What about sign language?
I'm sure there are many other ways to communicate other than talking. It might be fun to find out. Did she say how she communicates with other? ![]() |
dating sites
there are some good fish in that pond, thouugh In the ponds, yes. In the forums, not so much. Hank, you darling man. Happy New Year! Suz, find me on the other place later. Wink wink, nudge nudge. Want to heare about the dates! Hugs, M |
dating sites
Come help me go through the purses! There are some decent (and plentiful) guys on there. Remember, I met the Dorkface there. ![]() |
dating sites
No, did not even dip a toe into that pond. The forums are quite entertaing to read, but I would not post. I know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em. Hey Lex! I have a training manual to write. Want to do it for me? Will Gem mind? I can feed you and pay you with purses. ![]() |
dating sites
The thing POF has going for it is the mass quantity of people on there. Met a handful a decent guys, made some friends, met 1 weirdo/druggie and the man I have been dating for 3 months now.
All luck of the draw. However I do not do the forums on there. People are mean mean mean there. ![]() |
Southern Belles??
Storm...you are such a Belle! And so am I. We are Disney Princesses!
But we are in NC, not GA. |
Why do...
Okay, you have issues with married people on the site? Have said married people emailed you looking for dates?
Right now, I am in a 'relationship' with someone I did not meet on this site. Since I am involved, I can no longer visit with my friends on the site and watch the mayhem in the forums (or in this case...add to it?). Relax everyone. There is the great feature of being able to block user from contacting you if you don't want them to. ![]() |
Tell me about the ride later. Done the moonlight ride ages ago.
This weather is going to kill me. Let's just have winter and get it over with. Hey, Thump, do you know any good mechanics down this way? |
Brrrrr...someone turn on the heat!
Virtual yard sale
Tried a sample post for a Coach wristlet that I never use. Let's see what becomes of it. If there is any decent response, the camera is coming out and the junk is on the move!
Keep your fingers crossed! Hugs, M |
Virtual yard sale
Anyone done it? Craigslist? Ebay? Any others?
I have so much stuff I need to get rid of and need to raise some funds to have the war wagon overhauled. As you all know, I have lots and lots of stuff. Handbags (of all shapes and sizes), clothes, etc. If you have done this, how were the results? Was it worth the time? I do donate to Goodwill and the Shelters with clothes. But could really use some extra cash. Talk to me! Hugs, M |
{{{Ms. Teddy}}} My thoughts are prayers are going your way.
Have you looked on craigslist to see if anyone has a spare room to rent in your area? Or in the local newspaper? See if there is anything there. Let us know how it goes. ![]() |
{{{Pam}}} {{{Fellow Lepers}}} What did I miss in the last 2 days? Everyone have a fun and festive start to the New Year? ![]() |
Specialized Sites
I have done specialized (Jewish) sites. Met my ex-husband on a now defunct one (or it might have been taken over by the big Jewish one). Had to transplant him from NJ. He still has not forgiven me.
![]() Tried it again a long while ago after the divorce. The problem is that I know every single Jewish guy in my area. 2 are good friends of mine. The others...well, let's just say they are the others. Can't hurt to try if you are looking for something specific and don't mind paying the piper. Fun topic, Lex! ![]() |
What's the deal....
a good thong is as comfortable as having NO underwear. it's NOT like a wedgie...you can't even feel it. Maybe my bum is too big. It sure feels like I have a wedgie when I wear them. Although the lack of pantylines is nice. ![]() |
Okay, if you are at his parent's house, just wait until they come home and talk to them. I'm sure they won't mind you staying there until Friday or giving you a lift to the airport.
I've heard public transportation is good there if you know your way around. I'm sure there is a website for it. ![]() |
Go to the airport and fly home standby. Explain the situation to the agent at the counter and I'm sure they will do their best to get you home. Take good care, M |
Ahhh, when you are done there, get your butt over here to clean. I'll leave the key with the boys next door. If you are nice to them, they will share their drinks.
I'm out the door. See all of you in '08. Hugs, M |
Couldn't be better...unless my house was clean.
What about you, OC? Hey, the craigslist ISO thing worked out really well last night. Got lots of responses from photographers. Now you need to come up with fun pranks for me to pull! |
Evil Wish Game
Wish granted...
But you have to do mandatory double shifts until Sunday! I wish I had time for a nap. |