Community > Posts By > sincereman51

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Thu 11/08/07 11:53 AM
Hmm I might look like the "bad guy" here but too bad.

Not all younger women are so damn smart in fact, some of them are way too immature and still in "party mode". Of course the younger women will probably disagree but wipppeeee!

To be fair though, I've dated younger and older and the same can be said about some of the older women. They can also be immature dopes sometimes and in some cases even worse than the younger ones.

DISCLAIMER: Since I'm not stupid (shut up) men can also be immature moronic dumb asses. Both men and women can be jackasses no matter the age. It's human nature to be a bastard.drinker

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Thu 11/08/07 02:21 AM
It's ok, I'll just wear my spiderman underoo's..... That usually keeps them from getting too crazy.

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Thu 11/08/07 02:09 AM
I always wear a helmet I just gotta find a shield.

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Thu 11/08/07 02:07 AM
Shutter I have a feeling that might cause a riot.

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Thu 11/08/07 02:04 AM
>sets watch< I'll be ready.

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Thu 11/08/07 02:01 AM
No all the girls are in Thumpers basement, he lets them back out at 9am.

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Thu 11/08/07 01:57 AM
I might be but I'm not gonna let that stop me.

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Thu 11/08/07 01:54 AM
Guess not bigsmile

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Thu 11/08/07 01:52 AM
Everyone died and I'm all alone huh? Pisser

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Thu 11/08/07 01:09 AM
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood............huh

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Thu 11/08/07 01:03 AM
Papa Smurf indifferent

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Thu 11/08/07 01:01 AM

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Thu 11/08/07 12:56 AM
I'm listening to my brain slowly draining outta my ear from boredomhuh

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Thu 11/08/07 12:41 AM
Nascar is dumb... That's all I'm gonna say and I have a feeling it was enough haha. Oh boy, where is the exit.huh

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Thu 11/08/07 12:37 AM
Listen MEN, be nice to her on a date or her band of evil ass elves will beat the snot outta you and throw you in a box of glitter. I've seen it happen and it's not friggin pretty.huh

Ok, I'm really gonna shut up now I promise. BYE!bigsmile

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Thu 11/08/07 12:35 AM
Welcome or welcome back or something.drinker

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Thu 11/08/07 12:33 AM
I can't believe nobody asked about the elves.huh

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Thu 11/08/07 12:30 AM
Now that would look crazy, I would say just shave the sides and arm pits then you would have a stream lined racing look and it might even help you catch txmama with that extra speed you will gain.

Where the hell did she run off to anyway? She must be planning a sneak attack.

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Thu 11/08/07 12:22 AM
No hate here, see? I bought you a brush and trimmer set.happy

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Thu 11/08/07 12:18 AM
Oh so that's a fur coat? sorry bigsmile

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