Community > Posts By > Smartazzjohn
The OP asks..... "As the tittle suggest, I don’t understand certain types of political people. Can you provide me with an explanation of their rationale?" To understand the "rationale" of certain types of "political people" one only has to look at what many Americans DON'T know about the government. In 2021 a study showed only 42 percent of Americans could pass the U.S. Citizenship Test and sadly that is up 6 percent from a study 3 years earlier. As a "naturalized" citizen myself, who had no trouble passing the test, I find this rather troubling because just a BASIC knowledge of the government was needed. In 2019 a survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania, only 39 percent of Americans can name all three branches of government. The survey showed 22 percent of Americans could not even name one branch of government and only 14 percent could name two branches. I don't have kids in school now so I have no idea of what is and isn't being taught to kids today. But surveys lead me to believe that a serious look at the k-12 civics/government curriculum needs to done. |
If a person commits a murder and is never charged it doesn't mean they are means they
A) Haven't been caught B) There isn't enough evidence to be charged and/or convicted in a criminal court. Even if a person is charged with a crime it doesn't mean they ARE "innocent until proven guilty". During a CRIMINAL trial "due process" dictates that there is a "PRESUMPTION of innocents" UNTIL the government "PROVES BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT" that a defendant is guilty. A "not guilty" verdict in criminal court ISN'T PROOF of innocence. But while in "criminal case" there CAN be NO doubt about guilt for a "guilty" verdict to be handed down that ISN'T the metric for "civil cases" where defendant CAN be found guilty/responsible by a PREPONDERANCE OF THE EVIDENCE. In "civil cases" the standard is the evidence shows it's "more likely than not" that the defendant is guilty/responsible for a crime. There are times when a person is found "not guilty" in a criminal trial and is found guilty/responsible of the SAME crime in civil court. |
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Tue 03/15/22 08:40 AM
The transfer of MG-29's, or any other military aid to Ukraine, from any country worldwide including NATO should be done covertly, NOT overtly.
If China gives military aid (or if it already has) of any kind to Russia it won't be done publicly or openly. When NATO countries, especially the US, announces ANY action they will take they are giving Putin a strategic advantage. Telegraphing what REACTIONS will be taken if an authoritarian takes military actions gives the advantage to the aggressor. Aggressors like criminals don't follow laws, don't care about laws, negotiating with them is an exercise in futility. They are ONLY stopped by force, not "diplomacy". Was the US trying to have Poland as a scapegoat (it's not escape goat) or was Poland trying to use the US as a scapegoat? It really doesn't matter if either was attempting to scapegoat the other.....the transfer of MG-29's should have NEVER been made public. Putin is the ONLY interested party that benefited from the transfer NOT happening. |
Endgame! “Ukraine will never be a victory for Putin,” Biden said as he announced a U.S. ban on Russian energy imports on Tuesday. long after the trade markets had already stopped trading in russian oil leaving it un touched and un sold. I guess since biden had no choice, he finally decided to make the existing ban the market place, placed on it "OFFICIAL". Biden did something that basically did nothing. I see that as progress for him and his administration. Usually when Biden does something it hurts the average American. |
Spoiled by prosperity ?
