Community > Posts By > soufiehere

soufiehere's photo
Wed 10/04/23 07:51 AM
I am recovering from Covid, the upper respiratory one.

I was afraid I was going to 'go' while trying to read all that.

soufiehere's photo
Sun 10/01/23 11:37 AM
We have a Dairy Queen but I Have not shopped there
since getting deathly food poisoned with their
hot dogs about 20 years ago.

Once burned, twice shy ;-)

soufiehere's photo
Tue 09/19/23 09:19 PM

How does one land a jury duty? We don't have jury system in Malaysia, and I'm always curious as to how it works and all that stuff you see on TV and movies.
In Oregon, when you get a jury summons, they select from that same pool for the Grand Jury, and they usually select the first arrivals as no one wants to be tied up in a Grand Jury which lasts longer and is not over after one trial as is the regular Jury.

soufiehere's photo
Tue 09/19/23 07:53 AM
I hate to say it but that is exactly what happened
at my last jury trial, some of the jurors started
playing grab-*** the moment we were behind
doors..there were 2 counts, burglary and assault
(neither of which happened) so one old lady says,
let's just vote one guilty and one not guilty
and we can go home, at which point everyone
began whining about being home by lunchtime.

I was so disgusted.
The next summons for jury (I got one every 2 years,
sheesh) when I told what happened at the last one
I got excused, note to self ;-)

soufiehere's photo
Mon 09/18/23 04:39 PM
You look surprised so I am guessing..nothing.

soufiehere's photo
Sun 09/17/23 12:44 PM

You’re lucky, I usually order a bottle

soufiehere's photo
Sat 09/16/23 01:23 PM

I'm 5'11" tall and my job requires me to wear heels- usually 3" but taller when I go out. But I am absolutely captivated by a pair of Christian Loubautin heels named Katy. They are black patent, closed pointy toes and have long slim heels that measure 4 1/2" tall. Very sexy and very expensive. Can a gal my size get away with wearing such towering heels without looking grotesque?
That could go two ways.

Wearing those heels would express confidence in your
look as everyone knows you would look taller
and you would be good with that.

Or, if you are in a short world..just remember..all
of we shorties are envying you.

soufiehere's photo
Fri 09/15/23 05:02 PM

Not enough black women on here

How may do you think you will be needing?

Welcome ;-)

soufiehere's photo
Fri 09/15/23 06:43 AM

Used to think French was sexy also, until I went to France and met the women that live there.

Nope not sexy at all, their bathing, or lack of, explains why they invented perfume and someone should give them razors to shave some of the hair under their arms and legs.

Also some of the rudest people I have ever met, if not for us they would be speaking German

So I guess a hairy man would freak them out if
they are as judgmental as you.

I find most foreign those
that can set off a fire alarm.

soufiehere's photo
Thu 09/14/23 04:23 PM
Edited by soufiehere on Thu 09/14/23 04:23 PM

She just ordered the one drink, each time?

Which probably seemed normal to her, as a drinker.
It also might have been her attempt at 'loosening up'
with a stranger.

I do not drink either so it does make me wonder
what kind of job she had to go back to that
would tolerate afternoon cocktails.

The fact that she dumped you for not paying for
her drinks also says a lot. Can we assume she
knew you were a teetotaler? If so, that
understanding should have gone both ways.

soufiehere's photo
Wed 09/13/23 11:30 AM

It works

They did away with the Voice Chat long long time ago.. It actually did not last long they had too many issues with it..

Who is right, or both of you are wrong?
Kristi is a former Admin on here so I would go with her correct answer.

soufiehere's photo
Wed 09/13/23 08:30 AM

Congratulate me

Congratulations...amateur ;-)

soufiehere's photo
Sun 09/10/23 11:35 AM

surely not
Don't blame Shirley.

soufiehere's photo
Sat 09/09/23 09:58 AM

When I first joined this site

Congrats on your 8th day here! :trophy:
ONE of us can't read ;-)

soufiehere's photo
Mon 09/04/23 08:27 PM
Edited by soufiehere on Mon 09/04/23 08:29 PM

But I pointed it out to her and the situation was resolved. Even Elvis said that everyone deserves a second chance.

Do you agree?
That is the point of a red flag, it gives a subtle
(or not so subtle) hint of what is to come.

I think dishonesty runs a consistent course.

Ignore at your own risk.

soufiehere's photo
Mon 09/04/23 07:20 PM
Seems simple, she is a thief.
Taking from you to give someone else a gift?

That red flag is hiding a corrupted spirit.

soufiehere's photo
Sun 09/03/23 07:26 PM

Gee, Blondey...
I like your kitchen ;-)
hahahaha great guess Soufie .. but it’s not my kitchen !!!!! my kitchen is dark sleek and modern biggrin
Some people are worthy of teasing ;-)

soufiehere's photo
Sun 09/03/23 09:09 AM
Gee, Blondey...
I like your kitchen ;-)

soufiehere's photo
Sun 09/03/23 09:04 AM

I love travel, music, knowledge, and investing, and I want to look for someone who is genuine, understands each other, respects each other, makes money together, goes out on trips together, is loyal to each other, and doesn't lie
What you want sis, is a dog.

soufiehere's photo
Sat 09/02/23 11:57 AM
You must be just awful ;.)

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