![]() ![]() use blue crayon....that helps me ![]() See Yellow my definition of Liberal was 100% correct. Liberals believe in attacking by numbers and as I have been reading through your earlier post I noticed that you were being attacked by the herd of crazy liberal conspiracy theory thinking group of atheist. And yes, your friend is right by the way...gays should not marry and your not born gay...it's a choice. I can personal care less if your gay or not but they shouldn't :) Considering this whole post in inaccurate, I don't where to start here. Yellow hasn't been attacked not once. Being gay is not a choice. You either are gay or bi or you are not. It is not a choice at all. How do I know I am not gay? I see a naked woman and have no desire for her. So I am not bi or gay. I was born ungay. Yes, being gay is a choice. And one day you wake up and say "Hmmm, you know what dating the same sex isn't doing it for me so let me try the same instead" That's choice. Also, yes she has bc she mentioned a belief of hers and then the Libs come out (as usual) and want a clear definition or response for what she meant. She gives you one and (of course) it's not to your group's liking so you want another. Read back on the post and you'll see... But, hey I'm just talking out loud :) When did you choose to be straight, smart guy? Hunny,you are making my point from the beginning. Liberals don't have answers ,they answer questions with a follow up question just like you just have done. We are born straight and then you choose to be gay. Most"gay" people start out dating the opposite sex and then CHOOSE to go with their own. It's pretty simple if you take all of the gray out of it and make it just black and white... :D Umm...that's YOUR opinion. Some people believe that people can be born gay. NO...it's not just my opinion MANY people feel the same way. And why even bother when it's such a small group that are gay to begin with? Your not born that way...period |
Whatever right a married couple has , so should any other couple. Whatever right a man has , so should a woman. A man is not unnatural nor is a woman. Marriage is not unnatural nor is homosexuality. However -- a man is not a woman and married couples dont need to be homosexual couples. People can fight for equal rights without requiring to ignore their differences. But, it is unnatural and if it were natural then equal rights would apply as for them being couples. As for them being individuals they are equal and have the same rights. |
It was a rhetorical question. The opposite of liberal is authoritarian. The opposite of conservative is radical. DAMN..I knew that! I blanked out... |
How about Deontologist?
look4you....we moved past that and are talking about meat loafs and jigsaw puzzles ![]() these forums change into odd things a lot....keep up ![]() Sorry but I was too busy reading through some stupid post on here... And none of them were me Give you 2 guesses...lol :) |
Dragoness, It would be funny if my child wouldn't have to hear it. I can't imagine all of those kids going to college thinking that. ![]() Well at least you are there to show the kids a different view so they can decide for themselves when they are older. WOW!!! The key word in your own sentence "DECIDE"...lmao! Decide: To cause to make or reach a decision |
![]() ![]() use blue crayon....that helps me ![]() See Yellow my definition of Liberal was 100% correct. Liberals believe in attacking by numbers and as I have been reading through your earlier post I noticed that you were being attacked by the herd of crazy liberal conspiracy theory thinking group of atheist. And yes, your friend is right by the way...gays should not marry and your not born gay...it's a choice. I can personal care less if your gay or not but they shouldn't :) Considering this whole post in inaccurate, I don't where to start here. Yellow hasn't been attacked not once. Being gay is not a choice. You either are gay or bi or you are not. It is not a choice at all. How do I know I am not gay? I see a naked woman and have no desire for her. So I am not bi or gay. I was born ungay. Yes, being gay is a choice. And one day you wake up and say "Hmmm, you know what dating the same sex isn't doing it for me so let me try the same instead" That's choice. Also, yes she has bc she mentioned a belief of hers and then the Libs come out (as usual) and want a clear definition or response for what she meant. She gives you one and (of course) it's not to your group's liking so you want another. Read back on the post and you'll see... But, hey I'm just talking out loud :) When did you choose to be straight, smart guy? Hunny,you are making my point from the beginning. Liberals don't have answers ,they answer questions with a follow up question just like you just have done. We are born straight and then you choose to be gay. Most"gay" people start out dating the opposite sex and then CHOOSE to go with their own. It's pretty simple if you take all of the gray out of it and make it just black and white... :D |
