Community > Posts By > Marie55

Marie55's photo
Sun 08/23/09 02:11 AM

My personal favorite....

"I know you from somewhere.... where?"
"Dude, you don't remember me? we hung out once 14 years ago!"

I know, people come up and start talking to you like they are
your best friend, call you by your first name. I am thinking
like crazy trying to remember their name, yikes.

Marie55's photo
Sun 08/23/09 02:10 AM

Yes and then I become afraid I'll remember where I know them from!surprised

I know, if you saw the ad, you saw what he specializes in???
I hesitated posting this because of that. laugh laugh

Marie55's photo
Sun 08/23/09 02:09 AM

Marie, babe, I do that all the time, almost on a daily basis.

One of the quotes people know me by IRL....

"I know I know you, but I don't know from where..."

Makes ya crazy, doesn't it?? Or I will be telling somebody
something and then get to the last word of the sentence and
go blank --- drives me nuts!!!!

But I know that guy from somewhere, maybe he worked in the prison
system when I day way back when or one of the hospitals I did
a long time ago. Just annoying, grrrrrr.

Marie55's photo
Sun 08/23/09 02:06 AM
Welcome to the site. Join in the forums so people can get
to know you and make some friends. Take care.

Marie55's photo
Sun 08/23/09 02:05 AM
That ad that keeps popping up for that ARNP, Dave Holt, I know I have run across that guy somewhere in my past. I have worked in the medical system for 27+ years, and worked in the prison system for 17 years. I just can't remember where I ran into him.

It has been bugging me for a couple of weeks now, just annoying when I know I have seen someone, but can't remember where. Do you have things like that happen to you?? noway ohwell

Marie55's photo
Sun 08/23/09 01:52 AM
I think I will tell my daughter I want the new Rascal Flatts song
"No More Goodbyes" -- I love that song and the video is awesome. She already knows where to spread my ashes.

Marie55's photo
Sun 08/23/09 01:51 AM
For my dad's funeral we played "When I get to Where I am Going" by Brad Paisley and Dolly Parton. It really was an appropriate song and went over quite well. The words do really fit a funeral.

Marie55's photo
Sun 08/23/09 12:38 AM
I think the majority of the people on her are "real" or "genuine" but there are also the "players" who are out to use people. You have to be really careful and go really slow with anyone you talk to, there certainly are scammers around.

I have been on this site 3 years this month and have made some fabulous friends, have been played by a few not so nice people, but for the most part, I like this place and come here to talk to my friends daily.

You should go out into the forums and post and meet some of the regulars, make some friends that way. Welcome.

Marie55's photo
Sun 08/23/09 12:12 AM

They are burying him on his birthday. I don't think a body can wait that long! shocked

The news said that his mom changed the date because they are Jehovah Witness and don't celebrate birthdays. Now they don't have a date for the burial. I didn't think it could wait that long either.

I had always heard they were Mormon, didn't know this. Also hadn't heard they had changed the date again. I heard they had a special casket ordered, that was part of the delay, waiting for the casket and that they were burying him on his birthday at the end of the month. No idea that things had changed. So sad for his children. flowerforyou

Marie55's photo
Sat 08/22/09 11:54 PM

Marie55's photo
Sat 08/22/09 11:05 PM

I learned recently.. I scream exactly the same way when a GIANT flesh eating, saber-toothed spider is coming after me.. as when I find a piece of lint on my shoulder :P

So funny! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: rofl rofl rofl

My daughter is scared to death of spiders, most bugs actually. Remember when she was younger and in the shower. Heard a blood-curtling scream and a crash. She saw a Daddy Long Legs up in the corner, just hanging there, she about killed herself getting out of the shower. Heck, she was probably 16 or so at the time. I told her it wouldn't hurt her, but she will freak if she sees them. Now that she has kids, she has had to "man-up" and kill them when necessary. When she was younger, she would do "smart things" like throw a shoe in the general direction of the spider and run the other way. I know, real smart move. Oh well, "some people's kids, dang." laughnoway laugh noway

Marie55's photo
Sat 08/22/09 10:58 PM

This actually is what the sucker looked like, only it was actually bigger than this picture. Last time I saw it, it was heading north, towards Highway 101. Probably heading for Seattle and some fun night life. :wink:

Tha's not a spider, wait until you see the ones outside my bedroom window, they wear hob nailed boots.

Yikes, don't think I will invite your spiders over for snacks. scared shocked surprised winking

Marie55's photo
Sat 08/22/09 10:44 PM

My daughter was into earthworms and salamanders.

Granddaughter played with "potato bugs" (don't know what their real name is, look like those little silver armadillos) and snails, she loved the snails when we moved here, and ladybugs too.

Grandson is into newts so far.
she's into anything natural that moves, heh.

she also catches wasps, should one happen to get into the house.

no fear of's great.

HOpe she is careful with the wasps, and also doesn't develop any allergy to the stings. She sounds like a great kid. flowerforyou

Marie55's photo
Sat 08/22/09 10:28 PM
Not all nursing homes are bad. Sorry about your aunt.
My dad was in our local one, one month short of 2 years, and
he got excellent care. He was too much for me to care for
at home anymore. They really did a good job for him, some of
them got really attached, had about 8 of the staff show up at his
funeral, he was like a 2nd dad to them, they said. I know he
felt like some of them were like 2nd daughters to him.

