Community > Posts By > CatsLoveMe
Before people get too carried away "bashing" Islam, perhaps they might also want to really dive into the Old Testament and look at some of the crap that the Jews did. And this is important because like it or not, Judaism is the founding cornerstone of Christianity. People are upset because some "radical" Muslims are upset over a cartoon? You see ridiculous example after ridiculous example of people being executed, stoned to death, and murdered in the name of Holy War, all throughout both the Old and New Testament. So really, this "Diviner than thou" attitude needs to stop. Well, that's all nice 'n dandy, but, see, there's this little 'detail' ... the CHRISTIAN religions QUIT those practices long ago. Yes, the Inquisition happened. Yes, the Crusades happened. Yes, the Salem Witch Trials and other things also happened. Does that make them right? No. The thing that sets the MODERN religions apart from 'islam' is that Islam STILL USES THE 7th CENTURY AS A MINDSET. Sorry, but if there's a 'diviner than thou' at work here, it's coming from the muzzie world. I haven't seen any call from Christians OR Jews for 'holy war' (an oxymoron if ever there was one) or beheading of 'infidels' or 'honor killings' (another oxymoron) or the installation of 'Sharia law' (look, mommy - another oxymoron) ... The comparison and contrast between 'then' and 'now' shows that the muzzie world still has the hormone-fueled rage of a drunken youth who forgot to take their Thorazine. If beheadings and suicide bombings aren't 'radical' enough for you to consider there MAY be a slight difference between US and THEM, well, Hopalong, there ain't much use tryin' to persuade y' otherwise ... Are you quite sure about that? Remember "One Nation Under God?" It would seem that our United States is to a large degree founded upon Christian theology, and it's laws even today are influenced and biased by Christian values. Everything from gambling, to prostitution, polygamy, homosexual marriage, sodomy, abortion and others have certain laws against them because they do not sit well with Christian values. To some degree the reason we have a Saturday/Sunday weekend is based upon the Sabbath Laws, Saturday for Jews, Sunday for Christians. We have "Blue Laws" all over the country thanks in part to Christian values. We are not as modern in our beliefs as you might suspect. |
Funny professional names
What last name would be ironic or funny about a person who works in a particular profession?
I'll start, and this one is absolutely true. My father had an OPTOMETRIST named DR. LENS. ![]() How about a dentist named Dr. Payne? ![]() |
Check that video out. If you've never been, it really makes you want to go there. Outdoor capital of the West, lots to do there. I love it. I am going back out there on May 20 to see her again, and then hopefully permanently by late summer. |
Free full-body massages?
It's raining here today too...melted all the snow. Sometimes some hail mostly rain now and cold. It's been an interesting couple days of weather. It soooo is not spring time.. Where is this, in Utah LadyLid? Near Provo? You've got me curious now. Yep, I'm in Utah, you know that.. I'm about 40 minutes out of Salt Lake City It must be either in or near Provo then, because Utah County, Utah is nicknamed the Happy Valley. Anyhow, it's all snow here in Thornton, CO. The all-rain switched over to all-snow about 20 minutes ago. And it's heavy and wet. ha..trying to figure it out huh? actually there are a few "happy valley's" in this state. Everybody thinks they live in one. lol Yep, I'm in utah county for now... 40 minutes south of SLC Ah hah! I thought so. Hey I learned something new today. ![]() I'll most likely be becoming a cross-state neighbor soon as I will be moving to Moab in a few months. I just need to adopt-out my 2 cats first. |
Why do women stay in abusive relationship .... once i asked this lady why she stay with somebody's like that .. she said to me "he beats me cause he loves me " am not lashing out on the males alone you got females who beats the hell out of their mates .... Okay, let me hit the reset button here. Why do they stay? Well I would also include the men who are abused by women too, why do they stay. Most likely the same reason. Because of several reasons. They hope that somehow, someday soon it will all get better, they HOPE their significant other will one day see the light and what they are doing is wrong and hurting you. They stay because maybe somehow, they feel they are somewhat responsible for causing the abuse, as unjustified as it is. They stay because they fear the idea of throwing away years of a relationship they invested alot in. They stay because they dread the idea of starting over alone, and also might not have anyplace else to live. Abusive relationships are pretty horrible places to be, but sometimes for some, the abused might not have anywhere or anyone else to turn to, it happens, and it's a sad thing. So indeed you are right to a degree that it may be fear, low self esteem, and love. Not the person's fault really, but they do tend to explain why they stay, when so many people tell them to leave. ![]() |
Is it right????
Isn't that kind of like a guy in a grocery store walking up to a really hot girl in the check out line and saying "Will you marry me?" One in a million shot I guess, but if you must, then you must.