![]() ![]() use blue crayon....that helps me ![]() See Yellow my definition of Liberal was 100% correct. Liberals believe in attacking by numbers and as I have been reading through your earlier post I noticed that you were being attacked by the herd of crazy liberal conspiracy theory thinking group of atheist. And yes, your friend is right by the way...gays should not marry and your not born gay...it's a choice. I can personal care less if your gay or not but they shouldn't :) Considering this whole post in inaccurate, I don't where to start here. Yellow hasn't been attacked not once. Being gay is not a choice. You either are gay or bi or you are not. It is not a choice at all. How do I know I am not gay? I see a naked woman and have no desire for her. So I am not bi or gay. I was born ungay. Yes, being gay is a choice. And one day you wake up and say "Hmmm, you know what dating the same sex isn't doing it for me so let me try the same instead" That's choice. Also, yes she has bc she mentioned a belief of hers and then the Libs come out (as usual) and want a clear definition or response for what she meant. She gives you one and (of course) it's not to your group's liking so you want another. Read back on the post and you'll see... But, hey I'm just talking out loud :) |
![]() ![]() use blue crayon....that helps me ![]() ![]() ![]() According to them it is already laden with the liberal evil...lol I never thought I would see the day when a conservative would call the bible evil in it's form....lol ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() http://www.conservapedia.com/Conservative_Bible_Project I still say, if the bible is too liberal then you are too conservative and if the bible is too conservative then you are too liberal you don't change the bible to suit your politics you change your politics to suit the bible with the disclaimer that that would only apply to Christians who follow the bible you and I know that but there are people on both sides that think differently. after this there will probably be a group of liberals that rewrite the Bible to suit them. it doesn't end....I just don't have to read it. BUT under the constitution...whether agree or not...they are within their rights Sorry but I must disagree with ya. Why are most people against gays in America? Most of the time they are trying to change things whether if it's marriage,the bible or having classes in school or books of my 2 mommies. People don't like change especially when most grew up one way and see that a very small group of people are trying to push their beliefs on them. personally what people believe (as long as it doesn't interfere with me and mine) I really don't care. I am not big on change myself...I really don't like it...but others can do as they wish as long as laws aren't broken or interfering with me....as far as I'm concerned But, that's the problem..."If it doesn't interfer with you directly, you don't care what they do" Saying that and myself included gives them the opportunity to take advantage and go for those "" small changes. Then before you know it...it does affect us directly. For Examople: I have no children so gays having or pushing a book like I have 2 Mommies in the schools don't affect me directly but, when I do have them and the book is already in the schools...I'm Screwed bc I didn't care enough to act when it was happening at that very moment ;) |
![]() ![]() use blue crayon....that helps me ![]() ![]() ![]() According to them it is already laden with the liberal evil...lol I never thought I would see the day when a conservative would call the bible evil in it's form....lol ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() http://www.conservapedia.com/Conservative_Bible_Project I still say, if the bible is too liberal then you are too conservative and if the bible is too conservative then you are too liberal you don't change the bible to suit your politics you change your politics to suit the bible with the disclaimer that that would only apply to Christians who follow the bible you and I know that but there are people on both sides that think differently. after this there will probably be a group of liberals that rewrite the Bible to suit them. it doesn't end....I just don't have to read it. BUT under the constitution...whether agree or not...they are within their rights Sorry but I must disagree with ya. Why are most people against gays in America? Most of the time they are trying to change things whether if it's marriage,the bible or having classes in school or books of my 2 mommies. People don't like change especially when most grew up one way and see that a very small group of people are trying to push their beliefs on them. |
![]() ![]() use blue crayon....that helps me ![]() See Yellow my definition of Liberal was 100% correct. Liberals believe in attacking by numbers and as I have been reading through your earlier post I noticed that you were being attacked by the herd of crazy liberal conspiracy theory thinking group of atheist. And yes, your friend is right by the way...gays should not marry and your not born gay...it's a choice. I can personal care less if your gay or not but they shouldn't :) |
