Community > Posts By > Jesusofrome
The Green Dragon's Inn
[Puts some Elvin weed into his pipe and lights it with a black flame takes a few puffs] thanks for the wine Boromir [blows out different color smoke] She watches the man with the pipe with intent interest and her eyes widen a little when his smoke appears as different colors. [stops smoking for a second goes through his bag and takes out a white apple and holds it out to De'Lana] Don't be scared i might be a dark elvin but i'm not all mean. go ahead human a gift for you. |
The Green Dragon's Inn
[Puts some Elvin weed into his pipe and lights it with a black flame takes a few puffs] thanks for the wine Boromir
[blows out different color smoke] |
The Green Dragon's Inn
[Drol comes him holding 2 dead bores on his shoulders and Taru is holding a dead deer on his back.] Boromir my friend i have some fresh meet. "Wow well thank you kindly! I shall drag those into the kitchen. The owner Criani Peracien will reward you for these," Boromir says dragging the two into the kitchen. Doing my part to make sure everything is safe. i might be a dark elvin but i'm kind heart to the lower class. [walks to a table and takes a seat next to De'Lana] Do you mind if i smoke? |
The Green Dragon's Inn
Her eyes light up as she sees Boromir. there is something strangly familiar about him, she can't put a finger on it. She sees him trip and her eyes begin to glow. she wonders if he is hurt. SHe smells the blood of the animals that has been brought in. Her wolf lifts his huge head and coc ks an ear, nose quivering. [pass by Sorcha Lycaon puts down one of the pigs and reaches into his bag hands Sorcha Lycaon a white apple and goes into another pouch and gives Sorcha Lycaon's hound a treat] As ather always told me show kindness to others and you'll never fight alone. also if you speak for those who have no voice they'll join you. |
The Green Dragon's Inn
[Drol comes him holding 2 dead bores on his shoulders and Taru is holding a dead deer on his back.]
Boromir my friend i have some fresh meet. |
The Green Dragon's Inn
[leaves his room with his hound following him]
Hum lets have some fun Taru [Goes down stairs and heads outside circles the town killing off what ever looks like would be dangerous or a good meaty animal to take back to the in the be rosted] |
The Green Dragon's Inn
[Drol gets up from the seat stretches out Taru mimics him all the demons vanish] YYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNN!
Hey bar keep have one of you servant girls bring me something sweet to eat and some water for the hound. [throws a small 5pound bad filled with gold coins] I think this should cover 3 fork nights and food. [walks up to Daeron Haeloth's table and waves at him with 2 fingers and leaves and white apple. Then head off before Drol reaches his room her turns around.] Bar keep free drinks and a meal for those who didn't bother me or spoken ill about me. [goes into his room] |
The Green Dragon's Inn
Edited by
Wed 10/07/09 08:03 PM
[Dozes off with his demons around him still playing Tetra Master]
-_-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz [Taru curls up by Drol's feet and guards him] |
The Green Dragon's Inn
*Glances to he man an his dog, her piercing eyes seem to look right throw him* Can I help you? [pets his hound on one of it's heads] no just thought i seen you before is all. well while i got your attention what brings you to this part filled with humans and half lings? ¬_¬ wench only trying to be nice. [Goes to a table to play Tetra Master.] All is welcome to play. [summons some demons to play as well] |
The Green Dragon's Inn
*Glances to he man an his dog, her piercing eyes seem to look right throw him* Can I help you? [pets his hound on one of it's heads] no just thought i seen you before is all. well while i got your attention what brings you to this part filled with humans and half lings? |
The Green Dragon's Inn
*Tiage storms in, takes a seat in the corner. Her black cloak still hiding her face. She grumbles to herself* stupid old man. [Drol looks over at Tiage and goes back eating and throws a bone to his hound.] |
The Green Dragon's Inn
Boromir brings the food and drinks immediately to the elf. ![]() thank you [tips Boromir 4 gold coins] |
The Green Dragon's Inn
[sits at the bar whit his hound sitting by his side] bar keep a bottle of the finest elvin liquor you have and a meal. and what ever scraps you have for the hound.
The Green Dragon's Inn
{Looks down at the bar area from the second floor} seems like there are more and more Elvin are coming in. ^_^ it's good to see Elvin. this time i hope they're much more warm heart to their fellow Elvin.
The Green Dragon's Inn
thank you for the the drink Boromir but now i'll be leaving, i can see i have ruffled the princes skirt so i must exit before he calls his guards on me but this isn't the last he's seen of me ¬_¬ winch watch you're tong i don't need demons or summons to take you on nor weapons. don't need back talk from an elvling i smell human on you. you trader. |
The Green Dragon's Inn
![]() ![]() tell me how evil are you human? ![]() ![]() i think the little prince could take a lesson or two from you on how to attract something besides trouble...because i doubt he can hold his own in a fight ::thinks to self winch doesn't know a think :: Smirks while playing with Taru. |
The Green Dragon's Inn
i am prince Drol son of king Susej and queen Yarrm of Vana'diel well that explains the ego....males no matter what race seem to think that labels equal power but really they just show your lack of strength for you're too weak to make your own name in the world that you have to rely on dead ancestors to put you on a pedestals...if you can manage to shrink your ego maybe i'll show you some other ways to use dead ancestors! my whole i never meet a rude Elvin like demons were my care takers my teachers my friends. gets up and leaves to his room grabs a whole bottle of elvin liquor. ¬_¬ summons his hell hound Taru to comfort him. ^_^ who's a good demonic pup? |
The Green Dragon's Inn
Idara makes a leaf blowing entrance into the tavern but she doesn't need it to get attention. The room always grows cold when she enters, she can't help it, everyone she hangs around with is dead. The life of a dark elf is pretty grim as it is but to be a necromancer makes it even more dark and sinister. Idara likes it that way, all the ones she's loved have betrayed her and turned her heart to cold ice. Now she uses their rickety corpses as pawns in her dark little game she plays. Looks over at Idara. '_' ................... what is your name curious one? i am prince Drol son of king Susej and queen Yarrm of Vana'diel |
The Green Dragon's Inn
Play a game with my demons a game that the Elvin play before half lings started to show up in this world. now if you're elvin you're a friend of mine if now shoe before you get me mad. ![]() ![]() shoe hobbit before i turn you into boots for my demons. ![]() ![]() all you humans and half lings look the same to me. why don't you be a good human and fetch me Elvin liquor. |
The Green Dragon's Inn
Play a game with my demons a game that the Elvin play before half lings started to show up in this world. now if you're elvin you're a friend of mine if now shoe before you get me mad. ![]() ![]() shoe hobbit before i turn you into boots for my demons. |