In Memory Of Son
I'm so sorry, Cat. My heart goes out to you, sweetie. What you wrote is beautiful and I'm sure he misses you.
I agree, kojack. Being single is horrible. True love, please!
Daddy's Little Girl
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The Fly
That's a good one!
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Starch in your Shorts
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Marriage studies findings
LOL! That's so funny!
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Blue Eyes
Brown Eyes
Sexy as hell. Loves to make new friends. Their relationship tends to be very honest because if they aren't truly in love, then the relationship won't work. They fall easily for their best friends. Will do anything for that special person. Kind and polite. Enjoys being with their guy/girl. LOVES to party. Great in bed. AWESOME kisser. Can make ANYONE laugh or cheer them up. Loves to please the one they care for or love. Is not the kind of person that you want to piss off, cuz if you do they will kick your ass. Repost this if you have brown eyes and you will find the one that you are meant to be with within the next 7 min! |
Wow. I am just speechless!
Polish Divorce
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() So true! |
Hi, Jenn. I'm Amber. I'm pretty new here, too. I try to post as much as possible. Welcome to the group! Love the jokes, btw. I have a lot of emo friends, so I understand the jokes more than others might. Loved the pizza one. That was cute. I'll see if I can think of some for ya.
Be Patient
There are some people in this world who don't understand stuff like this- my ex included. My ex always cared more about possessions and nice clothes than he ever did for me. I'm just glad I left him before we ended up married- especially since he also has fits of rage like this guy over stupid, meaningless things. This story is so sad, but it has a great lesson. Thank you for posting this!
for women only
I lost all faith in that a while ago. I thought I might get it one day since I never got it with my ex-fiance', but now with the way another guy has blown me off since our date, I don't think it's real. They say that they'll get better at bringing you flowers and making sex more about you, but it never happens. They go into their old habits after a couple days. It never lasts.
Men and their emotions
A friend of mine at work said that men only have 2 emotions- happiness and anger. All other emotions women feel men put into one of those 2 categories and hold it in. So, when they feel so much emotion, it comes out as either happiness or anger. There is no in-between. From my experiences with men, I would have to say that's true.
After the date
I highly doubt it. It would be funny, though!
After the date
Thanks, Dayv. I'll keep that definitely in mind. We had fun talking about movies, books, and other general stuff. He's a really sweet guy and I'd like to get to know him better. I'll definitely work on my patience. LOL. I'm not sure what his rank is but I do know he has been stressed at the base. He hasn't even been online yet today, so I'm not surprised that he hasn't gotten to write me back. I'll just let it go for now and wait a bit to ask him if he'd like to come and hang out so he can have his space.
After the date
Thanks for the advice, guys. I'll just keep my horizons open and be patient. Dayv, do you think I should invite him into the city this weekend for just an informal hang-out rather than a full-fledged date to make it a bit more comfortable? I know we were both really nervous prior to meeting, so I'm wondering if it would be better to do something more informal if we see each other again?
After the date
So, I went out the other day with a guy I met on this site and I had a wonderful time. He's a sailor in the Navy and he wore his uniform. It was cute. We talked a lot and he was a real gentleman. He opened doors for me and we went to the art museum and then took a stroll downtown before winding up at the House of Blues for dinner. When we took the taxi to the train station so he would make it back to base on time, he gave me a hug and said that he had a good time and wished it could have been longer. Then he went inside without a wave or anything. I messaged him the next day online to make sure he made it back to base on time and I complimented him on his uniform and stuff. Here's what he wrote back: "thank you and yes i made it back to base on time i also had a really nice time". Guys, could you please explain this to me? What does it all mean? I wonder if I'm just not pretty or preppy enough for anyone on this site. Am I just thinking too much? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I don't want him to think I'm desperate or anything, but I hate wondering if a guy likes me or not. I hate mind games.