I doubt anything I'm going to show you is going to change your mind. However, you can watch her interview with Katie Couric if you'd like. In my opinion, it does not show her as being vice president material. Seen it. I think it shows someone who felt she was being put into a corner with unfair interviewing tactics. Was Obama asked what magazines and newspapers he reads? I think relying on a single interview as an impression that someone is stupid seems a bit ungainly. Obama is ten months into his presidency and shows absolutely no understanding of how economics work from a Keysian or Austrian school and I don't call him stupid. That's 10 months of evidence. I call him crooked and question his motives, but I wouldn't call him stupid. Even though he is the first president who has refused to release his college grades...just saying... The difference is that Obama would have handled it with far more grace, instead Palin had to act like the poor little martyred victim. Oh they were so mean to me. Why not just say I prefer not to answer the damn question. I might have had more respect for her than the lame a$$ answers she gave. She was answered very direct and simple questions and couldn't answer them, period. She had many interviews, not just that one, she also said many many things on the campaign trail. Do you assume liberals didn't watch all the campaigns? Or all the interviews. Your being asked to google, we already know what she has said. You already know our opinion of her, so why bait us, just go do your own research. Please don't pretend you aren't calling Obama stupid because you are not using the specific word. You don't like Obama, we don't like Palin, not biggy, it's to be expected. And who the heck are you to call anyone dishonest when you obviously are not aware of all the things she has said. I don't think she's stupid at all, I do however think the way she handled herself was pretty lame, and I do think she's a manipulative fundementalist right winger, who learned pretty quickly that you can say almost anything you want, lie or not and make more money spewing BS than actually sticking to a job. Really, I respect your P.O.V on everything but, since we are speaking "honest" (tongue and cheek) I'd say that even you must admit that Palin got trashed badly through out this campaign and that there was never any reason in the world to bring her children into it either. And you have to also admit that she was held back by the McCain people sooo much that people started to think that she had no creditablity bc of the McCain camp. That's who I actually blame and not so much the liberal media. McCain basically spoon fed them by refusing to let her go. And being fair here...as I have mention in other posts that she didn't answer the most direct of question wisely.And it did make her look like a fool whether if it was edited or not there was no excuses for answering some question the way that she did. Ok I can accept that point of view even if there are things I disagree with. Such as, her being trashed. Taking on Palin was an direct insult to the women that voted for Clinton. Mccain thought that we would be so stupid that we would take a woman no matter how we got one as long as women were represented. BS. Typical old man out of touch thinking. Second, she got bashed because of the lame things she said when she was given free run. They held her back because she embarrassed those behind the campaign. I watched McCain's body language at one interview and I swear if they have been alone, he would have read her the riot act for the dumb *** things she said right in front of him. From lipstick on a pig to the dumber things she just let rip thinking the only people paying attention where the fringe in her own base. That's not a particularly bright. Palin and Joe the plumber aren't doing the republicans a favor, they are just making them look more like the radicals they have become. The only response that I can reply with...actually more than 1 ![]() Palin is the only person that can bring a crowd close to whatever obama can do on a bad day. And IF it weren't for Palin NOBODY would have shown up to the rallies for McCain...he was a boring old fart. On top of that she brought in alot of money for the republican party. Like it or not she is a cash cow for the party so that is whyI am confussed as to why in the world would ANY republican politician would move against her. Even run against her would be damaging bc she does have a following. Also, please keep in mind that obama was running for president since 07' I believe and Palin only had a couple of months. Well considering the damage she did to McCain in that short period, it's a damn good thing she didnt have more time. As for him being boring, gotta give ya that one, he was truely boring, but she didn't do him any favors. She brought the far right nutcases