Community > Posts By > JJ_Richmond07
Stolen from somewhere else. I'm still working on listening to the whole thing, but if you listen to the opening minutes (roughly 1:40 in) he specifically says that when American "interests and values" are on the line, then we intervene. Not just values. But also interests. Speaks wholly to what I've been saying, this has nothing at all to do with helping the people in Libya, or installing Democracy (just like Iraq didn't have anything to do with helping the people or installing Democracy). It's all about the oil. I wouldnt jump straight to oil as the only reason. The govt wants leaders who "listen" to what we say i.e. tell them what to do. |
Please,,,tell me.
Me, having to press 1 for English at the VA. Phone being answered by a machine, asking personal info before passing you off to another machine that asks for the same info. When you finally get a live person, they ask you the same questions the machines made you answer. Do you mind if I put you on hold. Click, before I get the chance to say, yes, I do mind. I don't go for that sheeeeet any more. I refuse to. I just keep pressing zero until something happens. In some new companies' new systems they smartened up to me, and zero does nothing. Then I sit down and moan. And plot my revenge. I mean, I actually tested this. Not by design, but the design was there. I kept calling company X, that is bilingual, has five product lines, and has sales, support, technical support, billing and accounts, and fulfilment that I can choose, in seven easy button presses in a record seventeen minutes (provided I wait to the end of each list I need to hear out, theoretically.) I did away with all that already in 1996. I keep pressing zero. Under a minute I get to speak to a human. I ask any question -- sales, fulfilment, billing, etc. -- and no matter what I ask, the person looks me up on the screen and gives precise responses to my queries. So the button pressing is futile. I don't know why they have that -- it does not cut down on number of callers, its only achievement is to increase customer irritation. To offset the effect of customer irritation on the help line employees, they introduced this "your call will be monitored" and then later, "...recorded". I have a way with that too. You call the operator names, but not swear names. You can tell him what you think of his family, of his accent, of his education, but don't use the f word, or the c word or any swearwords. They are not allowed to hang up on you until you say an expletive. This can be fun. I am actually addicted to it and call 1-800 numbers at random, of companies I have no business with, only to feed my addiction. Another great thing to do is send back all garbage mail you get with prepaid envelopes from company x stuff them with coupons (the heavier the envelope the better) company x now has to pay for shipping on the prepaid envelope its like using someone elses bar tab ((unfortunately unluck a bar tab you only have 1 option) lol its still fun though and it helps out the postal system. |
The video is edited but listening to the sound accompanying it iin my opinion was not. I've done quite a bit of film and audio editing with my cousin when he was attending film school at the UofA so I don't believe the audio was edited. Whoever did the video editing did a shiitty job. I didn't mean someone put words in obama's mouth through editting they took words out. If youve ever watched him talk he pauses a lot in between sentences and in the middle of them. notice how when he says he was born in kenya his back is to the camera can't see his mouth right? that's when you make this sentence "People have said..... I was born in kenya" in to this sentence "I was born in Kenya" |
The Hunt...
just 1 rabbit......silly rabbit thats my cerael
****, im nearly 50 and still driven by mine..... True! So what is the problem? Guys like sex. It's fun. You can do it anywhere and the government doesnt tax it. WRONG lol not in VA lights must be off and only in the missionary position |
Are ALL 20, 30 something males driven by their libidos ? ? ? . . . do they all just imagine that ALL older women are desperately in need of their own crass brand of Personal Attention ! ! ! pretty much..... |
I'm all for voting out Obama in 2012 but that video was highly edited in many places and a lot of stuff was taken out of context. In that speech where he is supposedly saying "I was born in kenya" he did not say "I was born in kenya" the beginning of what he said was removed where he was saying John McCain was starting rumors like "I was born in Kenya". And of course anyone in Kenya is going to say Obama was born there or even took a **** in a certain camode. They are a 3rd world country and by making some people think that Obama was born there they would boost their economy with tourism. HEY EVERYONE CHARLIE SHEEN SPILLED TIGER BLOOD ON MY CARPET!!!!! i love the way liberals are experts on everything, from video editing to law making... i wish i was smart as some of the libs... #1. im far from liberal #2. i remember that speech because i found it funny watching obama having absolutely nothing to say except " hope and change " as well as watching McCain try to stop his supports from turning in to a racist hate mob. the entire set of events leading up to the election was nothing short of comical |
doesn't matter when it started, the fact is it's here now... and barry ain't helping much... history will tell,, sienna institute uses several characteristics 'The 238 participating presidential scholars round out the top five in order with Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Teddy Roosevelt had, more than any other president the “right stuff”, and tops the collective ranking of a cluster of personal qualities including imagination, integrity, intelligence, luck, background, and being willing to take risks. ' Intelligence Imagination Integrity Luck Background Willing to take risks accomplishments with that many different things to consider, I trust history wont rank OBama as poorly as those focusing on any ONE aspect,,, as well loved as teddy is why do people not scream he was a socialist... 2nd bill of rights. THE RIGHT TO: 1. employment 2. no unfair competition 3. Housing 4. (dare i say it) MEDICAL CARE!!!!!!! |
I like to date it back to 1968 with the beginning of the FHA. The foundation that led to predatory lending.
I'm all for voting out Obama in 2012 but that video was highly edited in many places and a lot of stuff was taken out of context. In that speech where he is supposedly saying "I was born in kenya" he did not say "I was born in kenya" the beginning of what he said was removed where he was saying John McCain was starting rumors like "I was born in Kenya". And of course anyone in Kenya is going to say Obama was born there or even took a **** in a certain camode. They are a 3rd world country and by making some people think that Obama was born there they would boost their economy with tourism. HEY EVERYONE CHARLIE SHEEN SPILLED TIGER BLOOD ON MY CARPET!!!!!
