Community > Posts By > hotandspicey
need some tenant advise
Boy, I have never had a problem like that!! My landlord is required to give written notice of intent to enter, and the repair people they send will not come in unless I am home. Put all the freakin chainlocks you want on that door!! They are not illegal!! changing the actual door lock or deadbolt lock to where the landlord does not have a key is the only thing that is illegal. Also, if the problem continues you could just say to him that you don't want him coming in unless you are there because in the past you had items stolen and had to involve the's a lie, but one that is designed to get his attention and be subtly threatening.
here here fran!
i say leave the religion and politics out unless it is really important to one of you as in a deal breaker, which I know religion occasionally for the rest, you really need to go with the flow and just see...sometimes you jump right into the kissing and sometines you hold off....depends on the initial degree of attraction.
don't know yet hehe
Well, I like living in the fantasy land that we all live in one big happy community light years from earth and everyone loves everyone and drinks are free and there are no kids screaming for their dinner and all the men have big sexy Tom Selleck eyebrows and I have a dinner date everynight.....hehe!
oh great!
I'm just wondering how did all of brits children end up with these disorders? are they genetic or environmentally caused? It just seems like a lot?
you are getting mail for his MOTHER? whom you never met? and you think they are job offers? That is too weird! burn em!
Mississippi Anyone
thread killer!!!!
This is why men are happier:
must be nice
Female Chain Letter
I'm on it! hehe!
You Had 2 Be There
Just goes to show you guys need to get out more so you don't act like sex starved aliens!
Being a Parent
green eyed, they have doctors and medicine for what ails you!
this was funny! |
I'll have my card ready...bend over
soooo cold
uk? that is too funny
A Man Is Most Sexy When...
It is not sexy to skip dinner!
soooo cold
67 degree's here with wind that will blow your hair off... freakin cold!
wonder if he's gonna light a fire in that fire place any time soon?
we wonder because we can...
Wonder if he's bored |