and the fringe out in number, yes, but that is what was their downfall. people were so fired up it didn't matter if the things she said were out and out lies, she represented the nutcases and those who wanted their power to continue. The crazies made for some entertainment but they also made the party look like mean spirited buttheads out to win at any cost. That is why my republican friends voted for Obama. They thought McCain has snapped. Palin appealed to the fundementalist crazies, and all the rest that didn't like Obama for whatever other reasons. She brought down the McCain campaign faster than McCain would have done it alone. I watched every thing non stop of 2 years, there wasn't much I didn't see happening. Hell I didn't watch anything else on tv for those two years. Bottom Line, Palin is clever and manipulative, and frankly using the republican base to rack it in. If I were a republican that would piss me off. Ok...just curious, did you have the t.v shut off for 2yrs? Bc, I don't know what campaign that you were watching. I think that I was more than reasonable with my outlook on both candidates and your POV was all leaning left. You must be on soemthing to think that the liberals/democrats are all nice and dandy bc IF you happen to remember the Democrat conventions you saw the police everywhere when they were breaking window and creating chaos OR do you remember the "Truth Squad" OR I could go all day with obama and ACORN as well. Palin didn't destroy anything for McCain. McCain destroyed himself by not utilizing Palin in a better way. How many times was Biden told to STFU and he kept on spouting crap that didn't make sense.You mentioned "clever and manipulative"...LMAO! You must be speaking about the Messiah himself, Mr.obama bc he is the one with how many books again? None the less at what age,lol? Or was it obama that had 120 plus No Votes, or was he the guy that had to mention his poor background,white mother, the father that left him, the aunt hiding out in a project in Brooklyn,Ny and his boo-hoo up bringing. College, hmmm...are there even transcripts that he did anything when he was there except for what he said that he did and there is no proof what so ever. Was it the gay activtist that went into a church to push their agenda but meanwhile you have the nerve to say that the republicans are the crazies...LMAO!!! Get your story straight before approaching me with nonsense. |
He became president in my opinion because he didn't make a fool of himself at every turn, like McCain and Palin did with such ease. I found myself really embarrassed for them at times. I couldn't believe how far they would go to try to bring down Obama, instead of focusing on what they would do to help the country, they did all that same old divisive crap they thought worked for Bush. Well ya it worked for Bush but many of us remember just how ugly that all was too. People were fed up with that kind of divisive crapola. Well, you can give the media the credit for that or you can give credit to obama camp for being the first ones ever to ulitize the media and the internet and the youth movement. You can almsot say "right person,right time" kinda of thing. And you have to see that it was a tough mountain for ANYBODY to climb after following Bush. Really, it got to the point that he (being Bush) was sooo hated that McCain or any republican for that matter that was getting re-elected wanted Bush to support or even stand next to them...lol That's was an edge that oabam cherish...shoot he still does ;) |
I doubt anything I'm going to show you is going to change your mind. However, you can watch her interview with Katie Couric if you'd like. In my opinion, it does not show her as being vice president material. Seen it. I think it shows someone who felt she was being put into a corner with unfair interviewing tactics. Was Obama asked what magazines and newspapers he reads? I think relying on a single interview as an impression that someone is stupid seems a bit ungainly. Obama is ten months into his presidency and shows absolutely no understanding of how economics work from a Keysian or Austrian school and I don't call him stupid. That's 10 months of evidence. I call him crooked and question his motives, but I wouldn't call him stupid. Even though he is the first president who has refused to release his college grades...just saying... The difference is that Obama would have handled it with far more grace, instead Palin had to act like the poor little martyred victim. Oh they were so mean to me. Why not just say I prefer not to answer the damn question. I might have had more respect for her than the lame a$$ answers she gave. She was answered very direct and simple questions and couldn't answer them, period. She had many interviews, not just that one, she also said many many things on the campaign trail. Do you assume liberals didn't watch all the campaigns? Or all the interviews. Your being asked to google, we already know what she has said. You already know our opinion of her, so why