lol, its kinda like when you mispell something, only much more
complicated :P lmao |
ive never fit into any class or clique, but i dont think you have to
dress up like a pigeon in oil to be gothic, you just have to have a bit of a dark side and a taste for satire |
Friends Before Lovers
i would hope so for my sake
thanx everyone for the advice and kind words, i didnt expect such a
reaction lol |
get it off your chest
katertots - i think my stepmother had the same thing, i know your pain,
hope you feel better ( : |
A bad relationship
good thing hes gone! think about it that way, if he was a dog, and
everyday you pet him, and all he ever did was bite you and growl, why would you want him around? |
how do i start dating
whats the best way to approach a women for a date? any tips? do and
donts? etc? |
"Making" It Work
if they seperate, granted her man has a good heart and head on his
shoulders, her children will be much better off seeing dad at his best than at home where he is at his worst |
"Making" It Work
in my opinion it isnt, if i grew up with my father, and witnessed the
way he may have continued to treat my mother, i probably wouldnt love him as much as i do, and i definately wouldnt view him as a role model, i would be angry with him and resent him, so maybe seperation is better for kids who parents dont get along, my dad is my friend and my confidont, but if i was ever old enough to see him hit my mother, how confident would i be now? |
ive always felt unlovable, but no i dont think so, i guess its possible
to be unlucky in love, obviously, but some people would say that luck has alot to do with how you live your own life. if you build it they will come, well maybe, but they aint gonna come if you dont get out their and advertise. im not saying you should change yourself for anyone, they should love you for you, maybe theyre the ones who need to change, and please listen to me when i tell you theres no way to change a man, he'll only change if he really cares about you and himself to begin with. but maybe you need to look in new places, and keep your eyes open, sometimes love passes you by without even a whisper. |
a bit of 'divine intervention' i guess, after all i have asked for
answers many times, maybe i finally got one; i love her, it was love at first sight for me, but she doesn't want me, were friends now, and hopefully always will be, im a lucky guy to still have her friendship, after all it usually doesnt work out that way, but i still will always want more, i saw her for the first time in months recently, i was rejoiced, but felt like i was in limbo the whole time, that night i went to bed feeling happier than a pig in ****, i thanked god for bringing her back into my life, but my joy with her is always followed by sorrow at the thought of possibly never being with her, i began to cry, i then prayed again saying 'lord, you brought her into my life, you knew id fall in love with her, if you can make me laugh and you can make me cry, and you can make me happy or sad, why wont you let her love me (what the hell right?), then i realized, she does love me, as a friend, although i didnt care, i was mad at god, i said 'why do you put me through this hell when all i want is a piece of heaven on earth', the next day i woke up and found a little piece of paper on my kitchen counter that my mom must have collected as she loves to collect quotes and chain letters and stuff, this is what it said: 'God hath not promised sun without rain, joy without sorrow, peace without pain. But god hath promised strength for the day, rest from the labor, light for the way, grace for the trails, help from above, unfailing sympothy, and undying love. then i realized something, as much as ill always want to be with her, and maybe someday i will, she hasnt gone anywhere, i once prayed that id never loose her, and although we didnt talk much for a while, i never lost her, i tell her all the time 'i love you more than youll ever know', but now i realize, she probably loves me more than ill ever know. there is still pain, everyday i find myself almost brought to tears by a memory or thought of her, and i still cant listen to certain songs, ironically all my favorites, but everyday i think of her smile and it heals me, i may not be a subscriber to any religion, but i am religious, and for the first time in my life, i feel like my prayers have been answered, for now. |
i need help
the only way to know if someone 'truly' loves you is by being with them,
if they treat you how you want to be treated and don't lie, steal, or cheat on you then they truly love you, to love someone you have to know them inside and out, how they think, and what they want from you, if they don't know these things by now, they haven't been paying attention. |
Has anyone ever noticed.
we owe them more than a beer for sure, and wether you agree with this
war, the last wars, or any war at all, to give your sweat, blood, tears, and sometimes your life for your country is about the most dignified and brave thing anyone can do, what the troops need to realize is that all real americans support what they are doing in their hearts, but when all is said and done and some of them come home to their families and see how much they are missed, they understand that there are two halves to their life, one being a soldier for a man made nation, and the other and most important, a son, daughter, mother, father, sister, brother, husband, wife, you can put a price tag on war, but you can't put a price tag on a human life. |