Community > Posts By > JulieABush

JulieABush's photo
Wed 11/06/24 02:27 PM
My doctor explained to me that as long as I don’t get hot flashes or the kind of sweat that interrupts my way of life then no need to worry but could take supplements if I wanted to and so on.

JulieABush's photo
Wed 11/06/24 03:28 AM
Even if I die single I’ll rest in peace knowing I’ve touched other peoples lives in big and small ways and that’s all that matters and after all God has told us helping others can bring joy and peace in your life and it’s helped me overcome my emptiness:thumbsup: .

JulieABush's photo
Tue 11/05/24 06:17 PM

Great poem and so true about DT:thumbsup:! When he’s turned American citizens against each other we have reached an all time low.

I agree with your outlook, Julie, thanks for sharing it.

At least you’re one of the few who agree on the subject of DT and that makes me feel better:thumbsup: . I did my civic duty as a citizen and voted (good luck K:thumbsup: !).

I voted for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, and I invite our fellow American Minglers to join us.

Right on dude:thumbsup: ! Even though I’m a Republican I refuse to vote for a man who’s full of lies and hate:thumbsdown_tone1:.

JulieABush's photo
Tue 11/05/24 03:41 AM

How many local men proposed to you in the past? Do you find anything wrong in yourself/your family, that keeps potential men away from getting engaged to you?

I have a bad previous experience with local men, and in general, Arab men are bad with me in relationships... because I was exposed to psychological harm, bullying, and disappointment from them, and that is because of their superficial, closed mind... They only care about a woman’s outward appearance and forget the important things in a woman: her mind, her personality, her thinking, her morals. ................” When an Eastern man chooses a woman who is ideal in her beauty and marries her after the first month or two, he divorces her... Why?! ...Because he discovers that this woman is not suitable for him and is not fit to be a wife and mother to his children after he satisfied his sexual need with her... **** them....they are stupid and think like bastard teenagers.... :expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless:

I agree with you that men ,not all of them, only look on the outside of women and find us physically attractive when they forget we have a heart, mind and soul just like them. When I see a well body man yes I get attracted to him but I also want to know his heart, mind and soul to be even more attracted to him cause physical beauty can fade and so can the physical attraction but as long as the other three don’t fade I still find him attractive. I use to be like you in the crying part wondering if I’ll ever find my soulmate and was jealous of my married family and friends but it made me feel worse and so I stopped being that way and found joy and hope in everyday things and I’ve been continent ever since. Yes that special place in my heart feels empty but my faith overshadows it and it gives me comfort over emptiness.

JulieABush's photo
Mon 11/04/24 06:14 PM
To me both sexes have honesty issues. Like Laska Paul sad you have to be patient and rushing to find “Mr Perfect” isn’t a good thing. Hey I’m 52 and still single and cool with it but if the right man comes along great but I’m certainly not in a rush for him to come along. Patients is truly a top virtue and should be practiced every day. Be content in the everyday little things for now.

JulieABush's photo
Mon 11/04/24 03:46 AM
Question, is back sweat considered a form of menopause night sweat? I ask this because that’s the first position I sleep in when I go to bed at night and when I wake up to make a bathroom run part of my upper back and shoulders and night gown are drenched in sweat.

JulieABush's photo
Mon 11/04/24 03:40 AM
Just to be a little off subject but one of the facts that comes up when I watch my 80’s Music Choice Channel on the subject of VHS Rewind quote saying “In the original draft of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back that Yoda was being considered named Buffy. Master Buffy, as if!”. I thought I’d share that fact.

JulieABush's photo
Mon 11/04/24 03:32 AM

Very much clear, focus, and self motivated 2 succeed in my 2day! Always create a positive vibe around yourself and doors of blessings will open for you. Remember! Having a hateful heart will produce nothing but, negative darkness!

So true:thumbsup: . That “remember” part reminds me of someone running for President and he’s full of negative darkness. I believe I’ve seen a quote by Martin Luther King JR saying “Darkness can’t drive out darkness, only the light can do that”. We the few can only hope it will be so very soon.