bait us, just go do your own research. Please don't pretend you aren't calling Obama stupid because you are not using the specific word. You don't like Obama, we don't like Palin, not biggy, it's to be expected. And who the heck are you to call anyone dishonest when you obviously are not aware of all the things she has said. I don't think she's stupid at all, I do however think the way she handled herself was pretty lame, and I do think she's a manipulative fundementalist right winger, who learned pretty quickly that you can say almost anything you want, lie or not and make more money spewing BS than actually sticking to a job. Really, I respect your P.O.V on everything but, since we are speaking "honest" (tongue and cheek) I'd say that even you must admit that Palin got trashed badly through out this campaign and that there was never any reason in the world to bring her children into it either. And you have to also admit that she was held back by the McCain people sooo much that people started to think that she had no creditablity bc of the McCain camp. That's who I actually blame and not so much the liberal media. McCain basically spoon fed them by refusing to let her go. And being fair here...as I have mention in other posts that she didn't answer the most direct of question wisely.And it did make her look like a fool whether if it was edited or not there was no excuses for answering some question the way that she did. Ok I can accept that point of view even if there are things I disagree with. Such as, her being trashed. Taking on Palin was an direct insult to the women that voted for Clinton. Mccain thought that we would be so stupid that we would take a woman no matter how we got one as long as women were represented. BS. Typical old man out of touch thinking. Second, she got bashed because of the lame things she said when she was given free run. They held her back because she embarrassed those behind the campaign. I watched McCain's body language at one interview and I swear if they have been alone, he would have read her the riot act for the dumb *** things she said right in front of him. From lipstick on a pig to the dumber things she just let rip thinking the only people paying attention where the fringe in her own base. That's not a particularly bright. Palin and Joe the plumber aren't doing the republicans a favor, they are just making them look more like the radicals they have become. The only response that I can reply with...actually more than 1 ![]() Palin is the only person that can bring a crowd close to whatever obama can do on a bad day. And IF it weren't for Palin NOBODY would have shown up to the rallies for McCain...he was a boring old fart. On top of that she brought in alot of money for the republican party. Like it or not she is a cash cow for the party so that is whyI am confussed as to why in the world would ANY republican politician would move against her. Even run against her would be damaging bc she does have a following. Also, please keep in mind that obama was running for president since 07' I believe and Palin only had a couple of months. |
The only way to dispose of all this garbage we have dealt with for the last umpteen years is to vote OUT each and every incumbent in the damn whitehouse.....Whether they vote yay or nay on this health plan bill, get em out........Because after this, they will find another way to take yours and my money.......I will defintely be voting independent in 2012....Hopefully independents will be running in 2010, if so they have my vote as well........It is so degrading and embarrasing that our own people screw us (taxpayers) the way they do....They all need JAP SLAPPED on a daily basis just for good measurement.........I do hope this two party system comes to an end, praying that damn good honest Americans that knows what is like trying to make a good honest living will run for office to protect this country, the LEGAL citizens, and take this country back to where Americans are proud to be American.......To hell with the politicians of today..........That's my story and I am sticking to it........ ![]() ![]() I find myself in agreement with you bc, after all said and done we are the ones getting taxed whether by the person that we voted for or against. But, I don't see a 3rd party anytime soon and I blame that one on Ross Perot, remember him. |
I look at it this way. We were gonna get screw no matter what so, we had to pick the vice that hurt the least ;) Also, I do find obama a very intelligent man but, when you see everyone giving him a past on so much you almost have to root for the underdog. The only time that I even remembered him getting bashed some was against Hillary and that didn't even last that long. People bash Obama here in the forms all the time. Yes, true but that's the forums and not the media which is watched all over the world. He became president basically, for all the passes that he got. |
Anybody help me out by figuring out how to quote just a piece instead of the whole story line?
