So, what religious verses, if any, do you believe are often taken out of context? Luke 16:23 In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. Revelation 20:14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. I think the parable about Lazarus is interpreted as an eternal hellfire. This goes into the what the other thread is talking about. Not saying it is, as I haven't specifically checked out the "story line" you're speaking of atm. But Revolutations is speaking of the Lake of fire and hades is the resting place of the dead... Hades is the exact same as "hell" or even in our today's language "grave", it is the abode of the dead. The lake of fire will continue to burn even after hell is destroyed and or the second coming or any reference in such area(s). As hell is destroyed/burned up inside of the lake of fire. |
There is a lot of new evidence (from awhile ago) that one species cannot change into another though. With DNA research a new term was coined "intelligent design" Absolutely true, "apes" can not evolve into "humans" just as "humans" can't evolve into "apes" or fish or antyhing other one wishes to present. Yes we may have been and probably were more "ape-like" as we adapt with the weather/surroundings ect naturally. So we may have very well had more body hair and or maybe body fat/tissues at an earlier time. As we would need it till we evolved with our inventions/creation(s) of cloths ect. From the fact that cloths "friction" and such would tare the hair falecules and other's off, thus then later "evolution" of a more "boldened" species along with other elements such as maybe enviroment changes, ect. |
You don't need a brain to keep consciousness alive or else phenomena like NDE,OBE or reincarnation wouldn't have happened. Brain is needed only to manifest our consciousness in our lives. Now, all the preaching about one all powerful God has taken away the focus from spiritualism. People are more bothered to please their gods than understanding their own consciousness. Science on the other hand cannot explain NDE, OBE or reincarnation because of their closed mindset. The role of observer in quantum mechanics is well known but never understood. 'Consciousness' in spiritualism and 'Role of observer' in quantum phenomena are so close that they both can explain the creation of universe using a single hypothesis. Since Religion rests on 'Belief' and Science rest of 'Evidence' the two can't understand or complement each other. Since Religion rests on 'Belief' and Science rest of 'Evidence' the two can't understand or complement each other. Even when it comes to that my friend, how much "evidence" do you have outside of "heresay" or what some scientist(s)" said. Not downing or "putting down" science in itself. Just asking how much of that knowledge you possess as "science" that is taken on heresay accounts... eg., "what the scientists" say without further investigation? Science in the mostso complicate instances that can't be varified by personal experience are taken as fact on the same basis "religion" or more specifically Christianity can be viewed on. You should stick to talking about religion Cowboy cause science doesn't seem to be your strong suit...Science is knowledge based on testable explanations...It can be rationally explained and reliably applied...Science is also theory based on evidence...The only thing that changes scientific theory is new evidence and so far there is no new evidence that changes the theory of evolution into the Garden of Eden...... Don't know specifically bout your mention of the theory of evolution or "Garden of Eden". But a "theory" in the long run is nothing more then an educated guess. And scientists/people of such knowledge don't like that claim as the reference of the word "guess". But in the end, that's all a theory truly boils down to. Not demeaning Science at all, as we've come a long ways from where we were once and still have a long ways to go. Just yeah, bottom point. |
You don't need a brain to keep consciousness alive or else phenomena like NDE,OBE or reincarnation wouldn't have happened. Brain is needed only to manifest our consciousness in our lives. Now, all the preaching about one all powerful God has taken away the focus from spiritualism. People are more bothered to please their gods than understanding their own consciousness. Science on the other hand cannot explain NDE, OBE or reincarnation because of their closed mindset. The role of observer in quantum mechanics is well known but never understood. 'Consciousness' in spiritualism and 'Role of observer' in quantum phenomena are so close that they both can explain the creation of universe using a single hypothesis. Since Religion rests on 'Belief' and Science rest of 'Evidence' the two can't understand or complement each other. Since Religion rests on 'Belief' and Science rest of 'Evidence' the two can't understand or complement each other. Even when it comes to that my friend, how much "evidence" do you have outside of "heresay" or what some scientist(s)" said. Not downing or "putting down" science in itself. Just asking how much of that knowledge you possess as "science" that is taken on heresay accounts... eg., "what the scientists" say without further investigation? Science in the mostso complicate instances that can't be varified by personal experience are taken as fact on the same basis "religion" or more specifically Christianity can be viewed on. |
Verses are taken out of context mainly to fit "their" agenda rather then God's intended agenda. People will always want to do what "they" want rather then specifically what "God" wants from us. For once I can partially agree with you! (Still think men wrote the texts that were later piecemealed together and made into "the bible" using their own thoughts, words and ideals) But, that aside, and even for sake of argument stipulating that the bible is the word of the god, this is the very reason I am constantly railing about my lack of affinity for organized religion. Agendas and egos determine the interpretation of the passages, taxes the people, and oppresses them. What should be and what is reality are two different things. That is true. And that is why I'm not bapstist, not catholic, not church of christ, not any "specific" Christ group so to speak. I'm a Christian, a God loving man who first follows after our great God Jesus Christ as best I can. It's not about "religion" my friends, God couldn't care less bout "religion". It's all entirely bout belief in him, there is no compremising. For instance, I don't believe without a doubt not one "group" has it absolutely correct... baptists, prostents, church of Christ, Jehovah, ect... but they do have it right between their difference when there was a connection they didn't see. It's not about the "organization", it's about what Christ did and told us, amen!! <3 |
Verses are taken out of context mainly to fit "their" agenda rather then God's intended agenda. People will always want to do what "they" want rather then specifically what "God" wants from us.
