to Fade2Black
Oui, mais pas très bien. |
To VanillaStolie79
¿Soy fino, cómo es usted? Gracias para la contestación. |
Anyone here watch anime?
Bleach is pretty awesome, along with Death Note :D.
Thank you Mry.
Scinn, I tried to send you a message, but I can't, your settings wont allow it.
Thank you Fade2black.
I should have my membership back soon, hopefully :D |
I'm in the Fort Walton beach/Pensacola area. :D
Thanks. I would love to :D
What do you think of my profile?
actually, some of it did come from real world magick. The use of the "Dark Mark" came from a occult order that claims vampire blood lines of Aset (Isis)( This could support the fact that she has been in touch with the group. also, in the Harry potter series, I have read them all, it does not once speak about a God or a Goddess, or Satan. The Wand seems to be the only other real symbol toward the Ocult, and even the story behind the wand is much, much different from the truth behind the Wand.
I do find some symbolical meaning in the story that one could say was, in a way, religious. Harry could be a symbol for God, and You Know Who could be the symbol of evil. hat is only speculation though, it has never been said once, or implied. There just attacking the books because there not Cristian, its not very logical. |
This sends out a great message, but some of it I do not agree with. If I was to follow any decree, it would be more or so "The 11 Rules of the Earth".
The majority of todays massive religions come from paganism, or at least part of it do. Christmas was a pagan holiday to begin with, and it was not on the 25th of December, it was later changed to this. If you take a loot at the 10 Commandments and the principles of MA'AM, they are a lot alike. The biggest practicing witchcraft related religion in today's world would be considered Wicca. The traditional form of Wicca is nearly not practiced anymore. Traditionally, your sexual orientation had to have been heterosexual to be initiated into Wicca. Many people did not like this, so other sects of the Religion were started.
Another form of Witchcraft would be Enochian. Enochian is a system of Angelic magick created by Sir Edward Kelly, and Sir John Dee. They were both court magicians of Queen Elizabeth. They used ether a Mirror, or Crystal ball to speak with angels. The Angels gave then a language of what is now called Enochian. This system of magick is some what fragmented for the fact that no one knows how to speak the language properly. Thelema system of magick and belief created by Aleister Crowley. Thelema is a English translation of the Greek work "WILL". While on the subject of Greek, some people believe the reason that he put the "K" on the end of magick was because the world "Girl" or "Female" ended or started with a K, while others believe it is only the old English spelling of the word Magick. This Thelemic Law of Rabelais was revived by Aleister Crowley in 1904 when Crowley wrote "The Book of The Law".From this, Crowley took Thelema as the name of the philosophical, mystical and religious system which he subsequently developed, which includes ideas from occultism, Yoga, and both Eastern and Western mysticism (especially the Qabalah). Well heres a little bit about a few different paths of Religion and magick, if it peaks your interested let me know, and I will send you recording of a lecture of mine on this the subject at I did at OCU (College. |
Any Pagans Out There?!!!
I practice a reconstruction of the ancient Egyptian Faith.
FYI, the Satanist that don't believe in Satan as a living entity, they only look at him as a pure manifestation of man. They look at him like this because of how many times he gets beat down by God, and keeps getting up, this is, to them, very manly. They are called "LaVey Satanists". The only other type of Satanist would be a Theistic Satanist. Some of these followers claim there religion to be ancient, saying that Satan is a manifestation of the Egyptian God Set. Also, a Luciferian Witch is nothing to do with Satanism. The Luciferian movement is relatively new, the Author Micheal W. Ford popularized it. It is a new system all on its own, he adds in his own beliefs and stories and such in the book. I have not gotten any of his newer books, but I have the three books that I believe set the foundation of the Luciferian movement, they would be; Book of the Witch moon, Luciferian Witchcraft, and Lebre HVHI. In none of these does it refer to being Satanism. Actually, through out Luciferian Witchcraft, the one that goes into the most detail, he talks more of Set then any deity, that leads me to believe the system is more Setian then Satanic. |
Pagan / Wiccan Triva
I would call upon the Egyptian Goddess MA'AT for Justis.
Pagan / Wiccan Triva
Well a ceremonial circle, if we are talking of the same type, like the circles that are in many of the grimoires. The main difference would be the meaning of both. The meaning of a ceremonial circle was often to trap the entity. The meaning of the Wicca circle was is most often used to keep yourself safe, among many other reasons.
The Laws the Law
I do not think that church and government should be one. This happened in the past, and look what happened back them. I think it is a great idea to remove Prayer from school, it is school, not bible study. There is no reason for the 10 commandments to be on government property, other then the Church and affiliated buildings.
Ya, I'm waiting for a camera. Mine seems to not be working. I'll have a new picture loaded in a few days.
Hi cats, how are you? |
jayme, boyfriend sounds bad. How is everyone today? Thanks for all the replys.
Long Distance Relationships
If you can make a long distance relationship work, then its going to work great in person. Lots of hard work. I haven't had luck with them. People don't get to see eachother that often. I guess it all depends on that persons need to be with someone in person. If they can handle the using the phone and maybe the net without the face to face talk then it should work. Some people can't handle that though.
Haha mess me up? i dout it lol. I do live far away, I haven't met many that lice close to me. I'll more the likely reach 7 foot soon lol, hopefully. I shaved my head before, I wont do it again. I like the long hair, more comfortable. Thanks for the add jayme.