Thanks in advance :) |
I agree. I'm cracking up reading this thread. I thought Palin was a breath of fresh air. So much for the left supporting women. ;) Im a black woman, I did not feel obligated to support Sharpton when he run, nor did I feel obligated to support Palin's irrelevant winks which came off , to me at least, as very condescending. I find it kind of insulting that in this day and age people are expected to support someone else because of superficial things like gender or race or political association instead of supporting who is the best candidate. Yes, the best candidate. And between the choices that we were presented (not good ones from either side) we need to look at the most qualified and that was the McCain/Palin ticket. As I do agree that we shouldn't just go with a person bc of religion,sex or political assocation bc that is why we are were we are today. Until we can get over that it will continue to be the same, day in and day out. The never ending cycle :( I appreciate that. I dont agree with the implication that obama is elected for being black though, nor that Mccain Palin was a better ticket. I felt OBama and BIden were better candidates. OBama being healthy and young and a fighter. I found him to have relevant understanding and logic about politics , both national and global. His answers seemed to come from his own brain and not something someone fed him. He seemed to have had RECENT and relevant accomplishments and genuine understanding of how the middle class in this country are living. Biden, although very outspoken, seemed to be equally current and relevant and able to Handle himself. I liked Mccaiin as a person but all I saw him run on was his ANCIENT history as a military man. I did not see an understanding by him of any current national issues not involving the military. I also was concerned that with his health, the VP candidate could be very likely to lead the country and when i Heard SARAH speaking,,,initially great. After her initial introduction at the nationals though (with a speech others wrote,,but she delivered brilliantly),,everything fell apart for me. SHe did not seem to truly know what was going on outside of Alaska. She didnt seem to handle herself very well without being handled. She seemed another potential my way or the highway bully like Bush and possibly equaly as vapid. And when she appeared for interview with Mccain speaking for her,,it sealed the already evaporating deal for me. I definitely, like many people I believe, chose the better candidates. I never said that obama was elected solely bc of his color or even implied that either. Maybe, that one wasn't directed to me :) But, as for everything else, I'm sorry but I must disagree...to a point. Obama hasn't done anything yet and yes I realize that he hasn't been there long but like Mr.Biden said we don't have the time to teach as we go (not exact words but, I'm sure that you remember) The only thing that obama has done as of today is reverse many of his own discisions,get involved in matters that had nothing to do with him, do as much over exposure of himself as possible and lean very,very hard left with his dealings with congress. As for Palin you have to blame McCain himself for that one. He and his campaign people never gave her a chance and kept the kid gloves on her way too long. I saw some of those interviews as well and didn't feel like they went great whatsoever but, at the same time I give her a ton of credit for dealing with the abuse that she recieve without snapping. Anybody else in their right mind would have quit a long time ago. And to make fun of McCain and his "Ancient ways" is laughable considering that Biden has more time than McCain himself. Just bc, Biden took the train to work made him an everyday guy...lol. He'd probably get lost if he drove on his own to work ;) And finally, obama being the everyday guy that know sthe middle class is not correct considering that he was and some say that he still is the commmunity oraganzer that served the poor and NOT the middle class in a minority neighborhood. So, how doe sthat make him able to understand people everywhere? How is working in poor hoods help him with the middleclass that happens to employ many of those people? What make him understand foreign policy so well when he was in Cji town most of his time serving. Oh the thing about McCain dying is funny bc that really holds no water when Biden has more medical issues...just saying :) I can agree to disagree. I am sorry if I misunderstood your statement about us being where we are because of peoples superficial allegiences and thinking you were talking about OBamas race. AS for Mccain, I was not at all laughing at his health or his service. I commend him for his service, but going on what he SHOWED and SAID in his campaign, he didnt show me any reason to vote for him. I think OBama served several years helping people in CHicago but I dont think that is all he did at all. We can google websites for both Obama and Palin to find their accomplishments, I am sure they both have plenty in specific areas and it depends upon which areas