As the TRUTH of the Bible hurts as we might think. Do you think there has to be compromises in preaching the gospel from time to time in order to bring about resolution? No, there is no need for any "compromising" when it comes to sharing, living, or anything other about the scripture/God's instructions. If they want the compromise, then they will make the resolution in the subject :) We compromise to God, not vise versa :) |
Science and belief in God don't counter react each other. Science doesn't expell the idea of God, only expresses to our understanding how God created the world and how he created it to operate. The difference and why it seems that science "cancels" out religion or "spiritual" belief is science just says "The world was created...." and the spiritual belief states "God created the world.." Or in other words science gives the credit to something(s) other then God, but nevertheless again doesn't cancel out the possibility of God being.
here are some mysteries that have yet to be explained, as far as i know anyway... 1.On August 7th 1999, London police received more than 36 reports of a gigantic sea serpent in the Thames. It was “at least 200 ft long and 5 yards across,” said one panicky witness. Despite all the sightings, no one managed to get a picture—or so it was thought. That day photographer John Collins was taking aerial photos of London from a private plane. He didn’t notice the object at the lower right until he examined the photo later. 2.Project Avalon – Klaus Dona: The Hidden History of the Human Race On the big cup you can see a perfect inlaid star constellation also showing the Orion and other stars. And inside the big cup it is very, very magnetic and outside the cup nearly nothing. Professional geologists are saying this is impossible because if a stone has metal particles inside the stone, it must be same magnetic from both sides. 3.The Bob White Object: In 1985, Missourian Bob White recovered physical evidence following a UFO encounter in Colorado. In 1996, Mr. White was flown to the classified Los Alamos National Labs for an analysis of his evidence. White was told by Senior staff that the object he recovered was extraterrestrial. The lab recanted their position later. Mr. White has passed polygraph examinations given by law enforcement professionals concerning the Los Alamos matter. 4.Chinese Pyramid in Xianyang. Most footage of Chinese pyramids is arial. The Chinese government are very reluctant to let foreigners in to study the structures and have only once agreed to a visa for this purpose. 5.Mysterious medicine wheels ~ two persons, unknown of each other, separated by thousand miles noticed on one morning these strange marks on their skin. They had no idea how those get there. Their common backgound is spirituality. One had an ayahuasca ceremony the night before, the second had a spiritual emergency (diagnosed as psychosis) following it. 6.In July, 1944, Waldemar Julsrud, made a resounding discovery to Acambaro, Mexico. He found figurines that represent, among others, dinosaurs, unknown animals, reptiles, unknown divinities, and its everyday objects (pipes, musical instruments, etc.) Dinosaurs, how these people were able to represent animals they are supposed to never have known? Once again, the traditional archéologie makes a mistake and prefers, in spite of the obvious facts, stay in the error… Figurines from 2500 BC 7.Strange Being captured on a photo in1973 in Falkville, Alabama by Sheriff Jeff Greenhaw. “It looked like his head and neck were kind of made together… he was real bright, something like rubbing mercury on nickel, but just as smooth as glass-different angles give different lighting… when I saw him standing in the middle of the road I immediately stopped the car and asked if he was a foreigner, but no sound came out of his mouth.” 8.The skull of this Sasquatch or Bigfoot creature was discovered in the Rocky Mountains. 9.Mystery airships or phantom airships are a class of unidentified flying objects best known from a series of newspaper reports originating in the western United States and spreading east during 1896 and 1897. According to researcher Jerome Clark, airship reports were made worldwide from the 1880s to 1890s. Mystery airship reports are seen as a cultural predecessor to modern claims of extraterrestrial-piloted flying saucer-style UFOs. Typical airship reports involved unidentified lights, but more detailed accounts reported ships comparable to a dirigible. Reports of the alleged crewmen and pilots usually described them as human looking, although sometimes the crew claimed to be from Mars.