Community > Posts By > PacificStar54
FREE (Anywhere) Date: 2009
Sounds like a pedophile ring. Crazy people.
Probably do what I have done before; laugh at them.
Sorry you are having a tough time.
Depression is manageable and the sooner you get over to the County Mental Health the sooner you will get the help you need to get it under control. If you are taking your own prescription then I would say you are on the right track. Useing someone else's medication is really stupid. It may or may not be the best one for you and can make you even sicker if it is the wrong one or even the right one but you suddenly stop taking it. Having your girlfriend go to jail sucks but for the best for both of you you should accept that the relationship is over and move forward. Just letting go does not mean you are harming the other it just is a reality sometime. You are on the right track volunteering and going to the gym to keep yourself up. You probably need to make more of and effort to get to know people your own age in both places. Maybe adding volunteering at Habitat for Humanity where you will make more peer age friends and learn skills for a job is also worth your time. Finding a job needs to be top of your list of things to do. As long as you don't have one you will be seperated from the mainstream. Finding a job is most often pairing persistence with opportunity. Having any job will help you towards getting a better job. Many churches have job search workshops that are excellent. The Urban League and Jewish Vocational Services (both which are open to everyone are a good place to look as are Community Colleges which have to share their job boards. Part of having a friend is being a friend. Pay attention to the ones that look like the best possibilities for friends and learn about their interests and feelings. Don't shoot for the most popular or the friendless person but someone you feel comfortable around or seems to be comfortable with you that is somewhere in the middle.. Use your mouth and ears porportionally. Remembering a persons birthday or interests makes a person feel special. Men are not famouse for shareing but you can pick up stuff if you listen and pay attention. If people talk about something that is a good place to start a conversation wheater it is their favorite sport, TV program, car. Most people really do know why they have problems making friends. You mention a sense of humor few appreciate. Maybe you need to look at what your humor really is. If it is sarcastic or demeaning maybe you need to see it for what it is and try less to be funny and more to be a friend. Many people learn the humor they use from poor role models. Many comedians would be considered bullies or bigots so copying them is not really all that funny off stage. Your welcome to talk to me if you need a friend. Or have specific questions. |
question needed
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Sun 11/15/09 12:19 AM
It depends if she has a lease. And when the original lease expired? Usually it is year to year but if there is a roll over clause by occupying the apartment she may be stuck. If the original lease has expired she is now on a month to month basis which reduces her rights even more. Either way your sister probably is entitled to a certain amount of notice to raise her rent or demand a deposite in writing. But it may not be more than a month or even three days if she is behind on the rent. Checking local statutes is the key. Usually United Way can refer you to someone who can advise her of her rights.
Since moving is probably going to cost your sis's friend more than she will collect from your sis she would be wise to tell her to move on and try to make peace with the landlord. Since it sounds like this landlord is looking for a reason to run your Sis's friend off she should be seriously looking for another apartment she can afford on her own and giving notice. Getting a bad rental record is something to be avoided like the plague because it can quickly lead to homelessness and ruin your sisters's friendship. Depending on either of their credit I would tell them both to check out any kind of houseing assistance programs or possible grants to buy her first home. Or being accepted by Habitat for Humanity to build them a home. If they accept her application they can probably help her negotiate her current situation. Getting a room mate is a big step that should be gone into with all parties in WRITTEN agreement about who pays what and written house rules. Most landlords do not tolerate add on tenants without their permission because of liability and municiple regulations on renting. Not to mention roommates cause many domestic problems and more wear and tear on the property. Or damage that will fall on your sister's friend's shoulders. You have a tough situation being a sister because you don't get to make her decisions for her but if you let her learn from her own actions and their consequences then maybe she will find wisdom before she finds fairness. Perhaps you can help her with temporary assistance but I would caution you not to jeapordize your houseing situation so that the children have no place. |
"i love deees country" "i break you"..........."if you dont date me" ok, I use 2nd one, because first one is not true, I cannot stand America, when I save enough money I move away. Supporting American troops is like supporting murderers IMO, how may innocent souls did they kill and rape? but thats another issue. If you think this is funny don't quit your day job. |
reacurring dreams
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Sat 11/14/09 10:55 PM
Think I would be sure and learn to swim.
Oh yea dream? Standing on the beach in the sea grass wind blowing my hair. I am really old watching for something but I don't know what. |
Sat Night
Makes me think I am at the nurseing home. lol Guess it is all Your perspective.
When I am in a relationship I am all the way in.
Hope the new Sandra Bullock movie is good. I am getting where going to the movie is too darn expensive! They wonder why attendance is down.
Ok so...
I just watched Bride Wars. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() oh gawd...I can't believe those b!tches even found someone to marry them... gives me hope. ![]() I can't believe men would marry the "Bridezillas" That is really scary. How could they not see the insanity? |
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Sat 11/14/09 09:57 PM
I cant flirt anymore I am taken!!! ![]() Oh say it isn't so Mikey! Cry me a river. |
![]() Hey where did you get the picture of my Ex's? |
Hope you feel better soon. Will put you on my God Bless list.
What is a Sham?
A story that turns out to be a lie to trick someone.
Ask her if false pride and doing it her way is worth leaving her children to be raised by her abusive Ex and the next girlfriend or series of girlfriends or a State appointed Foster home when he beats her sensless or possibly kills her in front of her kids and ends up in prison? He can and will intimidate who ever she is living with the same way he did her if she doesn't go to a safe house now. I have worked 35 plus years around this issue and I can guarantee her that this situation is going to get worse before it gets better.
You are justified in being afraid of this situation. If she is going to be a hard head you are better off to wash your hands of it and keep yourself out of the cross fire. |
cell phone help
Wish I could help. Been trying to learn my new computer and I am about to tear my hair out so you have my sympathy.
just makes me mad to read the profile then see it is just a game and not someone really looking Wow you sure let insignificant things bother you. You find a profile is phoney just forget about it. Don't sweat the small stuff. |
OMG! I'm going to....
Did you have any kind of lease with this person?
things in a profile that...
Looking for my soul mate.
Marry your twin then. Looking for and honest faithful woman. Dumbass alert. Like a unfaithful dishonest woman would tell you. See me on Facebook, My Space or any other of a multitude of sites. I don't do research projects to find profiles. Looking for intimate encounter. This is a date site not a cathouse. |
Will you marry me?
People would think I was robbing the cradle.