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It's raining here today too...melted all the snow. Sometimes some hail mostly rain now and cold. It's been an interesting couple days of weather. It soooo is not spring time.. Where is this, in Utah LadyLid? Near Provo? You've got me curious now. Yep, I'm in Utah, you know that.. I'm about 40 minutes out of Salt Lake City It must be either in or near Provo then, because Utah County, Utah is nicknamed the Happy Valley. Anyhow, it's all snow here in Thornton, CO. The all-rain switched over to all-snow about 20 minutes ago. And it's heavy and wet. |
It's raining here today too...melted all the snow. Sometimes some hail mostly rain now and cold. It's been an interesting couple days of weather. It soooo is not spring time.. Where is this, in Utah LadyLid? Near Provo? You've got me curious now. |
In this time of economic woe, remember there are meteorolgists like Kathy Sabine of 9News that have an annual salary of $425,000! Unless she can actually control the weather, I don't think she should be pulling down that kind of money for reading NWS reports.
I just love how all these chicken littles get all terrified when they hear of a tornado or see one, and the effed-up media around here in the Mile-High city doesn't help either. What's the tornado gonna do? Blow on you? You'd be incredibly lucky here if one tore a few shingles off your roof or maybe blew a tree down on your pick-up. But they do not do jack-diddly-squat here. They're weak, nothing at all like the Jared, Oklahoma one a few years back. So whenever someone says there's a tornado warning here, I just say "So?!" Big deal. Wind storms and hail do far far more damage here than some measly little F0 or F1, when we get them, and most of the time they're just funnel clouds. I think that 1939 Wizard of Oz movie scared alot of people. "Twister" didn't help any either.
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It started snowing an hour ago...and it's really coming down. There is even occasional hail. WTF???? Just 2 days ago it was summer, who is making this happen? Is anyone having summer yet? It's raining big time here in Denver, on and off for the last few days, but today, this morning, it's been raining hard and steady. Good for the lawns and flowers, sure, but it's a cold windy rain, and definitely not any fun to be out in, unless you love cold showers. It's nasty out. By the way it's still sunny in Moab. Only rained once briefly there a couple of days ago. But Sox tells me it's sunny and warm just about every day. So I don't know where exactly you LadyLid are from in UT but in the Moab Valley, they are having a beautiful pleasant spring over there. |
Before people get too carried away "bashing" Islam, perhaps they might also want to really dive into the Old Testament and look at some of the crap that the Jews did. And this is important because like it or not, Judaism is the founding cornerstone of Christianity. People are upset because some "radical" Muslims are upset over a cartoon? You see ridiculous example after ridiculous example of people being executed, stoned to death, and murdered in the name of Holy War, all throughout both the Old and New Testament. So really, this "Diviner than thou" attitude needs to stop.
What Drives You CRAZY?
Tea baggers!
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As sad as domestic abuse is, there is one thing far worse and even more reprehensible. False reporting and charging of domestic abuse. People who do this will burn in Hell for all eternity. Lives and relationships are completely devasted by such a cruel and malicious act. So anyone out there who's either done it or is thinking about doing it, may God have mercy on your soul, you will burn.
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What da hell mang?
EMOs are just people that really need to spend about 2 to 4 weeks of hard labor on a cattle ranch. That will straighten them out. That and 14 hours a day of non-stop country music.
Favorite Nature Hike
The beaches and shoreline of Lake Michigan.
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Well, Cats ~~~
Edited by
Wed 04/21/10 01:28 PM
Well, if it comes down to it, Cats ... Bring them here to Boulder's Humane Society ... We've a No~Kill policy, enabled by high demand ... MOST here just feel compelled to do the right thing here and adopt! I actually don't know any pet owners here who haven't adopted from there ... I know that we did too ... Many of us volunteer there, as well, including my daughter and I ... So, they are well cared for and loved before adoption, as well ... Still, hope it works out to keep your family intact ... ![]() Oh my gosh, thank you Dancere, I had no idea until now about that policy. That was what I was the most worried about, is that if I was forced to give them up for adoption at a shelter, there would be an "expiration date." I'll definitely keep the Boulder Humane Society in mind. I talked with my sister today, and she may be able to help me, but she still has to talk it over with her husband. Even if he says no, she'll still take them for at least a month, and then we can work on finding them a home somewhere or use the Boulder option. ![]() |
I think Google maps and street-views actually should be a little better and more updated. I see stores that went out of business 5 years ago, and stores that are there now, don't show up in the street view. I could be wrong about this, but I think their little free service they offer might just be a little behind the times.
when you diet..
I am up at 6 a.m. every day so my dog and I always go by at least 7 love the fresh smell of the morning and the sunrise!! ![]() Good point, mikey. If you have a dog that needs to go out in the morning, then that usually is a good motivator for you to go out and start your day with an A.M. walk. It gets awfully cold here in Denver at least in the winter months in the morning, that's why I dread going out in the mornings then. But in the spring and summer, it is quite enjoyable. |