the voter puts significance on. My statement about MCCains health referred to my concern for a possible Palin as president and the fact that, whatever the reason, I wasnt SHOWN nor did I hear any reason to feel confident about her abilities during their campaign. See, this is where I can spin this and say "but MsHarmony, if obama is the least qualified between himself and Biden why would it make sense to vote for obama then?" You are literally telling me that you voted for a vice president instead of voting for a president.This is why we (being the U.S) is in the **** hole that we are currently in bc, everyone voted for the least qualified man. I rather roll the dice with McCain the more qualified person than a rookie that has zero experience in politics to begin with... I used to have some respect for McCain years ago, but whether you like it or you don't, I voted for Obama because I found him level headed and intelligent, and he didn't engage in the childishness divisiveness that the McCain campaign engaged in. And for other reasons as well. I look at it this way. We were gonna get screw no matter what so, we had to pick the vice that hurt the least ;) Also, I do find obama a very intelligent man but, when you see everyone giving him a past on so much you almost have to root for the underdog. The only time that I even remembered him getting bashed some was against Hillary and that didn't even last that long. |
I doubt anything I'm going to show you is going to change your mind. However, you can watch her interview with Katie Couric if you'd like. In my opinion, it does not show her as being vice president material. Seen it. I think it shows someone who felt she was being put into a corner with unfair interviewing tactics. Was Obama asked what magazines and newspapers he reads? I think relying on a single interview as an impression that someone is stupid seems a bit ungainly. Obama is ten months into his presidency and shows absolutely no understanding of how economics work from a Keysian or Austrian school and I don't call him stupid. That's 10 months of evidence. I call him crooked and question his motives, but I wouldn't call him stupid. Even though he is the first president who has refused to release his college grades...just saying... The difference is that Obama would have handled it with far more grace, instead Palin had to act like the poor little martyred victim. Oh they were so mean to me. Why not just say I prefer not to answer the damn question. I might have had more respect for her than the lame a$$ answers she gave. She was answered very direct and simple questions and couldn't answer them, period. She had many interviews, not just that one, she also said many many things on the campaign trail. Do you assume liberals didn't watch all the campaigns? Or all the interviews. Your being asked to google, we already know what she has said. You already know our opinion of her, so why bait us, just go do your own research. Please don't pretend you aren't calling Obama stupid because you are not using the specific word. You don't like Obama, we don't like Palin, not biggy, it's to be expected. And who the heck are you to call anyone dishonest when you obviously are not aware of all the things she has said. I don't think she's stupid at all, I do however think the way she handled herself was pretty lame, and I do think she's a manipulative fundementalist right winger, who learned pretty quickly that you can say almost anything you want, lie or not and make more money spewing BS than actually sticking to a job. Really, I respect your P.O.V on everything but, since we are speaking "honest" (tongue and cheek) I'd say that even you must admit that Palin got trashed badly through out this campaign and that there was never any reason in the world to bring her children into it either. And you have to also admit that she was held back by the McCain people sooo much that people started to think that she had no creditablity bc of the McCain camp. That's who I actually blame and not so much the liberal media. McCain basically spoon fed them by refusing to let her go. And being fair here...as I have mention in other posts that she didn't answer the most direct of question wisely.And it did make her look like a fool whether if it was edited or not there was no excuses for answering some question the way that she did. |
