Topic: hmm
coco56's photo
Thu 07/12/07 10:32 AM
got a new email today , and i was talking to the man. then i was going to leave him an email and it was gone lol, mm wonder where it went to noway

coco56's photo
Thu 07/12/07 10:39 AM
oh well dont matter grumble

creationsfire's photo
Thu 07/12/07 11:06 AM
I can totally relate. I got the on myspace a few days ao.....thought I would share.....kinda funny.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: rap
Date: Jul 5, 2007 8:28 PM

Hello Dear,
I was just fooling around when i suddenly came accross ur pic and believe me,i was totally swept off my feet cos it takes an angel to make me feel the way i am feeling right now.looking at ur eyes lift me up in the sky and if my feelings for u was water,i would hv sent u the rain to show u how precious and beautifull, you are.
my name is raphael am,from colorado !! am looking forward to meet you and know you better i think our style of matches fit each other that why i need write to you.. I am not into games,Just someone new and interested to make a good term relationship with me what i look for is t rue love understanding, a kind heart, ready to love, full of compassion & mere humanity... I'd just like to add, that as any man i need a strong soul...if you know you re intrested in me just write back at me..IM you can add me there so that will can talk more better..


RE: Hello Dear,
Body: When Hell freezes over, you learn how to speak proper english and copy and paste, you might just have a slight chance of finding some poor woman who is desperate enough to go for the drivel you just slung into my mailbox. **** YOU! You MUST be familiar with those words!!!!!! In fact I think I will copy this for future reference when your brother sends me the same email and I can paste this response back to him too. IDIOTS!

debbiej29's photo
Thu 07/12/07 11:07 AM
I have found if you were blocked or you block someone, the email disappears; perhaps this is what happened.

BonnyMiss's photo
Thu 07/12/07 11:08 AM
Vreations, sounds like he's looking for a "green card " laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

creationsfire's photo
Thu 07/12/07 11:20 AM
yup.........exactly bonny.....

debbie, yes they may be gone here but I got this on myspace......just want to share.

creationsfire's photo
Thu 07/12/07 11:21 AM
oh, and yes I blocked him

BonnyMiss's photo
Thu 07/12/07 11:23 AM
Creations, I have a newly set up MySpace, don't use it, know why ? don't know how to laugh laugh laugh cannot add people nor block them, amybe this coming week-end I will take a good look at it

coco56's photo
Thu 07/12/07 03:18 PM
lol creations laugh laugh laugh laugh