Topic: German Christmas Killer was Muslin Refugee/Immigrant
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Wed 12/21/16 02:03 PM
Odd thing .. this guy according to the Libtard Media is saying he was suppose to be deported back to Tunsia last year ... but gee golly gosh ... have none of that for some reason.

So what does this guy do ... he does a Mass Murder .. supposedly hi-jacks a truck by killing the Polish driver on a long distance haul .. and then runs down a Christmas market he knows all about.

THEN HE LEAVES HIS ID and PAPERs in the Truck ... to be found by the cops.

Who then arrest and release someone else cause of no evidence so far.

Just like in Paris mass murder about 2 years ago ... where the guy they let go ... jumps borders and heads to Syria supposedly.

What a cluster puck of dumb and dumber at work.

So ... does this look like a False Flag Operation ...

a big Hell the YES to me.

It is the Drill Baby Drill, Nuke, Frack and Pipe billionairs that hire their Blackwater Security .. and hire their Rogue CIA agents .. and hire their so called Terrorists to make it look like it was a Terror job ... as they hire their Judges, Cops and DAs and buy their President if they like.

Or kill them off with a Happy Gabby Giffords day.

So to me .. this is all Bushit .. nothing more and nothing less.

Regardless these people are still dead .. and if you are a Libtard in a Blue State or a Blue country .. you gonna die die die ... your future is dust.

Their is a Culture War going on .. and global warming is hooie.

Obama has fought ISIS for 8 years and done nothing being Mr Change Hitting the Ground Running.

After 8 years of Drill Baby Drill ... HE NOW .. signed no off shore drilling and protecting ANWAR ... not 8 years ago .. but now on his way out the door.

Trump gives a Presidental Pardon to Crooked Hillary.

Then Trump puts all the Swamp Creatures in his Cabinet .. and not drain the swamp.

They all lie .. Drill Baby Drill rules and kills you guys off as they laugh all the way to the Banksters.

sumbuddie wear blind sea

spock spock spock