Community > Posts By > Ghostrider2u

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Tue 09/25/12 04:07 PM
I admit that sometimes my sense of humor can be lost on some....
I can Honestly say....
I have never been reported.
And I go quite a ways back into Just Say Hi.
I have however been called down a time or two by a Mod.
And I commend them for the good job they do.
They saw a potential that someone might take offense to my humor....brought it to my attention and trusted me to be adult, respectful and Decent about it.
would I report someone.....
It would have to get pretty ugly.
I roll with the punches and enjoy my time here.
Just gotta respect the folks around us and walk away from those who can't!!!

no photo
Tue 09/25/12 02:46 PM

I want a ride on Ghosts bike!!!

I have a seat just for ya!!!!!


no photo
Tue 09/25/12 02:43 PM


Thats exactly what I was thinkin bout.....


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Sun 09/23/12 07:27 PM
give her a starbucks n a place to rest her head!

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Sun 09/23/12 04:01 PM
<<<<<<<<<<Looks in.....

hears the echo of....Silence.....


laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 09/23/12 03:57 PM
Avoid if I can.
in my face......I confront it...make it clear I have NO use for it....

and move on down the.....Road!!!

no photo
Sun 09/23/12 12:20 PM

Someone rather Special!!!!


Short bus kinda special?

Only when she wears her....

Hello kitty Helmet!!!


no photo
Sun 09/23/12 12:13 PM
Someone rather Special!!!!


no photo
Sun 09/23/12 09:49 AM
Look at the bright side Dude......

Ya didn't marry her.....(no alimony)
Ya didn't give her your House........( no shared assets)
Ya didn't have kids with her.....(no child support or custody battles)

I'd say ya came out of it ahead of the game.

Learn the lessons here and move on to the next......


NEVER make the above mistakes!!!!

Good Luck!!

no photo
Sun 09/23/12 09:40 AM

I donno .....I think of my girl as an equal .

I help her when she needs help.

She helps me when I need help.

Individually we have our strengths and weakness.

Together, we become much more.

She definitely makes me feel like I am a better man.

This Right Here^^^^^^^

no photo
Sat 09/22/12 11:53 PM

I used to have limits.
But I am expanding my horizons.
I am learning that a rare few people much younger than I....
Have aquired wisdom.....
gained knowledge....
developed maturity......
and most importantly.....
Find me.....
At my advanced age!!!

I'm sayin about 12 yrs younger is the max for me!!


12 years isn't too bad. Where I would see the problems with me would be a 20 year gap.

Yea 20 yrs would freek me out. too close to my oldest childs age....

no photo
Sat 09/22/12 11:48 PM
I used to keep up with her on a poetry site...
but I havnt seen her there in a long while!

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Sat 09/22/12 11:44 PM

no it didn't....but i got it.

which old friend?

I lost track of noden about two yrs ago!

duh...sorry i was not thinking...

we havent talked in about six months. last we did, she was doing quite well. (as compared to before) i'm sure i'll have contact again and when i do i'll keep you posted.

appreciate it Bro.....If ya talk to her let her know Im back here n I said Hidiho!!

no photo
Sat 09/22/12 11:40 PM
I used to have limits.
But I am expanding my horizons.
I am learning that a rare few people much younger than I....
Have aquired wisdom.....
gained knowledge....
developed maturity......
and most importantly.....
Find me.....
At my advanced age!!!

I'm sayin about 12 yrs younger is the max for me!!


no photo
Sat 09/22/12 11:32 PM

no it didn't....but i got it.

which old friend?

I lost track of noden about two yrs ago!

no photo
Sat 09/22/12 11:29 PM
I didnt mean to do it. I was tryin for a smiley face that would rival the sun.


I am only.....



no photo
Sat 09/22/12 11:26 PM
well that didnt come out right.


no photo
Sat 09/22/12 11:25 PM



Im a friendly Ghost.....

maybe so, but they also say snakes are more afraid on us than we are of them.

in my case there is no f-ing way that is true either. laugh

Sounds good Bro.....give me a heads up. I have been meanin to e-mail ya and see if you hear anything from our mutual old friend, but I keep forgettin.

I can only say that the two that bit me.....were NOT afraid of me!!!
laugh noway laugh

i understand...hey you know i was up you way a week or two ago. may be going to dekalb in a month or so. we should grab a beer or two.

no photo
Sat 09/22/12 11:22 PM

Thats cool Andy.....

but if it ain't got 1800 cc's or more.....

I aint ridin it!!!

Yeah, my brother gave me crap about the 50cc gasser I made recently. On the flats it will go 37mph all out and it still wants a little more. Not bad for a home built moped huh? But there is one time 1800cc's won't do you a lick of good...

If you let the tank run out on a long ride! Then you would need peddles!

well Honestly Bro......It was My 1971 Schwinn Banana seat ape hanger handle bar bike that gave me the itch!!!

no photo
Sat 09/22/12 11:19 PM

Happy Birthday Dude.

But don't think for a minute that you won....

Just because its your Birthday!!!!

drinker laugh drinker

Thanks Ghostrider.

I think my 14,958 post winning streak speaks for itself...
laugh laugh laugh

It's early yet Bro.....

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