Quite often I think we all need to go through hard times to be able to focus on what's real. Some people and their family seem to handle prosperity and disposable income well but so many just turn into whiny weak trash living in a fantasy. We may be on the verge of a change that will be painful but maybe nesessary. Thoughts ? People who ACTUALLY handle prosperity well are PREPARED when there is a bump in the economy. The problem is that TOO MANY people don't learn from the past and plan for the future. I figured out I needed to learn from the past, plan for the future and live for today a long time ago so I haven't suffered during the same "hard times" others faced. Pain ISN'T necessary for change to occur, the mindset in regards to finances by many people who keep going through the same pain time and time again is what needs to change. |
Santions = cyber attacks
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Wed 03/09/22 08:44 AM
mean while we are still pumping roughly 2.5 thousand barrels less per day then we were prior to biden taking office from the wells that are already capable of supplying the oil we need. these are existing wells, not undeveloped permitted sites, that were shut down by joe Bidens green energy council. rather then be allowed to continue to supply US oil. to the US. The decline in oil production is mostly due to effects of COVID-19, and the oil industry is still sitting on thousands of drilling permits on federal land and countless more on private & state land. Even if we're down by 2.5 thousand barrels/day, that's not even a rounding error of the 11 million barrels/day produced. I don't know why you're crying about oil production under Biden when he's done more in his first year for it than Trump did in his first year. The US is still a net exporter of oil and likely to increase over 2022 and '23 to record levels. It's true that there was more oil produced in the US during Biden's first year than during Trump's first year. But that is LARGELY due to Trump's administration having to roll back rules and regulations in order to incentivize oil companies to increase production......and it took time for Biden's administrations policies to be enacted. If people look at 2020 and 2021 it's IMPOSSIBLE NOT to see the differences caused by Biden's policies, unless of coarse you are nonsensical zealot who refuses to see the TRUTH. Gaslighting and blaming EVERYONE ELSE by Biden, Psaki,Democrats, leftist, the MSM, etc. for EVERY problem since Biden took office isn't really working anymore with MOST Americans.....not ONLY with oil but also with inflation, especially regarding food prices. |
Santions = cyber attacks
Psaki said there are 9,000 approved oil leases that the oil companies are not tapping into currently.
Psaki has since said that there are 9,000 unused drilling permits. Which is it? Are there 9,000 approved oil leases or 9,000 unused drilling permits? I don't know if she is conflating oil leases and drilling permits, if she doesn't understand they are different or if she can't remember what talking points she is supposed to regurgitate. She has also said that Biden is doing everything he can regarding oil and gas prices but he has done nothing to reverse his policies that actually increased oil and gas prices. Here is a look at drilling permits issued by the Bureau of Land Management in 2020 and 2021. The BLM issued 2,994 public lands drilling permits in New Mexico, the most productive oil state, in 2020 compared to 1,949 as of Nov. 30, 2021. The boarder look for the six most productive states—New Mexico, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, North Dakota and California there were 3,605 permits had been approved in 2021 as of Nov. 30, far fewer than 5,362 in 2020. Mike Sommers, the chief executive officer of the American Petroleum Institute put things in perspective by saying the following. “There’s a fundamental misunderstanding of the administration as to how the process actually works,”....“Just because you have a lease doesn’t mean there’s actually oil and gas in that lease, and there has to be a lot of development that occurs between the leasing and then ultimately permitting for that acreage to be productive,” he said. “I think that they’re purposefully misusing the facts here to advantage their position.” |
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Tue 03/08/22 08:33 AM
Ukrainian President Zelenskyy was born to Jewish parents.....and he's a Nazi according to Putin/Russian propaganda. And brainwashed idiots claim that "Western countries now fight with Nazis and not against them". SMH That is not accurate. His grandfather was maybe 100% Jewish. His father then 50% Jewish and him self 25% Jewish. But according to Jewish laws you have to have a Jewish mother to be considered a Jew. He has Russian as native tongue and have learned to speak Ukrainian it a very theatrical way. In speeches predominantly uses words that is not the same in both languages and in a not natural husky tone. You fail to see the reason he is president! He starred in a television series produced by 1+1 the TV channeled owned by Alexander Yefymovych Rodnyansky a Jewish oligarch operating from a head office in Delaware, USA. Alexander also funded the election campaign for Zelenesky presidentship. Zelensky is bought and paid for by Israeli big business, to take control of Ukraine's economy and bleed it dry. It's not hard to fool stupid young men with Nazi nationalistc ideals to fight for "democracy" kleptocrazy style! Don't think they care about history when it comes to making money! ahh got your MIND if a person is 25% Jewish they have no reluctance to be a Nazi. Obviously it's not hard to fool stupid older people either....some even believe that Israeli big business will support a Nazi. SMH |
Ukrainian President Zelenskyy was born to Jewish parents.....and he's a Nazi according to Putin/Russian propaganda. And brainwashed idiots claim that "Western countries now fight with Nazis and not against them". SMH That is not accurate. His grandfather was maybe 100% Jewish. His father then 50% Jewish and him self 25% Jewish. But according to Jewish laws you have to have a Jewish mother to be considered a Jew. He has Russian as native tongue and have learned to speak Ukrainian it a very theatrical way. In speeches predominantly uses words that is not the same in both languages and in a not natural husky tone. You fail to see the reason he is president! He starred in a television series produced by 1+1 the TV channeled owned by Alexander Yefymovych Rodnyansky a Jewish oligarch operating from a head office in Delaware, USA. Alexander also funded the election campaign for Zelenesky presidentship. Zelensky is bought and paid for by Israeli big business, to take control of Ukraine's economy and bleed it dry. It's not hard to fool stupid young men with Nazi nationalistc ideals to fight for "democracy" kleptocrazy style! Don't think they care about history when it comes to making money! ahh got your MIND if a person is 25% Jewish they have no reluctance to be a Nazi. Obviously it's not hard to fool stupid older people either....some even believe that Israeli big business support a Nazi. SNH |
Ukrainian President Zelenskyy was born to Jewish parents.....and he's a Nazi according to Putin/Russian propaganda.
