Common Sense Obituary
Local coffe shop or book store???
Prayer Request
You got it!
My daughter is 12. I have an idea what you are going through. This is what I do....Their actions have consequences. The consequences fit their actions. My biggest leverage is her cell phone, next is the computer, then the tv. The only thing I can say is set a good example, follow through, and do your best!
bumper sticker
My favorite is
Where the hell is Easy Street? |
pretty bummed out
grab a couple of your freinds and go out and have a good time - sounds like you need it. Dont worry about her, life has a funny way of everything coming back at you.
What's in your.....
As soon as the groung thaws I will be planting tomatoes, beans, green peppers, and zucchini! I cant wait for Spring!
What Is It Again?
golf ball?
OMG! You will be in my thoughts and prayers along with your entire family. It is my opinion that you "moving" out is for the best. Keep in mind your mother is and always will be your mother. She may need you or you may need her one day. Please keep the lines of communication open. Good luck to you!
Boo hoo hoo hoo
I went out to dinner with my family tonight and we all had a good time!
single n sad
Please do not take offense to this, but 1st mistake was being with a married man, 2nd mistake was becoming pregnant by a married man, 3rd mistake was having a second baby by a marries man.......are you beginning to see a patern here? If not, you need to wake up! Just take care of your baby and you. Let him go. Dont respond to him, you will be better off in the long run without him! Good luck to you!
jeff duham
My daughter and I love him. Have fun!
Just sayin Bye Bye...
sending my best wishes for your daughter and the best of luck to her also!
You got it! I will pray for them both!
Who's got some....
Just had some, it was great! Coffee that is
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Body perm?
It's not the perming solution it's the size of the perming rods. There are body wave rods (larger softer curls) and perming rods (smaller, tighter curl - sometimes ends up being frizzy). My hair has a natural curl to it so if I get a perm (using the smaller rods) I end up looking like a poodle that has been licking light sockets! So I always get a body wave or ask for the LARGEST perming rods they have. Good luck!
good morning
Just woke up, took the dogs out and
![]() Mornin everyone! ![]() |
Don't Settle
Don’t give in, or ever give up, and let your friends mettle
Your luck has been bad, but don’t you settle Just because you think no one else is out there Don’t sit till, do nothing, and blankly stare Keep looking for your one and you will find The journey was worth it and so was the time Even though your travels have been filled with hurtles Don’t give in, give up, and please DON’T SETTLE! You deserve the best To hell with the rest Be the best that you can be A simple promise will set you free Don’t sell yourself short you will find another You are unique, special, and like no other Trust in your heart Don’t let it be torn apart Remember don’t give in and when your friends mettle Let them, just don’t settle. My best to everyone finding that special someone! ![]() |
gittin some again!!!!
I am on my last cup of the pot! Happy Fat A$$ Friday!