Community > Posts By > Jesusofrome

Jesusofrome's photo
Sun 10/25/09 07:48 PM
hey if you can get manga i'll be happy

Jesusofrome's photo
Sun 10/25/09 07:47 PM
[yarns and sits back and watches everyone]

Jesusofrome's photo
Mon 10/19/09 03:35 PM
[walks into the in with a demonic look on his face with blood dripping down from his face takes a seat at an empty table.]
Human! [Slams fist on the table] get me some elvin liquor and something to eat.

Jesusofrome's photo
Thu 10/15/09 09:47 AM

*After checking on daeron she returns down stairs. Her black hood up. She takes a seat in the corner, after nodding to the prince*

[gives a smile and closes eyes]
I'm so tired i'm going to rest a bit wake me up later.
[moves to the other side and nugs Taru's head off Hookchi's lap and rest his head on her lap. Taru lays both of his heads on top of Drol.]

Jesusofrome's photo
Thu 10/15/09 07:25 AM
[comes through the door of the in a little tired. spots Hookchi sitting down on the floor with his trusty hound and sits next to her leaning on her shoulder.]
i told you i'll come back in one peace my love.
<smiles warming at her and rest his head on her lap.>

Jesusofrome's photo
Tue 10/13/09 04:51 PM
[Drol gets up and heads to the door of the inn]
My friends i'm off on an adventurer i shall be back in 9 fork nights.
i bid you all a farewell and hope to see you when i return.

Jesusofrome's photo
Tue 10/13/09 04:40 PM

*jumps up with a scream. She was dreaming bout her past. Her face turns red an looks around, seeing that no one is around she calms down. She puts her head down an starts to think bout the dream*

[pops head out from the shadows where a table is at?]
-_- fright and taro hunt the dreams yet not knowing reality from a dream is up in the mind of a simple child in a land of j.oy
*turns to the prince.* Dreams are our minds not letting us forget the past.

as a dark Elvin you should learn to bottle up that emotion and let lose in a fight just like my kill joy gf.
[looks over at her still hacking up the wolf]
-_- see what i mean let lose and fighting. all in due time you'll learn the way of the elders. just like i still get kill happy from time to time.

Jesusofrome's photo
Tue 10/13/09 10:21 AM

*jumps up with a scream. She was dreaming bout her past. Her face turns red an looks around, seeing that no one is around she calms down. She puts her head down an starts to think bout the dream*

[pops head out from the shadows where a table is at?]
-_- fright and taro hunt the dreams yet not knowing reality from a dream is up in the mind of a simple child in a land of j.oy

Jesusofrome's photo
Mon 10/12/09 06:09 PM

He smiles "do they also teach that all others are weak? Well, give her these" he writes then slides him some roots, herbs, and a few different flowers."I've noticed her knives are with poison. Tell her to mix these into paste, it will neutralize the toxins."

lol no my friend all elvin think like that it's just the old way of thinking.
[has his demon take the items to her.]

Jesusofrome's photo
Mon 10/12/09 05:48 PM

He nodes and smiles and takes another sip of drink. He begins writing "So what's up with the small one? Why is she always focused on killing?"

[takes out a pad and snaps his fingers for a ink well filled with red ink and a phoenix feather. pricks you with the feather and then dips it into the ink well. he does this so no one else can be able to read the message.]
see as a dark elvin if you choose to be an assassin they tend to make you go a little crazy from the age of 3 they make you kill. when i was a lad i saw the assassins train her making her kill stray dogs and cats as she grew up they they put her skills to the test they threw her into a dungeon filling with killers and criminals. all that was herd was laughing and don't run don't run. but it wasn't the people it was her that was saying it. the assassins have a strict creed of how to train their people. at first she use to cry when she killed then laugh while killing but over time she learned how to control it to show no emotion. they say assassins have no soul but i'm with her to try to bring her soul back to make her normal once again.