And brainwashed idiots claim that "Western countries now fight with Nazis and not against them". SMH |
Santions = cyber attacks
On November 2, 2020, it was noted that, “the U.S. average regular gasoline retail price decreased more than 3 cents to $2.11 per gallon on November 2, 49 cents lower than the same time last year.” The East Coast price decreased more than 2 cents to $2.07 per gallon, also, the Gulf Coast price decreased almost by 5 cents $1.79 per gallon. The Midwest price decreased more than 4 cents to $1.97 per gallon, the West Coast price declined greater than 1 cent to $2.77 per gallon and the Rocky Mountain price decreased more than 2 cents to $2.22 per gallon. December – Highest gas price on Christmas Day ever recorded To round out the year, 2021 set a new record for the highest gas price ever recorded on Christmas Day. By about two-tenths of a penny, at $3.26 per gallon, the national average on Christmas Day surpassed the previous record set in 2013. ------------ I just got gas yesterday at $3.89 a gallon. The price of gas has obviously increased since Putin's invasion of Ukraine but to blame the high prices entirely on the Ukraine invasion and the supply of Russian oil isn't correct. All anyone has to do is look at the time line to see when the increase of gas, and oil, to know that the current administrations policies on fossil fuels has cause a dramatic affect on prices. The policies also can be seen in the cost of natural gas prices. The people who are suffering the most are middle and lower income people, the people Democrats say that ONLY THEY care about. Limousine and Learjet leftist "liberals" can absorb the cost of higher energy prices with little to no impact on their life styles.....the same can't be said for middle and lower income people. |
IMO Putin doesn't care about sanctions or how they will affect Russians.
IMO Putin doesn't care about the actual Ukrainian land. IMO Putin isn't worried about NATO expanding into Sweden, Finland or even Ukraine. What I believe Putin is afraid of is the Russian people, especially young Russians, wanting what they see people have in the west. I believe Putin is sending a message to Russian,,,,,see what I CAN do to ANYONE including the Russian people? |
Stand With the Truckers!
It's a one way flow, most Latin Americans that come here head for Spain because of obvious reasons. Other countries don't get any big amount. Same with USA, you already have a lot of Spanish speakers. That is the main reason they come to US and the fact you can walk or drive. Trust me that if you handed out free air line tickets in Central America many would go to other places instead. See what happened in El Salvador. People came to the US, had a hard time, ended up in gangs, got deported and those gangs continued operations in the home country and now even more people are leaving El Salvador thanks to the nice education you gave them. Nice job! Keep living in your bird cage. The world outside is a "horrible" place! But maybe Biden and his gang can make it better here, not? You base what you are saying on a hypotheticals you've created rather than REALITY. Just take the people from EL Salvador in the US who, according to YOU, because of the education they got in the US. Salvadorian gangs, both MS13 and La 18 were created by criminals, not any education system. While the US deported CRIMINAL from El Salvador, non criminal Salvadorians WEREN'T deported, the formation of gangs is the result of the mind set of criminals who form and join gangs. Your inference that gangs formed because people "had a hard time" there would be millions more immigrants, not just in the US but around the world, who would be gang members. It seems you are suggesting the US should make life easy for everyone, even criminals immigrants. You said "if you handed out free air line tickets in Central America many would go to other places instead" which is nonsensical. A lot of Central Americans are paying thousands of dollars to gangs and cartels to get them to the US. If they wanted to go "to other places instead" they COULD buy their own airplane tickets. And why are YOU saying that if WE "handed out free air line tickets"??? Do you think the US government, financed by US citizens, should be financially responsible for the travel of foreigners???? I don't live in a bird cage nor do I think Biden will make anything better, ANYWHERE. I don't live in a bird cage, I don't think the ENTIRE world is a "horrible" place which is how you see the entire US. There are troubling areas in the US, it's not like that's a fact hidden by government propaganda. But you can keep on ignoring FACTS and blaming the US for the worlds problems....I wish you could convince all the people coming to the US illegally to stay home because it's so horrible here. SMH |
Stand With the Truckers!
