Why i am single?
And back to the originally scheduled programming...
Ideal person? He/She might be out there. You just have to keep looking further than what is on the outside. Sometimes things don't always work out the way you want and you hurt. Then you will remember that person and day. Hugs out to Kater and Shutter. Hang in there! Hugs, M |
Edited by
Sun 12/16/07 01:24 PM
Ahhh, another Urban Legend.
I have a friend that did a tour in Iraq. Starbucks sends coffee and goodies to soldiers overseas. Whether or not they support the 'war', they do support our men and women serving our country. |
Anyone in NC
Shamookie-Yes, Shelby is boring. My best friend grew up there. She got out as soon as she could.
Raleigh rock, Thumper. And you know it! Charlotte must be okay if I have been here for 19 years. |
> 6. You pull up in your own driveway and use your > cell phone to see if anyone > is home to help you carry in the groceries. Ahhh, did this last night at my Sister's house. I knew people were home since we were celebrating my boy's birthday there. Why didn't I just honk or send the boy ahead to call for help? ![]() |
update on my sister
Love and prayers to you and yours. You will both get through this. Insurance will pay. Otherwise, there is always a way. If you have trouble, email me. My sis is a wiz with working around the insurance red tape. She used to work for some of the biggies back in the day. Hugs, M |
update on my sister
Love and prayers to you and yours. You will both get through this. Insurance will pay. Otherwise, there is always a way. If you have trouble, email me. My sis is a wiz with working around the insurance red tape. She used to work for some of the biggies back in the day. Hugs, M |
IF Hillary gets in...
Oh wait, all that stuff's going to happen anyway whether Hillary gets in or not. Well said. It's not like the popular vote even matters. Anyway, I don't vote, my uterus does. Time for a change...thank goodness W cannot get elected again. |
I think Tameka is thinking about Jura...or if she is getting a pony for Christmas.
I need a tissue..
At least a whining/crying thread worth whining/crying over. Handing you a tissue. ![]() |
they give me their number tell me to call and i dont nether call they dont talk to me anymore Okay, let's use some punctuation here, please. They give you their number. Do you call? Could not tell from the post. It's the law of averages as I have said before. I had to date a lot of frogs before I met the frog that I actually wanted to kiss. |
gotta weed out the bad people not every woman will stiff you. at least you didn't almost date a pregnant psycho like i almost did just keep trying. Wow...ding, ding, win. Pregnant and a psycho? And back to the original topic. Why just Oklahoma? |
starting relationships
Ahhh, I'm confused.
Okay, please do a spellcheck. Paste from word or any other such software. Girls dig good spelling and punctuation. Make your profile more upbeat. As said, you don't need to share why you don't smile (which you should smile no matter what) and that you are losing your hair. As for the people who you say have a hate club thing going against you, have you contacted the authorities? It's all about the law of averages. You will meet the right one someday. You are too young to be worried about dying a virgin. ![]() |
Going Out Alone...
If you are not comfortable with yourself, who is going to be comfortable with you?
Go out, have a good time! Someone...please? I have been out and am home. Got to get the stinky boy in the bed. |
The holiday season is hard on everyone. Be thankful for what you have. Your family, friends and doggies. That is a lot more than other people have. Or you could go get your drink on. Just don't ride the motorcycle at the same time, okay? ![]() |
Oh, Rick, that sucks. At least you went out. Right? Right.
I understand her wanting to have her girls around for back-up, safety, etc. However, if she was digging on you, you would have known it. She would not have ignored you. It is all up to you if you call her to see her again. Don't be discouraged if she says no. Think of it as a numbers game. Play the law of averages. Let us know what you decide to do. ![]() |
stuck up people
There are definitely some 'princesses' on this site. Every place has them and theres no avoiding it. I'm not a Princess, I'm a Queen! And not the drag queen variety. |
What does this mean?
You are dating your mother's boss?
What does this mean?
Ahhhh, won't anyone give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she is busy with work or life.
Then again, as said before...if you have time to pee, you have time to text. Is she giving you the answer she is getting her head straight? I don't know. Something does not seem quite right. |
How about a......
why doesn't everybody just email me and call it good? Consider yourself emailed. I'm killing threads tonight. Sorry if I killed this one on you, doesnt_play_well. ![]() |
Doubt nothing!
Heard from a guy that I was seeing over the summer this past week. After over 3 months of communication, he came out of the woodwork. |