[4] It was popularly believed that the mystery airships were the product of some genius inventor not ready to make knowledge of his creation public. For example, Thomas Edison was so widely speculated to be the mind behind the alleged airships that in 1897 he “was forced to issue a strongly worded statement” denying his responsibility. Author Gregory L. Reece has argued that mystery airships are unlikely to represent test flights of real human-manufactured dirigibles as no record of successful airship flights are known from the period and “it would have been impossible, not to mention irrational, to keep such a thing secret. also, something hit a windmill in texas and crashed during the same time period, with an alien supposedly buried in a local cemetery...,_Texas,_UFO_incident 10.This footprint was cast near Glen Rose Texas at the Paluxy River. It measures 14 inches long, 7 wide. Paleontologists say the print is from a female. The cross cuts are from compression studies indicating that this person was approximately 10 feet tall and weighing 1,000 pounds. The human foot is that of an average female size 8.5. The casting is courtesy of Mt. Blanco Museum, Crosbyton TX. Please don't take this the wrong way as I know this isn't the "religion" forum and don't mean to sway the discussion in that direction in this particular forum, but found that foot print interesting in connection to the following verse Genesis 6:4 4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. |
Why God chose us?
Don't know why I didn't think of this when I originally posted in this thread lol. But this one verse negates any thought that only a "chosen" group will make it to Heaven. John 3:16 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. God loved the WORLD that WHOSOEVER believeth in him... thought you said god loved everyone? Whosoever would include everyone my friend. |
Guys, Let's make a list of people who will NOT inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. To see if we are there among them....or if are qualified to pretend for a place in God's house... To apply for a permanent residence in His dwelling place already TODAY... P.S.: who are these dogs in the Scripture? Don't know bout the "dogs" in reference in the scriptures, but the people that will inherit the kingdom of God is the one's that have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. For Jesus is the only path to Heaven, no one can see the "father" but through Jesus Christ amen !!! :) |
Why God chose us?
Being Christian is not like ya found golden ticket in willy wonka movie .haahaa it does not guarantee your life,your career,your marriage will be free from strife Being a "Christian" means following after our great God Jesus Christ. And actions speak louder then words he has told us. James 2:15-17 15 If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, 16 And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? 17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone |
Women not to preach/teach?
my point about the bible being a product of man exemplified! The same people ranting that it is undeniably "god's word" will now find a way to argue that the tenets of the same god can be disregarded at will. If you find citations of this in the bible, that means that the apostle paul didn't make that statement on his own, he was iterating the word of his god. Why would anyone do a thing in direct disobedience to the written word of their god? Yes, women too were subjugated by this ruse. First of all, "men/man" is suppose to be the leader(s). As in anything there can be only one "leader" eg. to many cheifs and not enough indians. It's not being sexist or one gender is greater then the other. But again in any decisions/choice, there needs to be only one decider. And that is Jesus Christ himself and what he has informed us of on how it's suppose to be. Even a "listener" has a great voice for actions speak louder then words. |
Why God chose us?