Yeah there "are desperate people both in USA and Mexico. The situation in both those countries are not good." The USA is so bad that people are leaving in droves. Oh wait.....people are coming to USA because it's so bad. Oh wait....that doesn't makes sense either. I guess the people from 106 different countries who crossed the southern border of the U.S. in Fiscal Year 2021 in the Del Rio Sector of Texas alone didn't hear how bad it is in the USA. ![]() It's not like it's easy for Mexicans and other Latin Americans to easily can go to Europe. Trust me they would if they could afford it. Also the myth of prosperity is strong. It's hard for emigrants to confess their failure toiling in the fields for peanuts always looking over their shoulders for immigration officers. Most Americans have never ventured out of their country and needs a reality check of the state of countries abroad. As a comparison Moscow have bigger mansions then Los Angeles. When you fly over, the amount castles are ridiculous! The cost of an apartment is much higher then any American city. Yet, there are hardly any homeless. Yes, you do see beggars but they are very old women or legless war veterans but not many. Go to any major African city and you will be surprised. It is not the way company's who wants your aid portray it. Your government and media is not showing the truth. Why would they. It's common practice in all country's. They feed propaganda about their own greatness and how bad it is elsewhere. To travel is to know, unfortunately it's expensive. People who are MUCH closer to Europe are going to Mexico in order to cross the southern US border. That is a FACT.....not "government propaganda". Many, if not most, of the people FROM the more than 106 countries have relatives who are in the United States. Are their relative also feeding them "propaganda" about the "greatness" of the United States? Romanians, who are Europe’s largest ethnic minority, seem to be the largest group of “OTM’s” (other than Mexicans) attempting to get into the United States. Border Patrol apprehended roughly 2,000 Romanians in 2021. I guess they didn't get your memo that "Mexicans and other Latin Americans" would go to Europe "if they could afford it". There are MANY people in the media, from the entertainment industry and even politicians who, like you, OPENLY portray the USA as a horrible, dangerous and racist country where people are trapped in poverty. They have loud voices that are heard and seen around the world and yet people KEEP coming to the USA, many RISKING their lives. Why????? I've talked to an Italian woman in Ontario, Canada who told me she knows a lot of people trying to move to the USA, most wanting to go to Texas, because of the deterioration of freedoms. My parents immigrated from Italy to Canada where they met. My mom was from the northern Italy, my dad from the south. We then immigrated to the United States. My parents had the option for us to live in three different counties....countries they had lived in and chose to remain in the USA. I could move to Canada but with a leader like Trudeau who has no problem seizing protesters property and money it's looking more like China than a democracy. But that is to be expected from Trudeau who when asked what country he admired the most he said China. I've started calling it Chinada instead of Canada. But you continue with your negative view of the US and your choice to live in another country....there are more than enough people who hate the US choosing to live here already. |
Stand With the Truckers!
Yeah there "are desperate people both in USA and Mexico. The situation in both those countries are not good."
The USA is so bad that people are leaving in droves. Oh wait.....people are coming to USA because it's so bad. Oh wait....that doesn't makes sense either. I guess the people from 106 different countries who crossed the southern border of the U.S. in Fiscal Year 2021 in the Del Rio Sector of Texas alone didn't hear how bad it is in the USA. ![]() |
Stand With the Truckers!
