Remember Knox's rules of relationships, rule #74:
If a member of the opposite sex tells you that they just want to be friends for now, "for now" really means FOR EVER. Anyone telling you that not only does NOT have any desire to be in a relationship with you, but they're basically saying that they'll NEVER have any desire to be in a relationship with you. Telling a member of the opposite sex that you just want to be friends means: BIG PERMANENT NEVER to any hope and/or thought of a possible relationship! Move on and forget about ANY hope of a future with this person! |
Dallas Cowboy Fans
Got to watch most of the game while battling the noise of spending time with the family. A nice tune-up for next week.
BRING ON THE PUKERS! DALLAS COWBOYS 35 GREEN BAY PUKERS 21 GO DALLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
I think one just did
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Only 12 year olds say "kewl"........
.......DORKY 12 year olds at that! ![]() |
My friends say I'm kewl & fun to hang with!! ![]() They think your a d*ckhead but don't have the b*lls to say so. ![]() ANY profile and/or e-mail I read with the word "kewl" in it gets AUTOMATICALLY deleted. |
![]() Where is this "hate" that you keep referring to? It's not about hate. It's about legal/illegal. THAT'S the issue at hand here. Point is: There are legal ways to gain entry into this country. To me, anyone who enters this country--or any other country--ILLEGALLY, is doing so for one or more of the following reasons: 1.They're up to no good. 2.There's a reason why they CAN'T enter legally. 3.There's a reason they have to get out of their country FAST. I have no hate for anyone who enters this country illegally. I simply think they should be immediately deported. That's the law. A respect for the law CANNOT and SHOULD NOT be construed as hate, as you, Dragon, Belushi, and a couple others on here are attempting to do. Kat, I really don't care if you change your opinion or not as to whether illegal aliens enter this country. But you shouldn't be calling people like me--who's over and over calmly explained my position on this matter--haters and racists. It's really not appreciated. Feel free to make your points, if you think I'm racist, fine--think it. But hold your tongue on judging me until you know me--which you don't. |
WWE fans
I agree, Joshy, Ring Of Honor is the best thing going in wrestling today.
Too bad, though, that Vince's "cherry picking" of ROH has begun. I heard yesterday that "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson signed a developmental contract with WWE. Developmental? He needs to "develop" exactly WHAT? 100 lbs of steroid-induced weight gain? Learning some sort of weak slam as his finisher? Learning the intricities of the "punch-kick" style that EVERYONE in WWE calls "offense"? It's been said time and time again that except for the top guys(HHH, Cena, Edge, Batista, and about 8 others), that a wrestler can make more on the indy scene and autograph shows than he can as a mid-level wrestler in WWE. Danielson HAS to know that they'll do nothing with him, and it'll be a matter of time before he hears those dreaded words every WWE "superstar" with one foot out the door hears: "We're sorry, but creative can't come up with anything for you." I guess it's the fame aspect that gets people like Danielson to sign that WWE contract. I mean TNA sure isn't a viable alternative. If you're gonna be a glorified jobber, might as well do so on shows that more than a handful of people are going to watch. |
I've never
I've never been to New York City
....he was taken to jail.
Where he was a ward of the state, and, no doubt, provided for very nicely by our taxpayer dollars. |
Wasting My Words
Hi Jamie
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Wasting My Words
Edited by
Wed 11/21/07 01:35 PM
I've noticed on a lot of profiles here on JSH, ladies say that if you're going to e-mail them to please write a decent letter. None of that "I'm interested. Write back." one line notes. The ladies here want a real letter, one that we guys actually put some thought and effort into. Well, fine by me. I'm a writer at heart anyway, so I don't mind sending a long letter, correct sentence structure, spelling, ect.
Here's the problem. After sending these thoughtful letters: NO RESPONSE WHATSOEVER! Not even a "Sorry, not interested". Ladies, why do you ask us to write a nice introductory letter, then don't even bother to respond? Even a short "Thanks, but no thanks" is better than nothing. |
Wherever love is, it sure isn't finding me. That's why I'm seriously thinking about deactivating. Being on a dating site, and still unable to find someone, I wonder if the time I've put into here really worth it.
1. If you loved someone who cheated on you and they want you back, would
you take them back? NO FREAKING WAY! I CANNOT STAND CHEATERS, LIARS, AND DRUG USERS! 2. If you love someone, who live in another country, would you move there? BE HARD TO FALL IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE YOU HAVEN'T SEEN. SO, NO. 3. If you loved someone who comitted a petty crime, would you take the fall for that someone? NO. I"M A HUGE BELIEVER IN PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. ANYONE WHO WOULD "TAKE THE FALL" FOR SOMEONE ELSE IS GUTLESS, IGNORANT, AND DESPERATE. 4. Would you die for the person you loved? ONLY AS A LAST RESORT. IF I COULD SOLVE THE PROBLEM WITHOUT EITHER ONE OF US DYING, THAT"S WHAT I'D DO. |
Yea i have had that turkey and dressing my self. Its not good to be by ones self on thanks giving but i done it before. I dont know any one on here. I know what you mean, Fishcat ![]() But, HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO EVERYONE anyway. |
Wrestling Fans...
Just saw the Jericho return on YouTube........
He's STILL got it. Along with the Rock and William (Steve) Regal, Jericho is probably the most entertaining wrestler in the business in the last 20 years..... .....too bad he didn't have much to work with. Randy Orton is one of the least deserving main eventers today. No charisma, not much in the ring, lousy promo guy. Are you sure he's Bob's kid? Boy, the apple sure fell far from THAT tree! Amazing that a total zero like Orton is pushed to the moon, while far more deserving wrestlers like Carlito and Shelton Benjamin are basically being forced out of the company. |
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I never said you called anyone stupid. Dragon, she brought it up. Look, we'd all appreciate it if there's something--ANYTHING--relevant you could bring here as opposed to the same old drivel you've been repeating for a while now. Matter of fact, I'd like to see you attempt to counteract my last two posts. Of course, we all have been waiting for you to "bring something to the table" for 24 pages now.
The discussion is over. You lost. Quite a few pages ago. Get over it and move on. |
Edited by
Tue 11/20/07 05:07 PM
Oh, and Dragon:
YOU"RE WRONG YET AGAIN( no suprise there,BTW). You said "Illegals are one background" in your latest post. Congrats, Dragon. You've just made the most racist statement in 24 pages of this topic ![]() On top of that, your statement is just plain wrong factually. |
Thank you, Fishin
![]() How in Hell is this topic racist????????? No one's talking about an ENTIRE race of people. Hell, no one's talking about any PARTICULAR race to begin with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's not a race issue. Anyone who thinks it is, simply isn't thinking. What it IS is a LEGAL/ILLEGAL issue. Race has NOTHING to do with it. Anyone who says that it does is simply playing a non-existent "Race Card" to cover up the inexcapible fact that they've hopelessly lost this discussion, and don't have enough common sense to simply walk away. Once again, Fishin ![]() ![]() |
On Road Dead |