Community > Posts By > Sissysmurf
Funny Joke
okay one of my darker poems
Ohhh wow...
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3 Random Thoughts About YOU!
I can't leave a stack of books with the smallers ones UNDER the bigger ones.. They always have to be in order by size.. Smaller ones on top..etc..etc..
I'm left handed but write better on a chalk board with my right. When I was in school, I was four years ahead of my class in English and literature.. Scoring a level of a college student. |
relationship question
Sometimes people find it hard to open up to others. For whatever reason. They think it's a sign of weakness, they operate better dealing with things by themselves.. Whatever tha reason, tha's tha way they are.. And tha's a trait that is extremely hard to reverse. Once someone is so shut in within themselves, it takes alot for them to open up and let you into that part of them.. There are a lot of factors in this.. If you get back with him, and he happens to come across another problem, is history goin' to repeat itself? Or is he goin' to learn from his past mistakes and let you in? Fear keeps us from doin' ALOT.. It's paralyzing.. If you love this guy maybe you guys could work on gettin' to know each other again.. You can take time and not be in a hurry to call it whatever it is.. Be friends, see if he's changed at all and if he's willing to give you what you need.. If he is, go from there.. If not, chalk it up to an experience.. None of us could ever tell you why he's contacted you again. It can LOOK like alot of things but tha reality of it all is, we don't know him.. We don't know his intentions.. If you get back in contact with him, take it slow and become friends first.. If he's in too much of a hurry for that, then you know where you stand. Either way, good luck and I hope it turns out for tha best.. Either way.. - Sissy |
need help
Have you expressed to him how important it is for him to open up to you? Have ya told him that tha fact that he scared you off tha first time by shuttin' you out is wha ended things tha first time?
Just saying
Crying spells suck.. Cryin' releases tension and stress so in tha end, it's good for you. Try not to freak out over it Cloudy.. It's normal.. Not everyone always knows why they are cryin' or why they are upset but once tha rain stops, it leaves you feelin' better..
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I'm not goin' to try anything.. :> I'm goin' to TELL you that I know wha I believe.. Which is wha this post is about.. You stated your beliefs about why tha bible is a myth.. And wha kinda deal is that to answer a question with a question?.. Is that because you don't know wha you believe? Hmm...
This has been said before.. Many times.. I suppose to get tha point, it's goin' to have to be put in triplicate.. It's all about faith.. Plain and simple.. I know wha I believe that happens when someone dies.. I ask you wha you believe, if you believe that you don't come back to life and all that.. And you answer my question with a question.. Why do I feel like I'm on a ring-around-the-rosie? |
1.) You're not talkin' about just any human. You're talkin' about the Lord.. I, for instance, couldn't walk on water, but He could and did.
2.) Water can't magically be turned into wine.. Again, I couldn't turn it into wine.. But it was done. 3.) Once you're dead you can't come back to life.. Sooo, in your opinion wha happens to your spirit/soul? Reincarnation? That "logic" wouldn't be any different than any one else's beliefs.. Either way you look at it, somethin' happens to you when you die.. You can't just lie there and simmer.. Somethin' has to happen to your spirit and your soul and if you believe tha contents of tha bible are all a myth - in your opinion, wha happens to your spirit and soul when you die? |
I got curious and looked at Trailrider's profile.. Her status says
married and says she's lookin' for a man for dating.. ![]() aren't talkin' about yourself Trailrider? lol |