JulieABush's photo
Mon 11/04/24 03:17 AM

Great poem and so true about DT:thumbsup:! When he’s turned American citizens against each other we have reached an all time low.

I agree with your outlook, Julie, thanks for sharing it.

At least you’re one of the few who agree on the subject of DT and that makes me feel better:thumbsup: . I did my civic duty as a citizen and voted (good luck K:thumbsup: !).

JulieABush's photo
Sun 11/03/24 03:20 AM
At least here they have equal opportunity like all women do:thumbsup: .

JulieABush's photo
Sat 11/02/24 04:58 PM
Great poem and so true about DT:thumbsup:! When he’s turned American citizens against each other we have reached an all time low.

JulieABush's photo
Fri 11/01/24 06:14 PM
I see on your profile you’re from Indiana and one of my favorite musicians is John Mellencamp who’s from Seymour Indiana:thumbsup: :heart: .

JulieABush's photo
Fri 11/01/24 03:34 AM

Kamala and Biden administration are totally responsible for the thousands of illegal immigrants crossing US border to USA.
Now there are some trying to Vote in 2024 election.

Kamala H is getting paid for doing Nothing!

You care about the Vice President doing nothing? That's literally their job! The Vice President isn't supposed to do anything. The constitution gives them near zero responsibilities.

Yeah, and then they want to give themselves a raise. Say what!? To all you government officials: until you can seriously prove to the American people that you delivered on your campaign promises to us then will you get one and not before. It we the hard working who go to work regularly who deserve a raise since you all raised everything else cause we don’t see you struggling to get by. A government for the people by the people is more like by the people but for the rich who you all give tax cuts to and not us who actually pay them.

JulieABush's photo
Thu 10/31/24 04:58 PM
Saw a funny Halloween t-shirt that said “I’m here for the boo’s”.laugh

JulieABush's photo
Thu 10/31/24 04:55 PM
Saw a funny t-shirt that said “I’m here for the boo’s”laugh .

JulieABush's photo
Thu 10/31/24 04:52 PM

Yeah, saw where an election official in Texas got punched in the face when asked to remove his hat with MAGA on it. It’s a shame when some Trump voters are that way. Yeah, he got arrested, booked and posted a 30,0000 bail.

Some Trump supporters?
According to Joe all Trump supporters are garbage..Lol. Is he trying to kneecap Kamala.? The worker had no business asking anyone to remove his Maga hat. No different than the pamphlets they have being handed out for either candidate at voting precincts.

Well Bart if you don’t like the fact that Joe called you garbage then go and punch him in the face cause I know you want to. As far as saying things I didn’t quote Joe or Kamala you did. I guess the laws are in place so it’s not to influence others or to intimidate others who are voting.

JulieABush's photo
Thu 10/31/24 03:32 AM

Yeah, saw where an election official in Texas got punched in the face when asked to remove his hat with MAGA on it. It’s a shame when some Trump voters are that way. Yeah, he got arrested, booked and posted a 30,0000 bail.

Some Trump supporters?
According to Joe all Trump supporters are garbage..Lol. Is he trying to kneecap Kamala.? The worker had no business asking anyone to remove his Maga hat. No different than the pamphlets they have being handed out for either candidate at voting precincts.

Yes the election official does have the right have the right to do so because it is the law here in Texas and 21 other states. The pamphlets handed out by people near voting spots is legal up to a certain point where a sign is clearly posted saying so. Again you’re are saying things I didn’t say.

JulieABush's photo
Wed 10/30/24 02:51 PM
Yeah, saw where an election official in Texas got punched in the face when asked to remove his hat with MAGA on it. It’s a shame when some Trump voters are that way. Yeah, he got arrested, booked and posted a 30,0000 bail.

JulieABush's photo
Mon 10/28/24 03:10 AM
Nice poem:thumbsup: :wink: .

JulieABush's photo
Sun 10/27/24 12:13 PM
Sometimes that’s all you need and are left with is hope.

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