Community > Posts By > debbiej29

debbiej29's photo
Sat 07/14/07 06:14 PM
Nice is as each on sees it/themselves. There are varying degrees of it so I have found; some people consider screaming at another nice just because they didn't use any ''bad'' words. Or they were nice because this time they didn't break any bones;Then again you have some people who had ulterior motives within their realm and finally understand that this other person is truly nice, pure hearted, and they leave because they do not want to emotionally hurt them. Refined manners and language sometimes does not come in the same package. Guess that is why we are here, looking for ''nice'' within our worlds for friends and maybe someday a special friend.

debbiej29's photo
Sat 07/14/07 04:51 PM
Ummmmmmmmm can I have a little of all the above Iam???

debbiej29's photo
Sat 07/14/07 04:46 PM
Welcome to JSH!!! I am happy for you that you are so popular all ready, You go girl!!! I am a newbie as well, but not in such a big town area; good luck to you, hope you make hundreds of new friends and enjoy lifes journey!!!


debbiej29's photo
Sat 07/14/07 02:52 PM
Good afternoon...........from central IL............LOL.. hope every one is enjoying their fantastic weekends!!! I just learned that my youngest son is moving back home for a I get to spend my weekend clearing out my computer room ohwell ......any one with muscles around????


debbiej29's photo
Sat 07/14/07 02:42 PM
Possibilities are here as they are in any aspect of ones life :tongue:

debbiej29's photo
Sat 07/14/07 02:34 PM
Hey Jersey!!! Welcome from a midwestern flatlander!!!

debbiej29's photo
Sat 07/14/07 01:31 PM
happy Thank you all for the very warm welcome, hope to see some emails soon and friend requests.....perhaps eventually a new soul in my life!!! This is a very warm place to be!!! Thanks!!!!


debbiej29's photo
Sat 07/14/07 02:52 AM

Good morning Mike and all :tongue: .....few miles south west of Chicago...but my sis lives there. does that count :wink: ???

debbiej29's photo
Fri 07/13/07 08:41 AM
flowerforyou Great news!!! Enjoy that coffee!!

debbiej29's photo
Fri 07/13/07 05:01 AM
:tongue: Good morning everyone!!!! Hope ya'all have a fantastic weekend!!!!.. I am sure it will be another ''alone'' weekend for me........such is life :smile:

debbiej29's photo
Fri 07/13/07 04:58 AM
Awww geee...........thank you ... (((HUGS))) to all that took the time to tell me welcome/hi......great people!!! flowerforyou

debbiej29's photo
Thu 07/12/07 08:39 PM
My youngest son...who is now 21...was born on Friday the 13th...such a joy!! In the same sense, my mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer on Friday the 13th, 17 years ago and passed away a short 6 weeks later; Both were blessings.......however you look at it.

Good wishes for all tomorrow!!! :smile:

debbiej29's photo
Thu 07/12/07 04:31 PM
Hey everyone!!! Gosh been here less then 2 days and I love what I see; I feel the presence of fantastic intelligent people.. so refreshing!!!

debbiej29's photo
Thu 07/12/07 11:07 AM
I have found if you were blocked or you block someone, the email disappears; perhaps this is what happened.

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