This is a great coincidence I like to relate Obama to my dating strategy. See when I go out looking for a nice wholesome all around girl that I can take home to momma I have about three places I try 1: The local brothel 2: Strip Club 3: Street corners in the middle of Richmond. Unfortunately I am still single. But I do find hope in the amazing fact we have found the ONE unblemished non corrupt politician from the great state of Illinois. THERE'S STILL HOPE FOR ME!!!!!! Velvet Club here I come. people dont reach that position without having acquiesced, to some extent , with some controversial or 'connected' sources,,,,regardless of popular opinion that one can rise up and never be associated with anyone who is less than perfect or who is associated themself with someone imperfect none of this means they are bad or corrupt people though, it is possible to have dealings with the corrupt which arent corrupt themself,,,just like I can BUY legitimate merchandise from someone who has in the past or will in the future decide to steal from others i would NOT be guilty by association, which is the game media and the public play with politicians Robert Grant (Head of FBI in Chicago) direct quote "If [Illinois] isn’t the most corrupt state in the United States, it is certainly one hell of a competitor." Over the past 50 years 1 out of every 2 governors have been indicted for criminal acts 3 have or are currently serving PRISON time. Over the past 40 years 1,500 have been CONVICTED of bribery, extortion, embezzlement, tax fraud, and other forms of corruption. As well as 31 alderman CONVICTED. To say he MAY have associated with a corrupt politician is like say he MAY have got wet last time it rained. you do realize that your talking about the messiah? ![]() ![]() ![]() lol, I never called him that,, seems like mostly his opponents which EXPECT him to be that though I see him as a merely imperfect man with impressive intelligence, integrity, diplomacy, and vision,,,as well as a kind of an impressive swagger,,,lol i saw some people on tv when was elected yelling about him being the messiah... it was sooo funny...i could tell they were highly educated, pillars to society... actually, they were crackheads... americans do have crazies amongst them,, those touting he was the messiah and those touting that he was the devil or a socialist dictator looking to 'overthrow' our government,,,lol he's not trying to overthrow the government, he's going to tear it apart by breaking our economy from his lack of good judgement and inexperience...the road to hell is paved with good intentions... I doubt america will be torn apart,, it may have to CHANGE/PROGRESS,,certainly I agree America is not over but we are definately in for a long hard road.... you know the inflation numbers they just released did not have fuel or food involved in the equation!!!! check it out it's true. Also guess what is comming around the corner REAL soon the next set of 5 year ARM's (Adjustable Rate Mortgages) oh yes they are still out there and about to "correct" if you will and for the people that still have them "TO THE MOON"....we have just begun our trip through the dark and creepy forest. I hope every one has positioned themselves to tread water for the next couple of years. |
This is a great coincidence I like to relate Obama to my dating strategy. See when I go out looking for a nice wholesome all around girl that I can take home to momma I have about three places I try 1: The local brothel 2: Strip Club 3: Street corners in the middle of Richmond. Unfortunately I am still single. But I do find hope in the amazing fact we have found the ONE unblemished non corrupt politician from the great state of Illinois. THERE'S STILL HOPE FOR ME!!!!!! Velvet Club here I come. people dont reach that position without having acquiesced, to some extent , with some controversial or 'connected' sources,,,,regardless of popular opinion that one can rise up and never be associated with anyone who is less than perfect or who is associated themself with someone imperfect none of this means they are bad or corrupt people though, it is possible to have dealings with the corrupt which arent corrupt themself,,,just like I can BUY legitimate merchandise from someone who has in the past or will in the future decide to steal from others i would NOT be guilty by association, which is the game media and the public play with politicians Robert Grant (Head of FBI in Chicago) direct quote "If [Illinois] isn’t the most corrupt state in the United States, it is certainly one hell of a competitor." Over the past 50 years 1 out of every 2 governors have been indicted for criminal acts 3 have or are currently serving PRISON time. Over the past 40 years 1,500 have been CONVICTED of bribery, extortion, embezzlement, tax fraud, and other forms of corruption. As well as 31 alderman CONVICTED. To say he MAY have associated with a corrupt politician is like say he MAY have got wet last time it rained. |
This is a great coincidence I like to relate Obama to my dating strategy. See when I go out looking for a nice wholesome all around girl that I can take home to momma I have about three places I try 1: The local brothel
2: Strip Club 3: Street corners in the middle of Richmond. Unfortunately I am still single. But I do find hope in the amazing fact we have found the ONE unblemished non corrupt politician from the great state of Illinois. THERE'S STILL HOPE FOR ME!!!!!! Velvet Club here I come. |
You guys are mean. But I'm Janelle, Virgin.(: lol no it's not mean stick around in the forums long enough and you'll see we just have a different sense of humor. |
No shows....WTF
"It's hard to make plans and stick to them because you never know when the jury will come back with a verdict."
I'm a born again virgin.
1 letter at a time (game)
"They said she dressed older than her age, wearing makeup and fashions more appropriate to a woman in her 20s." This is the quote from story on how the 11 year old dressed. How do you strech these words in to prostitute.
HAHA I see where you are comming from CHAZZ don't fret you are not alone. I completely agree with you and understand the way you are looking at that senario. It is hard to explain something or try to further understand something when someone is so blinded by the grotesque nature of the deed. It follows a pattern if you were to add anything to the original story about the girl, the worst part about the story would always be the part everyone picks out to quote. For example
Story #1: A young lady was raped today. People's reaction: It's never ok to rape someone. Story #2: A young lady was raped today. She happened to be 11 years old. People's reaction: I can't believe they raped an 11 year old. Story #3: A young lady was raped today. She happened to be 11 years old and mentally handicapped. People's reaction: How disturbing they raped the mentally ill. |