Edited by
Tue 06/09/15 12:07 PM
Organized religion is made up of imperfect men (and women) faced.with same temptations as anyone else and therefore it is an imperfect creation That is much of my meaning. Makes the organization a wholly unnecessary (to many)INVENTION. Don't get me wrong, if you wanna join the club, join the club, but don't vilify a chubby ne'er do well who chooses to sit at home eating Cheetos and playing video games. It's not specifically bout "organized" religion. It's bout following Jesus Christ, our God almighty!!. And yes in the long run it would be recognized by "organized" as we would "all" acknowledge Jesus Christ as God :) And trust me my friend, weather one believes or not... we will all have direct knowledge of Jesus Christ our great God <3 |
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Tue 06/09/15 12:01 PM
Genesis 2
4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, 5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. I do believe I've posted such posts before, but it's hit me in my heat to do again. But Jesus Christ is our God, as seen in Genesis 2 it states LORD God made this or that, difference between 1 and 2 is that 2 goes into greater deatail then 1. And Jesus later congratdulates this in the following, Isaiah 45:12 12 I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded. Jeremiah 27:5 5 I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are upon the ground, by my great power and by my outstretched arm, and have given it unto whom it seemed meet unto me. Ezekiel 3:17 17 Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me. Genesis 2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, I know absolutely that I've introduced threads of Jesus being God, but I feel it still needs further introcing. Jesus is God my brothers, sisters, and friend. He is the one that created us, he is the one that will judge us, he is that one in charge of us. Praise God almight Jesus Christ!!!! Only again posting this, because Jesus is only seen as "the son of God". But he is OUR God, when looked at that meanining of "God". - Being of authority over another(s). Praise the name of Jesus Christ, for he is God, hs is our almighty. No one comes to the father but through Jesus Christ!! Amen!! <3 Matthew 7:1 7 Judge not, that ye be not judged. Jesus is the Greatest!!! |
Names of God
Why their names are the same? Any thoughts? Good to sister. The Son of God is the same with the FATHER. John 10:30 KJV "I and my Father are One." @Toks, the words used to translate from the original writings in this verse are in reference to wills, desires, thoughts, ect. Not the physical being of "one". If that were so, it would be a lie for God to appear in two different forms simultaneously. Where does the scriptures ever reference God's "name"? Yes it says God's name is great, ect ect. But to the best of my knowledge it never says "God's name is bob"... Forgive me for the humor in the specific name as it would never be that, but more to the point, I don't know of one verse that states God's name. |
Why God chose us?
Don't know why I didn't think of this when I originally posted in this thread lol. But this one verse negates any thought that only a "chosen" group will make it to Heaven.
John 3:16 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. God loved the WORLD that WHOSOEVER believeth in him... |
Why God chose us?
Guys, have you heard that ONLY a limited number of people will be saved. All other people will perish after the coming Judgement Day because "punishment for sin is DEATH". This is the Holy Law of God. Now ponder: (1) Why did God choose some people to be saved? (2) Why you did NOT choose God to be saved? (3) Is it fair to save only a limited number of people? Any ideas? (1) God doesn't choose "some' people to be saved. (2) A person doesn't necassarily choose to be "saved". They choose to obey the almighty God, and in turn yeah. (3) There isn't a limited number of people that will be saved. Punishment for sin is death, but Jesus already took your punishment. There is nothing you can do that would be greater then what has already been done for you. |
- Have you ever seen God yourself Everywhere :) - Have you ever listened to his voice In every decision I've made :) Thousands of people is being murdered , raped somewhere in this world Yes people can be awefully cruel. Imagine a girl being raped... screaming for help .. what does this God do then ? What this God has given to humanity ? Why are you so worried about the here and now. Yes it's unfortunately the girl was raped, but the rapist will have his reward for his action. Remember, we were kicked out of Eden and separated from God. So we spend our life trying to acheive getting back to God. Where I will spend all eternity with God and I'll never have anything to fear, cry over or be sad about. God has given his self for humanity on the cross so you could live. And while we're separated from God, he never promised it would be a paradise here, plus again the woman being raped was a use of free will of the man doing the raping. Has no connection to God in that exact context. You see God !!?? How does he look like ? He or She ? Does God has any particular gender ? You failed to answer another question , why do God fail to feed those poor people ? If this God can't feed people here, there is no guarantee that he/ she would be able to feed people in what you say heaven . Anyway, be happy with your God . God looks like love. Gender's are irrelevant to God, as genders are for reproductive purposes. Who said it was God's job to feed people? And have these starving people asked God? Why in the world would anyone need food in Heaven? We only need food to restore the nutrients for this mortal body. In Heaven we are given a new body in likeness of God. Philippians 3:21 21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself. |
Edited by
