okay got in kinda late AVG does rock but they are doing somethnings different now serial numbers trails versions stuff like that but mcaffe is a resource hungery son of a gun as far as puter goes bought dont like it wont use it use AVG
replacement for the actor in flash dance??
100 years from now....
if you think about it 100 years ago if you asked someone what a mouse was they would answear a furry obnoxious creature
Do Scorpio's Clash ???
Never have I had susch such a passionate relationship I think we insist on having fun fighting making love and them doing it all over again fight for control is a understatement he was born on the 7th me on the 2nd of nov both election days WOW is all I can say.
Do Scorpio's Clash ???
Yes Im married to one and we know how to sting one another but on the onther hand the sex is unreal.
Best break-up lines
We need to spend some time alone
Dude you are so cool and morning to you.
Man sage I think your 110 last birthday???LOL
Songs You Like (Lyrics)
Nice Im impressed I thought that was so esoteric no one would even have a clue duely impressed nice!!
Songs You Like (Lyrics)
RUSH vital signs cant remember all of the lyricas but talks about how we all need revesre polarity Rush is to cool!!!
Put down game
a drug
photos? |
what is the opposite
Whats the opposite of Microsoft? THINK
"You Remind Me Of A Song"
vital sighns Rush
Would you rather?
RISK that carmel apple
white or dark meat? |
Very nice I have so much appreciation for individuals who can express words like that cuz thats not one of my gifts well done!
yogi mister ranger sir
no I think I did sorry!
okay im out then I can see when I have traveled where I dont belong I have enough sh-- in my life