We could go back and forth on this for hours on end. But, if you can’t see how gun violence is affecting freedom in this country, while having little to nothing to do with protecting property or tyranny against government, there’s no hope this will ever change. Really, the only reason russia hasn’t entered Kyiv Is because of the citizens having guns. If you can’t see where guns can protect a person from harm from others than why do you have one.But you got to have the balls to use it. If we remove our second amendment then we are at the mercy of a invading country or a tyrannical government at sometime. More and more folks are arming themselves and that is a Good thing. They were given guns, in a time of war. I’m not saying remove the 2nd amendment, but major gun control is needed, otherwise we’re just at war with ourselves. If "gun control" laws worked Mexico would be a pretty safe country. Mexico has extremely restrictive laws regarding gun possession. There is only one gun store in the entire country, and it takes months of paperwork to have a chance at purchasing one legally. A total of 34,582 cases of homicide occurred in Mexico in 2019, up from 33,369 the year before. In 2020 there were 34,515 homicides. The population in Mexico in 2020 was 128,932,753. In 2020, there were 21,570 reported cases of murder or non-negligent manslaughter in the United States. The population of U.S. in 2020 was 331,002,651. Numbers don't lie......and from data it's obvious that restrictive laws doesn't stop murders in Mexico or the US cities with the most restrictive laws. Criminals commit crimes, whether it's car jacking, theft or murders because they IGNORE laws. |
| "“Vladimir Putin doesn’t want me to be President. He doesn’t want me to be our nominee. If you’re wondering why — it’s because I’m the only person in this field who’s ever gone toe-to-toe with him.” ----------- Maybe Putin and Biden were slow dancing at a party when Biden went toe to toe with Putin. |
Santions = cyber attacks
What I don't understand is why Biden gave Putin list of 16 critical infrastructure entities 'off limits' to cyber attacks.
Putin should have been given a list with one thing on it.....EVERYTHING IS OFF LIMITS and attacks of ANY KIND will be met with FORCEFUL retaliation!!!!! |
When Kim Potter was awaiting trial she didn't commit any crimes.
Kim Potter was sentenced, she will more likely than not serve her time without being disciplined for incidents of breaking rules. When she is released there is little to no chance that she will turn to crimes as a career. But there are people who think she should be imprisoned longer. Then there is Assamad Nash who stabbed an Asian woman to death. Nash had reportedly been arrested at least a dozen times over the last decade, with the most recent arrest taking place a month before he murdered an woman for criminal mischief and reportedly escaping police custody. Public records on the New York State Unified Court System website list three open cases against Nash. Unfortunately this isn't the first time something like this will happen and most it won't be the last time. Potter could have spent zero days in jail and she would NEVER be the threat to society that Nash obviously was after being let back on the street numerous times before committing murder. Is criminal justice reform needed???? Heck yes, start locking up career criminals before they murder someone. |
Donald Trump's Misdeeds
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Tue 02/22/22 10:12 AM
She wasn't SOLELY responsible for the National Guard not being called in, others ALSO had SOME power to call in the National Guard. She could have told Irving, who is under her direction, to ask for the National Guard to be brought in..the same way she can call on him to remove people from the House. Not having SOLE power DOESN'T mean, AS YOU SUGGEST, that she had NO power. You can stand with your statement as many times as you wish but it doesn't change the FACTS. The National Guard is commanded by the state governor, and in the case of DC, it's commanded by the President, or possibly the SecDef (still cabinet-level). If the Guard wasn't called until late, then that pretty much falls on Trump, and according to testimony, Trump only wanted them to protect the protestors. Imagine a skirmish between the Capitol Police and the National Guard! Also, most anybody can request the DC National Guard, but it is still up to the president to approve. Three days BEFORE the riot the "the Pentagon asked the U.S Capitol Police if it needed National Guard manpower"....also the "Justice Department leaders reached out to offer up FBI agents. The police turned them down both time", It WASN'T a failure of the Defense Secretary, the Pentagon, the FBI or Trump that the National Guard wasn't called was the failure of the Capital Police and members of the "Capital Police Board" and three of the 4 members resigned following the riot. Two of the three who resigned were under the control of McConnell and Pelosi. |