Thu 06/04/15 10:21 AM
Read more here: Who Wrote the Bible? Many people contributed to the writing of the Bible. In fact, the Bible is a diverse collection of writings from about 40 main contributors—30 in the Old Testament and 10 in the New Testament. Some books are actually collections of writings from several authors, not just one. For example, while many people think of David when they think of the book of Psalms, there are individual psalms attributed to Moses, Asaph, a man named Ethan, and the sons of Korah. Old Testament authors The accounts preserved in the Old Testament—also known as the First Testament or Hebrew Scriptures—go back thousands of years. They were written down and communicated orally. Many regard Moses as the primary human author of the first five books of the Bible, known as the Torah. Regardless of the role others may have played in compiling the Torah, it’s thought that Moses ensured the narratives, genealogies, and law codes were collected and retold faithfully in these five books (which are, after all, known by many Jewish people as the “five books of Moses”). As already mentioned, David is considered the main human author of the Psalms, though others contributed too. David’s son, King Solomon, is credited with writing or inspiring much of Bible’s wisdom literature (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, etc.). The First Testament also contains oracles from prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, and others. Many of these messages were delivered in person—shouted from street corners, spoken in front of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, or pronounced in the royal courts of Israel and Judah. Only later were these oracles written down, often by the prophets themselves or by their scribes. As time passed, all these writings were collected together into the First Testament. The Jewish people received them as divinely inspired Scripture. New Testament authors The New Testament consists of stories, teachings, and letters that circulated among the first Christian churches. Letters from apostles like Paul and Peter are among the earliest writings in the New Testament. These letters were meant to be read aloud by communities of believers in specific locations. After the recipients heard the message intended for them, they often memorized it and shared it with neighboring Christian communities. Luke and Acts, a two-volume series on the life of Jesus and the early church, was penned by a physician named Luke, who was also a traveling companion to the apostle Paul. The gospel of Matthew is popularly attributed to a tax collector variously known as Levi or Matthew—though given its content, some think it was written by someone with more training in the Hebrew Scriptures. Mark’s gospel is thought to record the memoirs of Peter, as told through the pen of John Mark. The gospel of John was written by one of Jesus’ closest disciples, giving us an eyewitness account of the Messiah's life. Not just any book, not just any author. Of course, for Christians, the Bible is more than just a human book. It is the authoritative, written Word of God. Through this ancient collection of books, God speaks into our world, revealing who he is and how he’s at work—then and now—repairing all that is broken. God did not simply give dictation to the human authors of Scripture; their contribution is real. Their personalities, perspectives, and writing styles are all discernable in the text—as are the unique situations and circumstances of those to whom they were writing. Yet God’s universal message is present from Genesis to Revelation. It is truly amazing that God used so many people to tell his big story, one that transcends language, culture, and time. The Bible is a diverse collection of literature, yet it contains a unified message of redemption and renewal. God has given us a Bible that’s fully human and fully divine—fully inspired by his Spirit and fully a product of the world in which it was written. Lol.. you are telling the same old story again and again, however the subject matter is. You are telling what you have learned from those priests or religious people , who brainwash you . Just tell me, have you ever felt God? Have you ever seen God yourself ? Have you ever listened to his voice ? Thousands of people is being murdered , raped somewhere in this world. What this God is doing now ? Imagine a girl being raped... screaming for help .. what does this God do then ? What this God has given to humanity ? All the modern day inventions, medicines, communications, everything was and being invented by Human beings, not that God. Ask your God to give food to all those poor people in this world,this God will never be able to feed those people. You did not understand my point . People believe in God , because they are told so. They never verify it. - Just tell me, have you ever felt God? Every day :) - Have you ever seen God yourself Everywhere :) - Have you ever listened to his voice In every decision I've made :) Thousands of people is being murdered , raped somewhere in this world Yes people can be awefully cruel. Imagine a girl being raped... screaming for help .. what does this God do then ? What this God has given to humanity ? Why are you so worried about the here and now. Yes it's unfortunately the girl was raped, but the rapist will have his reward for his action. Remember, we were kicked out of Eden and separated from God. So we spend our life trying to acheive getting back to God. Where I will spend all eternity with God and I'll never have anything to fear, cry over or be sad about. God has given his self for humanity on the cross so you could live. And while we're separated from God, he never promised it would be a paradise here, plus again the woman being raped was a use of free will of the man doing the raping. Has no connection to God in that exact context. |