I know some homes are atrocious, we got lucky with the one here.flowerforyou

Marie55's photo
Sat 08/22/09 10:23 PM
My daughter was into earthworms and salamanders.

Granddaughter played with "potato bugs" (don't know what their real name is, look like those little silver armadillos) and snails, she loved the snails when we moved here, and ladybugs too.

Grandson is into newts so far.

Marie55's photo
Sat 08/22/09 10:19 PM

depends??? is it poisonous?? kill you think it will climb in to bed with you??? kill it...If is just a harmless house spider not bothering you and difficult to reach let him live and thrive:smile:

Thanks but he is outside, this was from about 3 a.m. this morning, was responding to some of the people in it. Normally leave them alone, especially "daddy long legs" -- but this was a huge sucker and chose to hang directly over the bed for a good hour, so had to deal with him.

Daddy Long Legs are not arachnids, but insects. Also they don't possess fangs like spiders to bite & are harmless.

I had heard that Daddy Long Legs were one of the most poisonous spiders but their mouth was too small to bite you so they were actually harmless. We used to play with them when we were kids, let them crawl on us.

Marie55's photo
Sat 08/22/09 10:17 PM

This actually is what the sucker looked like, only it was actually bigger than this picture. Last time I saw it, it was heading north, towards Highway 101. Probably heading for Seattle and some fun night life. :wink:

Marie55's photo
Sat 08/22/09 10:10 PM
Sunday is Lex's birthday, since he is on midwest time, it is now officially his birthday.

Please join me is wishing him a "Happy Birthday!!!!"

Lex, I would sing happy birthday to you, but you know,
the dogs would start barking, the goats would start
baaaaaa'ing, Llary the llama would probably spit at me
and you know I DON'T like llama spit in my hair noway noway.
And the police sirens, the noise would be deafening,laugh noway
so I will left you off the hook with just a pleasant -- Happy Birthday!!! flowerforyou flowerforyou

I hope this year brings you much joy and happiness. Take care.flowerforyou flowerforyou

Marie55's photo
Sat 08/22/09 03:06 AM

I also see that the "Great Northwest" are listed as state #2 and #3 on the list -- could be saying "Go West, Lex, Go West" --:wink: laugh. We have the Pacific Ocean, beautiful beaches, mild weather, the Mariners and the Seahawks (okay, not much to brag about there), the Space Needle, now that is cool, Canada is right next door and, of course, we have GYPSY AND PURPLE CAT FOR NEIGHBORS!!!!!!bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

And orcas swim off our shores routinely for us to see them too!!!!

Now what more could you want. Ummmm, oh yeah, single girls, we have them too!!!!!!! laugh
Hi Marie---Remember this side of the state!!!

Oh yeah, the eastern side of the state, the desert, heat, snow, rattlesnakes, hobo spiders, heat, snow, tumbleweeds, heat, snow, brown, lots of brown. Okay, okay sorry,laugh it is pretty in its "own way." If you like "HEAT!!," I loved the snow, but not the HEAT!!! The mountain passes are gorgeous, saw a lake with wild turtles, that was cool. It is pretty too. bigsmile

Marie55's photo
Sat 08/22/09 02:58 AM

If you read the label the prenatal vit's are not too far off from multi vits. People are taking vit and other supplements like crazy due to all the advertizing on how they can improve your health.
If you are under stress and are not eating a balanced diet I think taking a prenatal vit is fine, just not everyday.

I would still run it by the pharmacist to make sure they are not going to go against some prescription drug they are taking.

I had stomach surgery about 1-1/2 years ago so have malabsorption problems now and take mega doses of vitamins, I take about 2000 mg of calcium, and 2 multivitamins on top of several other individuals every day now. Every person's body is different.

Vitamin K is also in dark green veggies, i.e., spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, so people on Coumadin/warfarin need to be careful with eating large amounts of them as it will affect their blood thinning too.

Yes I know what you are saying Marie. Sorry you are having
malabsorption problems. I guess what I am trying to say is that many people are taking handfuls of vits and supplements due to the advertizing hype. Vitamins are a multi-billion dollar business and they promise all kinds of "rewards" to people. Most people do not have the medical knowledge or interest to find out about what they are taking. I assume a Doctor would inform a patient about vit K and Coumadin, I say assume because you never know, medicine is changing so fast no time for the patient anymore!!!

That is true, I think people forget how much the pharmacists know and what a good resource they are. I talk to them anytime I have a question. They have our records in their computers and can answer our questions quicker than a call to the doctor's office usually, unless it is a presribing problem. People do eat vitamins like candy and they are finding many of them are not doing what they thought. I type for doctors and have heard some of the docs say in their notes that the research has shown that some of the ones they thought were helping are not, like CO-Q10 isn't helping like they thought it was, and red yeast rice isn't helping with cholesterol like it used to, so there are lots of changes. People need to ask and not just believe everything they see on TV or read in an ad.