I agree. I'm cracking up reading this thread. I thought Palin was a breath of fresh air. So much for the left supporting women. ;) Im a black woman, I did not feel obligated to support Sharpton when he run, nor did I feel obligated to support Palin's irrelevant winks which came off , to me at least, as very condescending. I find it kind of insulting that in this day and age people are expected to support someone else because of superficial things like gender or race or political association instead of supporting who is the best candidate. Yes, the best candidate. And between the choices that we were presented (not good ones from either side) we need to look at the most qualified and that was the McCain/Palin ticket. As I do agree that we shouldn't just go with a person bc of religion,sex or political assocation bc that is why we are were we are today. Until we can get over that it will continue to be the same, day in and day out. The never ending cycle :( I appreciate that. I dont agree with the implication that obama is elected for being black though, nor that Mccain Palin was a better ticket. I felt OBama and BIden were better candidates. OBama being healthy and young and a fighter. I found him to have relevant understanding and logic about politics , both national and global. His answers seemed to come from his own brain and not something someone fed him. He seemed to have had RECENT and relevant accomplishments and genuine understanding of how the middle class in this country are living. Biden, although very outspoken, seemed to be equally current and relevant and able to Handle himself. I liked Mccaiin as a person but all I saw him run on was his ANCIENT history as a military man. I did not see an understanding by him of any current national issues not involving the military. I also was concerned that with his health, the VP candidate could be very likely to lead the country and when i Heard SARAH speaking,,,initially great. After her initial introduction at the nationals though (with a speech others wrote,,but she delivered brilliantly),,everything fell apart for me. SHe did not seem to truly know what was going on outside of Alaska. She didnt seem to handle herself very well without being handled. She seemed another potential my way or the highway bully like Bush and possibly equaly as vapid. And when she appeared for interview with Mccain speaking for her,,it sealed the already evaporating deal for me. I definitely, like many people I believe, chose the better candidates. I never said that obama was elected solely bc of his color or even implied that either. Maybe, that one wasn't directed to me :) But, as for everything else, I'm sorry but I must disagree...to a point. Obama hasn't done anything yet and yes I realize that he hasn't been there long but like Mr.Biden said we don't have the time to teach as we go (not exact words but, I'm sure that you remember) The only thing that obama has done as of today is reverse many of his own discisions,get involved in matters that had nothing to do with him, do as much over exposure of himself as possible and lean very,very hard left with his dealings with congress. As for Palin you have to blame McCain himself for that one. He and his campaign people never gave her a chance and kept the kid gloves on her way too long. I saw some of those interviews as well and didn't feel like they went great whatsoever but, at the same time I give her a ton of credit for dealing with the abuse that she recieve without snapping. Anybody else in their right mind would have quit a long time ago. And to make fun of McCain and his "Ancient ways" is laughable considering that Biden has more time than McCain himself. Just bc, Biden took the train to work made him an everyday guy...lol. He'd probably get lost if he drove on his own to work ;) And finally, obama being the everyday guy that know sthe middle class is not correct considering that he was and some say that he still is the commmunity oraganzer that served the poor and NOT the middle class in a minority neighborhood. So, how doe sthat make him able to understand people everywhere? How is working in poor hoods help him with the middleclass that happens to employ many of those people? What make him understand foreign policy so well when he was in Cji town most of his time serving. Oh the thing about McCain dying is funny bc that really holds no water when Biden has more medical issues...just saying :) I can agree to disagree. I am sorry if I misunderstood your statement about us being where we are because of peoples superficial allegiences and thinking you were talking about OBamas race. AS for Mccain, I was not at all laughing at his health or his service. I commend him for his service, but going on what he SHOWED and SAID in his campaign, he didnt show me any reason to vote for him. I think OBama served several years helping people in CHicago but I dont think that is all he did at all. We can google websites for both Obama and Palin to find their accomplishments, I am sure they both have plenty in specific areas and it depends upon which areas the voter puts significance on. My statement about MCCains health referred to my concern for a possible Palin as president and the fact that, whatever the reason, I wasnt SHOWN nor did I hear any reason to feel confident about her abilities during their campaign. See, this is where I can spin this and say "but MsHarmony, if obama is the least qualified between himself and Biden why would it make sense to vote for obama then?" You are literally telling me that you voted for a vice president instead of voting for a president.This is why we (being the U.S) is in the **** hole that we are currently in bc, everyone voted for the least qualified man. I rather roll the dice with McCain the more qualified person than a rookie that has zero experience in politics to begin with... |