Jesusofrome's photo
Mon 10/12/09 05:12 PM

"There was nothing wrong with them" he writes "I was just returning the favor for the apple." He takes some herbs and puts them in some hot water and begins to drink some.

i know i just want to make sure they're put away with my other goods. i only carry apple and ether with me.

Jesusofrome's photo
Mon 10/12/09 05:01 PM

He started eating the food that he had ordered. He ordered some water and began to sip on it. He noticed the wolf that was in there. He stared at it and smiled for a minute and continued eating.

Sorcha's wolf looks at the elf that does not speak. He lifts his head and whines.....

He grabs his crafted staff and pushes down while quickly giving it a twist. It let's out a long howl. A large grey wolf comes running in through the open door and stops by his side. He reaches down and scratches his head. He nodes his head at Drol as he walks up to the bar. He slides him some herbs and smiles.

[looks at the herbs summons a demon and has the demon take the herbs away.]

Jesusofrome's photo
Mon 10/12/09 04:14 PM

Over hearing the haughty arrogance of the elf, she looks at him inrently...."I'll have you know that I don't get drunk least of all at this hour" she says, shaking her head she places her hand on her wolf as a low growl comes from him.

^__^ fear not friend she only goes after those who get on her bad side you are fiend you are in good hands you have not yet got on her bad side. so relax all those who are friends with me are safe.

>.< "That is good to know, we all need freinds in times such as these. Just know I am not one to be crossed either. " she returns to her journal.
"Boromir, a glass of wine please"

[leaves a white apple next to you're journal. Walks back to his bar while taking a bite out of one of the many apples he has in his bag.]

Jesusofrome's photo
Mon 10/12/09 12:47 PM
Edited by Jesusofrome on Mon 10/12/09 12:48 PM
[looks over at the mute guy and gives a fake smile.]

Jesusofrome's photo
Mon 10/12/09 12:10 PM

Over hearing the haughty arrogance of the elf, she looks at him inrently...."I'll have you know that I don't get drunk least of all at this hour" she says, shaking her head she places her hand on her wolf as a low growl comes from him.

^__^ fear not friend she only goes after those who get on her bad side you are fiend you are in good hands you have not yet got on her bad side. so relax all those who are friends with me are safe.

Jesusofrome's photo
Mon 10/12/09 11:49 AM
Well Hookchi there are plenty of drunks and people sleeping in here to test out your new weapons. [pick up a weird looking sword] hum i like this blade may i have it?

Jesusofrome's photo
Mon 10/12/09 09:45 AM

<comes out from the room and down stair half naked only wearing a top and a min skirt. make sher way to the bar.> ¬_¬ hum..... Boromir human bar keep get me some thing strong to drink.
<pulls out a glove and some knives and starts to work on them trying to combine them and looks at her blue prints for her glove claw.> mmmmmmm
<starts flipping through her other blue prints to take a look at what eles she can make.>

[hovers over Hookchi]
The new weapons looks interesting. This is the first time i seen you so close to non Elvin. don't start any thing today ok. hum whats these other notes you working on.

Jesusofrome's photo
Fri 10/09/09 10:43 PM
[leaves the room with Hookchi asleep in the bed. makes his way to the bar with a big smile on his face]
That was fun i;m ready for anything. Taru here boy lets have a drink!

Jesusofrome's photo
Fri 10/09/09 08:42 PM
[summons a few demons and his trusty hell hound Taru the barr is full of all kind of underworld characters]
ok every one get your fill of food we're going to go out on a quest. If you died don't worry. [all the demons laugh] ha death is no problem for you guys we're going to put this plan in action a rare weapon and ring is deep in the woods and we're going to find it. let nothing get in your way and who ever gets in your way don't let them taken anything away from you but give them everything you got and if you have to hang them to make an example so no one will bother us.
[all the demons cheer]

Jesusofrome's photo
Fri 10/09/09 06:52 PM
Hookchi stop starting trouble and why are you play with an wood elvin eyes?

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