > brian1harris
no way
Is that what happened?
what shall my answer be?
How does stripping down yourself and (worse) seeing your own father naked help to prepare you for the sexual stresses of puberty?
Many people believe that that sort of thing would require psycho therapy to fix. Seeing my parents naked wouldn't make me happy to jump in the sack with a girl, it would make me want to become a monk or |
Who is up for it?
I'm up right now, but not for long....
I'll dream of tacos and wonderous things for everybody. |
One can often wander whether God is real and look for signs in the earth and in the heavens. the only true test of God is faith.
what do I mean when I say faith? Do you believe that the sun will rise in the morning? You do realize that it might not. One day the sun might not rise in the morning. but most of us have faith that it will. We believe it with all our hearts. The same is required for God. I was raised in pentecostal, but not snake handling, or drinking poisons. I believe these things are just testing God. Just like when Satan led Jesus up to the top of a mountain and told him "If you really are the Son of God, then jump off. It is said in the scriptures that He will not suffer your foot even to be bruised on the rock below." I forgot Jesus' response, but needless to say, he didn't jump. He had nothing to prove. He had faith and knowledge enough not to take a flying leap of a cliff. That's what I think about it anyway. The scriptures say to have works with faith otherwise your faith is dead. Works are anything that you do according to your faith. Ex. You plan your vacation on a day that the forecaster says will be sunny. Your planning and going on vacation is works toward your faith in the forcaster's prediction. A reasonable work towards faith in God might be; You come across someone who needs money for a tow or something like that. You remember that God said you should be kind to others and considerate. Therefore, you give him a twenty and even let him use your cell to call for a tow truck. That would be an example of putting works to faith. Nothing complicated. God really isn't complicated. Okay, I'm done writing. Maybe I'll preach to y'all later!!1 Until then, Reverend out!!!! Peace!!!! |
needs to get laid
Ha!!!! 23!!! booh ya!!!!
.... ..... .. ... Wait a minute....THAT SUCKS!!!!!! Where the pretty women at? WAHHHHHHHHHHH..............WAH... |
Actually that is a good poem.
Jeremiah was a bullfrog.
Was a good frient of mine. I never understood a single word he said, But I helped him drink his wine. Yes he always had some mighty fine wine. |
Toms Weekend Roll Call II
I DON'T KNOW Y'ALL!!!!!!!!
I just decided to say Hi. So, Guten tag jederman!!!!! |
Ich bin froh in Amerika zu werden!!! Frag nicht fur eine gruene karte....
(I'm happy to be in America. Don't ask for a green card.) |
What about German? Will they let me get away without a ss # if I speak only German to them?
Oh Boy I did it now....
I don't own a virus so I wouldn't know how to deal with one.
All I know is that viruses are bad. They're evil. They are the real threat to the world. Al Quaida has nothing on them. They're like the cyber mafia. We must destroy them at all costs. Hoo AHHHH!!!! |
God isn't like us puny little mortals. NO! He thinks outside the bun!! He MADE the bun for crying out loud!!!! |
new jersey woman
I'm not from New Jersey, but I'll talk to you about what I know about New Jersey.....
...... .... ....... Did you see the Karate Kid? |
Well one day, my dad got real drunk and my mom.... oh.... You mean here... As in here in this site...My bad.
I just arrived today on July something or other. I'm too lazy to look at the calendar. Well I'm here anyway. 'sup. |
Yes, that was some good reading. I don't know why men lie. I especially liked the way it was presented. I read it all!!!
Do you really believe that I read all of it? Come on!!! I'm a guy!!! I'M LYING!!!!!!! I haven't read any of it, I just started typing. Oh well. |
I'm Back!!
My computer won't die and go to pc hell. It just keeps on going. I don't like energizer anymore!!!!
Oh well, good night! |
First time user
I like tacos! Anybody else like Tacos!?
I like this web page! I'ts so nice and white!! I just realized this!! This page is racist!!!! Oh wait. I'm typing in black. It's cool now. I do have something to any kkk member I see; Does it make you mad that your shadow is black? hahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!! |
I'm just here!!!! Hello!